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Wealthy Neighborhoods Hire Their Own Private Police (1 Viewer)


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DP Veteran
Aug 10, 2021
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"Alarmed by growing numbers of carjackings and other street crimes, several neighborhoods on Chicago’s affluent North Side have signed up for patrols by armed off-duty police officers to create what some security companies are calling virtual gated communities." https://www.wsj.com/articles/in-chi...own-private-police-as-crime-rises-11651237201

When I lived in a small town our police force had a program where citizens could volunteer to patrol the streets. I was such a volunteer. We had uniforms and a badge. We went through a screening process. We used police cars that were available or drove our own cars. We rode bikes through neighborhoods. We were trained on what we could and could not do but we had no "power" to do any real police work other than to report if we saw something questionable.

It was good for the city, police and citizens, because we were all involved. More than once a crime was prevented due to the action of private citizens.

I do not understand why more cities do not allow their citizens to volunteer in such a manner. Is the answer liability? Laziness?

Having a private police force like the one in Chicago is not much different than what we did. I would like to see more cities adopt a system where caring citizens could become part of the solution.
We already got Stormfront News. Dupe thread.
"Alarmed by growing numbers of carjackings and other street crimes, several neighborhoods on Chicago’s affluent North Side have signed up for patrols by armed off-duty police officers to create what some security companies are calling virtual gated communities." https://www.wsj.com/articles/in-chi...own-private-police-as-crime-rises-11651237201

When I lived in a small town our police force had a program where citizens could volunteer to patrol the streets. I was such a volunteer. We had uniforms and a badge. We went through a screening process. We used police cars that were available or drove our own cars. We rode bikes through neighborhoods. We were trained on what we could and could not do but we had no "power" to do any real police work other than to report if we saw something questionable.

It was good for the city, police and citizens, because we were all involved. More than once a crime was prevented due to the action of private citizens.

I do not understand why more cities do not allow their citizens to volunteer in such a manner. Is the answer liability? Laziness?

Having a private police force like the one in Chicago is not much different than what we did. I would like to see more cities adopt a system where caring citizens could become part of the solution.
The solution is to reduce and elleminate the exotic need for criminality.

Policing =/= crime prevention, or reduction
But why should citizens get involved (in addition to just calling 911)?

In big cities, woke prosecutors will just release them without bail.

And if they are convicted, they will only get probation, for woke Dems refuse to believe that anyone could possibly be bad.


Horror story just on FOX this morning and, of course, the wonderful Daily Mail. A gang of "kids" in New York City (of course) hijacked a man's car downtown and knocked out the victim's eye socket. The perp was freed without bail on a misdemeanor charge yet!

Why, oh why, do New Yorkers keep voting for Dems? If any Dem voter is the victim of violence, s/he should refrain from complaining.
But why should citizens get involved (in addition to just calling 911)?

In big cities, woke prosecutors will just release them without bail.

And if they are convicted, they will only get probation, for woke Dems refuse to believe that anyone could possibly be bad.


Horror story just on FOX this morning and, of course, the wonderful Daily Mail. A gang of "kids" in New York City (of course) hijacked a man's car downtown and knocked out the victim's eye socket. The perp was freed without bail on a misdemeanor charge yet!

Why, oh why, do New Yorkers keep voting for Dems? If any Dem voter is the victim of violence, s/he should refrain from complaining.

I enjoyed being involved. It made my community safer and cost practically nothing to do so. As for prosecutors, well that's out of my hands except for election times.
They've already got the regular cops lined up.
I do not understand why more cities do not allow their citizens to volunteer in such a manner.

Police officers are sworn public servants.
Privatized police are not police.
And programs like these are usually not supervised and regulated enough, and eventually lead to cases of loons like
"Officer Zimmerman".

I despise fake cops, and with good reason.

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