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What did you have for dinner? -Part dois (3 Viewers)

I was too busy to have more than a quick snack for lunch, so I had an early dinner. Royale with cheese and small fries. Happy Friday!
Slow cooked a corned beef last night in the crock pot, had sandwiches today on fresh Korn's rye bread with mayo. Enough left for another meal. B&J NY Super Fudge Chunk ice cream for dessert.
smoked three pork butts
since R2D2 was fired up, also grilled hatch chile infused brats, salmon filet for the wife, and a ribeye for sandwiches this week
made a large batch of slaw
and deep fried hush puppies
watermelon on the side

before going to bed, my wife observed that it is a better deal to go to a BBQ joint and avoid all the cooking and cleaning. she isn't wrong
Last night was chicken tikka Marsala that I added potatoes and Asian mixed veg. Served with basmati rice and garlic naan.

smoked three pork butts
since R2D2 was fired up, also grilled hatch chile infused brats, salmon filet for the wife, and a ribeye for sandwiches this week
made a large batch of slaw
and deep fried hush puppies
watermelon on the side

before going to bed, my wife observed that it is a better deal to go to a BBQ joint and avoid all the cooking and cleaning. she isn't wrong
Do you have a Weber bullet?
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Last night was chicken tikka Marsala that I added potatoes and Asian mixed veg. Served with basmati rice and garlic naan.

Do you have a Weber bullet?
blaze kamado, made from spun aluminum, hence "R2D2" ... here's a (stock*) photo which explains the nickname


*the above is when new; mine is now reliced with lots of hickory smoke
smoked three pork butts
since R2D2 was fired up, also grilled hatch chile infused brats, salmon filet for the wife, and a ribeye for sandwiches this week
made a large batch of slaw
and deep fried hush puppies
watermelon on the side

before going to bed, my wife observed that it is a better deal to go to a BBQ joint and avoid all the cooking and cleaning. she isn't wrong
Do you have a Weber bullet?
blaze kamado, made from spun aluminum, hence "R2D2" ... here's a (stock*) photo which explains the nickname

View attachment 67466375

*the above is when new; mine is now reliced with lots of hickory smoke
OK. I have an 18" Cuisinart smoker. I should have spent the money for the 22" Weber instead but this is plenty for 2-4 people.

Do you have a Weber bullet?

OK. I have an 18" Cuisinart smoker. I should have spent the money for the 22" Weber instead but this is plenty for 2-4 people.

back in the mid 80s the small habichi phase had ended and the weber bullet shaped smoker replaced it
my first cook i decided needed to be thanksgiving turkey for my pregnant wife, in-laws, and parents
and i placed the bird of honor inside the smoker, allowing for the standard time to cook a turkey in a conventional oven
my mom and mom-in-law soon became hangry, having all the fixin's and none of the bird to eat
they quarrelled non-stop to determine which one's child was responsible for this snafu
*raises hand*
did i mention that this was the first time that they had met
Dads got along great
Moms never saw each other unless it was a child's birthday event. we even scheduled Christmas visits so there was no venn diagram moment when the two Moms could again interact
i soon gave away the smoker and bought a wonderful Holland gas grill ... but have used the regular oven every year since when it comes to getting a turkey ready to star at the thanksgiving table
needless go say, that was not my favorite thanksgiving memory ... the weber caught the blame. i still suffer trauma
Chicken and broccoli pot pie. I was under my calorie goals today, so I also had a pecan cluster as a snack later. My wife got me a really nice one for our anniversary months ago, and I have been saving it for a low calorie day.
Chicken and broccoli pot pie. I was under my calorie goals today, so I also had a pecan cluster as a snack later. My wife got me a really nice one for our anniversary months ago, and I have been saving it for a low calorie day.
Do you like pecan pie? I had to stop buying them due to lack of self control 😪
Do you like pecan pie? I had to stop buying them due to lack of self control 😪
Yeah. I remember thinking that it didn't look good when I was a kid, but as an adult, I've had it a couple times, and I enjoyed it. It's weird how tastes change.

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