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Was the election "rigged"? (1 Viewer)

Was the election "rigged"?

  • Total voters
Seriously? Is that the best you got?

The Democrats, including Hillary, lost. The Republicans, including Trump, the Governors races, Congress, state legislatures, and almost certainly the SCOTUS, lost. Big time.

And Trump did it with a third the money.

He did it with unprecedented free media coverage from many of the same outlets and people he rails against.
Whenever the media focused on Hillary her numbers tanked. That's why the MSM did their level best to keep the spotlight off her.

The lesson of the campaign was that whoever was in the crosshairs at a particular time - be it Trump or Clinton - experienced a numbers drop until the next guy took his turn in the barrel. When the illegal move by Comey took over the final days of the campaign, that decided it.
Trump: Its rigged if Hillary wins!

Trump: I won so it was a fair and open election.

Seems only fair that the left gets to question the results of upset election. The questioning is also part of a free election. If voters cannot ask anything about the results then it is not a fair election.
2/3 of the election campaign took place in 4 states. And New Hampshire with just 4 electoral votes got more attention than California, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Georgia, New York, Illinois, Washington, and Tennessee even though all of those states have more electors than NH but they're safe states. And New York despite being the home state of both candidates and being the fourth biggest population saw zero campaign events.

Another good reason why we need to abolish the EC.
Trump: Its rigged if Hillary wins!

Trump: I won so it was a fair and open election.

Seems only fair that the left gets to question the results of upset election. The questioning is also part of a free election. If voters cannot ask anything about the results then it is not a fair election.

As it turned out, for Clinton to have won, the election would have had to be rigged. Alternatively, she shiuld have motivated more of the base to vote.
How much did he get in free media coverage which helped his campaign - both in the primaries and in the general?

He got a ton of coverage. But all of it was negative. It was relentless. Are you going to argue that tons of coverage inventing the narrative that Trump was a racist, bigot, xenophobe was a good thing?

The fact is, under Hillary's apparent command, the corrupt media fed itself into the chipper through the lies and fraud they committed, both of which were blindingly obvious. That, along with the insults Hillary spewed on a regular basis was a fatal error. I'm glad that voters had the chance to see who Hillary really was, along with the media who should be ashamed of themselves.
Seeing some funny stuff along these lines on both sides. Some lefties are actually now musing that it's possible after blasting Trump for suggesting it could happen while some righties are defending the election results and scoffing at even the possibility of fraud. So, where are you on this?

I think it highly unlikely that the election was centrally or massively manipulated; almost no probability of that at all. Nonetheless, regional cheating is almost impossible to avoid in a population of over 300 millions. Consequentially the vote should be checked to avoid problems for the next round, but not to correct the results this time, unless there is substantial proof of wrongdoings.
Btw, I am very unhappy at the results of the election.
He got a ton of coverage. But all of it was negative. It was relentless. Are you going to argue that tons of coverage inventing the narrative that Trump was a racist, bigot, xenophobe was a good thing?

The fact is, under Hillary's apparent command, the corrupt media fed itself into the chipper through the lies and fraud they committed, both of which were blindingly obvious. That, along with the insults Hillary spewed on a regular basis was a fatal error. I'm glad that voters had the chance to see who Hillary really was, along with the media who should be ashamed of themselves.

The voters should be ashamed of themselves. It was them that determined the two candidates. That was seriously irresponsible.
The voters should be ashamed of themselves. It was them that determined the two candidates. That was seriously irresponsible.

I don't see it that way. I write that for this reason.

What the two major parties presented to voters was more of the same establishment BS they have grown to despise.

On the left, it was Hillary, period. On the right, a large field of candidates with a few establishment types automatically placed at the top of the field by the powers that be.

To supporters on the left, they had one choice. The fringe had Bernie, but he had ZERO chance of becoming President. Gave it a good run, which IMO gave a hint at the sentiment of the citizens.

To supporters on the right, they had many choices, all but one blathering on with the same stuff that has been spewed for years and years.

I believe voters rightfully needed to clean the cesspool of Washington DC out. I believe President Elect Trump is the only candidate that has a fighting chance to do that. Time will tell, but I am really encouraged voters did the unexpected.
As it turned out, for Clinton to have won, the election would have had to be rigged. Alternatively, she shiuld have motivated more of the base to vote.

I agree that only a rigged election by the left would have put her in as president. I a reasonably sure they did rig it, but not well enough.
I believe voters rightfully needed to clean the cesspool of Washington DC out. I believe President Elect Trump is the only candidate that has a fighting chance to do that. Time will tell, but I am really encouraged voters did the unexpected.

I remember seeing some exit poll responses where 37% of the voters who voted for Trump actually did so as a vote against Hillary. I was one of those voters. I am skeptical about Trump, but I do hope he destroys the DC establishment as it is.
He got a ton of coverage. But all of it was negative. It was relentless.

I watch a great deal of CNN and MSNBC. I cannot count up the hours of almost daily coverage of Trump rallies and speeches where he was beamed into the homes of Americans without interruption for more than a half hour at a time.

