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What did you have for dinner? -Part dois (1 Viewer)

Bacon, tomato, and cheese sandwich with light mayo and Pringles on the side. I miss growing my own tomatoes, but someone who my wife knows has extras. I grew a bunch of tomatoes over the years. Better Boy hybrids were probably the most reliable. I grew various heirlooms, too.
When I had a veggie garden, many moons ago, I stuck with easy ones like Early Girl or Cherry tomatoes.
When I had a veggie garden, many moons ago, I stuck with easy ones like Early Girl or Cherry tomatoes.
Once I figured out that I had a pretty good spot picked out, I got ambitious and a little experimental. Maybe I have a green thumb, but I think that it was mostly luck. By luck, I mean that the light in that spot is just about perfect, and the ground is very rich. I've wondered if that's where the outhouse used to be in the late 1800s.
I made a Chicken Carbonara skillet meal with garlic bread for my wife and me. Oldest kiddo had garlic bread and whatever else he wanted.
We had some mung bean sprouts, mushrooms and a really hot pepper sitting around. Some stir frys need more rice than others.
I was invited to sample some of the foods to be served to athletes and officials attending the Hangzhou Asian Games next month. This is but one of many, all of which I found to be excellent. In this photo, I believe mollusks in light oil and seasoning.
Spaghetti and crock-potted meatballs w/rice, Italian green beans, garlic toast - cherry cobbler and vanilla ice cream for later. ( probably 'much' later based on previous consumption portions of similar meal )
Went old school and made curried sausages on rice after spotting the sausages in the freezer. Trying to remember a recipe my mother used to make decades ago. Dice 6 - 8 standard (plain) pork or beef sausages into 6 pieces each. Precook them and peel off the skins before cutting them. Boil slowly with water, plenty of mild curry, brown sugar, sultanas, onion, corn, diced bell pepper, and diced carrot for around 20 mins. Then add some spring onion and chunks of 3 - 4 potatoes before slow cooking for another 20 to 40 mins until the potato is cooked. Thicken a little with flour and serve over a bed of rice. Should be enough for 2 or 3 servings depending on how hungry you are and how much potato you add. Not sure it was exactly like mom used to make, but tasted pretty good anyway. I used mild curry to get plenty of flavor without getting too hot, but it probably could have done with a bit extra heat in this case. Add some hotter curry or a little chilli/cayenne next time.
BTC sandwich with the weird flavor of Pringles I bought that others don't like. I think that it's ok enough to go with a bacon sandwich.

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