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What did you have for dinner? -Part dois (1 Viewer)

Grilled some burgers with grilled onions that had been marinated in Caesar dressing. Seemed like a reasonable idea and it turned that it was.

Drank a blueberry beer that one of my wife's friends bought me. Sounds nasty but I will not throw away a gift. About the best I can say is that it wasn't horrible.
My potato salad from the weekend, albacore tuna salad with onion and celery, along with cucumber, tomato, onion salad in olive oil and vinegar with croutons, green and black olives, sharp cheddar, crackers. Banana pudding from the market.
I thawed out our frozen Barbacoa leftovers and served it with blue corn tortilla chip nachos and a side of mac and cheese. The mac and cheese was mostly for older kiddo, who got garlic bread with it. The dish was sort of adult / kid food fusion.
Went to another buffet. This time with a Korean theme. Grilled wagyu strips, assorted salads, USDA prime strips, pork chops, fries, shrimp tempura, lots of tuna and salmon sashimi, fried rice, gyoza, and crepe for dessert. Burp.
First day of Spring here this week and our first lettuces are ready for harvest. Winter lettuce is a very expensive commodity here so seeing some nice healthy ones in our garden got me thinking. Baked fresh bread buns for roast chicken, lettuce, gravy and mayo 'burgers'. Lots of lettuce!! It's also avocado season here so tonight will be avo, ham, lettuce, chutney (they call it pickles here). This is one of my goto quick meals all summer using a local 'pickles' brand that is extremely tasty.
I'm even lazier than you. I bought Thai curry chicken soup. I added nothing to it and was barely able to turn the stove on.
I don't have any place to get decent Thai or even Indian takeout less than 30 minutes away. It was either pizza or another faux Chipolte bowl, which very well may be tomorrow's dinner because I'm exhausted from the daily medical appointments.
Chicken Parm w/steamed green beans on the side

Pan fried for a few minutes and finished in the air-fryer. Smoked up the house but it was nice and crispy. Too much work IMO for a regular dinner, but it was requested so I work it in sometimes.

Cheesecake #2 is being planned...fingers crossed.
Sausage peppers on the grill for me. Grilled shrimp for the missus and our guests plus rice and a fresh pico de gallo.

The sausage and peppers gavs me flashbacks to when I worked in a pizzaria in HS and college. People would come in and order some kind of hero and I'd make enough for the customer plus enough for the counter and delivery people. Sausage and peppers were a perennial favorite.

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