That is NOT negative. It is unfiltered Trump just as he spoke that day. Once he stopped and the coverage started, somebody could simply turn the channel after Trum had got his free coverage.
He did it with unprecedented free media coverage from many of the same outlets and people he rails against.

And that's bad? Utilizing the opposition's strength's against itself is brilliant. And straight Alinsky.

Hillary had the press. Trump used that fact to his own advantage.
I remember seeing some exit poll responses where 37% of the voters who voted for Trump actually did so as a vote against Hillary. I was one of those voters. I am skeptical about Trump, but I do hope he destroys the DC establishment as it is.

I get that kind of vote and understand it. Trump was absolutely vilified by the corrupt and no longer relevant press. Pretty tough for many to ignore. Yet they did for the reasons you apparently chose.

I am encouraged by the message that sent to Washington. Regardless the outcome from the Trump era, I hope the message sticks.
And that's bad? Utilizing the opposition's strength's against itself is brilliant. And straight Alinsky.

Hillary had the press. Trump used that fact to his own advantage.

Thank you for admitting that he did this. And it puts the lie to the claim that the media was against him since it was the media that gave him uncounted millions of free coverage that helped make him in the fist place.
I watch a great deal of CNN and MSNBC. I cannot count up the hours of almost daily coverage of Trump rallies and speeches where he was beamed into the homes of Americans without interruption for more than a half hour at a time.

That is NOT negative. It is unfiltered Trump just as he spoke that day. Once he stopped and the coverage started, somebody could simply turn the channel after Trum had got his free coverage.

I'm not surprised a hyper partisan would be drawn to the corruption and fraud beamed by the hour at CNN and MSNBC. Such an admission reveals much.

The fact is, both those equally hyper partisan mouthpieces beamed hours of lies, conjecture, and outright deceit to viewers, day after day.

If you were running for one of your claimed gigs, how would you view thousands of hours of lies and fabrication directed at you while doing so. Would you be enthusiastic about it because you got the exposure?

It's almost surreal you are arguing that would be a good thing. I'm trying not to connect the experience you've claimed with the perceptions your presenting. If true, things are more challenging than even I've concluded they are.
I'm not surprised a hyper partisan would be drawn to the corruption and fraud beamed by the hour at CNN and MSNBC. Such an admission reveals much.

The fact is, both those equally hyper partisan mouthpieces beamed hours of lies, conjecture, and outright deceit to viewers, day after day.

If you were running for one of your claimed gigs, how would you view thousands of hours of lies and fabrication directed at you while doing so. Would you be enthusiastic about it because you got the exposure?

It's almost surreal you are arguing that would be a good thing. I'm trying not to connect the experience you've claimed with the perceptions your presenting. If true, things are more challenging than even I've concluded they are.

Nothing you said there to attack me changes the fact that Trump got where he is partly because of untold millions of dollars of free coverage.
Nothing you said there to attack me changes the fact that Trump got where he is partly because of untold millions of dollars of free coverage.

I don't get it. Do you argue just for the sake of arguing?

I've admitted the countless hours of coverage provided the opportunity for voters to see how corrupt Hillary and her MSM partners were. I've already admitted this tactic of lies and deceit backfired on them. Hillary calling 10's of millions of voters irredeemable and deplorable unloaded a clip into the public's perception of her.

These facts benefitted every candidate. It benefited Bernie Sanders. It benefitted Donald Trump.

Trump got elected because of his message, not because he got thousands of hours of vicious lies and innuendo.
Nothing you said there to attack me changes the fact that Trump got where he is partly because of untold millions of dollars of free coverage.

Blame your precious media for that. They did everything they could to try to tank him, but I agree, it totally backfired. I think they did such a good job of convincing folks that Trump just could not win, a lot of would be Hillary voters just didn't bother. I do appreciate them for that.
I agree that only a rigged election by the left would have put her in as president. I a reasonably sure they did rig it, but not well enough.

Or she thought she had it bagged and didn't have to.
Blame your precious media for that. They did everything they could to try to tank him, but I agree, it totally backfired. I think they did such a good job of convincing folks that Trump just could not win, a lot of would be Hillary voters just didn't bother. I do appreciate them for that.

Actually they made him...... not break him.
Thank you for admitting that he did this. And it puts the lie to the claim that the media was against him since it was the media that gave him uncounted millions of free coverage that helped make him in the fist place.

I never said he didn't. I question why anyone would claim this is a bad thing.
I never said he didn't. I question why anyone would claim this is a bad thing.

Anything that benefited the wanna be fascist is a bad thing.
Seeing some funny stuff along these lines on both sides. Some lefties are actually now musing that it's possible after blasting Trump for suggesting it could happen while some righties are defending the election results and scoffing at even the possibility of fraud. So, where are you on this?

They tried their best... and failed. I regard 1/2 to 2 million of the popular vote for Hillary to be of dubious legitimacy....

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