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Was the election "rigged"? (2 Viewers)

Was the election "rigged"?

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Dec 1, 2010
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Seeing some funny stuff along these lines on both sides. Some lefties are actually now musing that it's possible after blasting Trump for suggesting it could happen while some righties are defending the election results and scoffing at even the possibility of fraud. So, where are you on this?
Seeing some funny stuff along these lines on both sides. Some lefties are actually now musing that it's possible after blasting Trump for suggesting it could happen while some righties are defending the election results and scoffing at even the possibility of fraud. So, where are you on this?

In all honesty I don't know, as anything is possible.

However, if it did happen at all, then IMO it was probably done by elements on both sides in small ways at various localities the sum of which had no discernable effect on the overall outcome.
In all honesty I don't know, as anything is possible.

However, if it did happen at all, then IMO it was probably done by elements on both sides in small ways at various localities the sum of which had no discernable effect on the overall outcome.

I agree, and I say that as someone who acknowledges that the concern over voter fraud is often way over blown by some on the right.
I'd say there's a 99% chance it wasn't, so I voted "no."
Seeing some funny stuff along these lines on both sides. Some lefties are actually now musing that it's possible after blasting Trump for suggesting it could happen while some righties are defending the election results and scoffing at even the possibility of fraud. So, where are you on this?

I don't know, but your sig is lolllllllll
I'd say there's a 99% chance it wasn't, so I voted "no."

Do you think it more of legit concern, now, than you might have before? Asking out of sincere curiosity. If you've expressed some opinion about voter fraud, I haven't seen it.
Do you think it more of legit concern, now, than you might have before? Asking out of sincere curiosity. If you've expressed some opinion about voter fraud, I haven't seen it.

I've expressed numerous opinions about voter fraud -- that it's so infinitesimal that any that truly exists holds barely any sway over any election that matters. Contrary to the usual conservameme around here -- LIBERALS SAY THERE IS NO ELECTION FRAUD -- of course there's election fraud. The question is how much, and my answer to that is "very likely, hardly any at all." As in, statistically speaking, almost none. For all the chatter about how Blackboxvote has "proven" that millions of illegal immigrants voted in California -- no, they have not proven that.

No, I do not think it more of a legit concern now. I don't think it's been a legit concern for more than 50 years. Contrary to popular belief, safeguards do exist.

Here's a good article from a Republican election lawyer about the subject: I?m a Republican election lawyer. Here's why the election can?t be rigged. - Vox
I've expressed numerous opinions about voter fraud -- that it's so infinitesimal that any that truly exists holds barely any sway over any election that matters. Contrary to the usual conservameme around here -- LIBERALS SAY THERE IS NO ELECTION FRAUD -- of course there's election fraud. The question is how much, and my answer to that is "very likely, hardly any at all." As in, statistically speaking, almost none. For all the chatter about how Blackboxvote has "proven" that millions of illegal immigrants voted in California -- no, they have not proven that.

No, I do not think it more of a legit concern now. I don't think it's been a legit concern for more than 50 years. Contrary to popular belief, safeguards do exist.

Here's a good article from a Republican election lawyer about the subject: I?m a Republican election lawyer. Here's why the election can?t be rigged. - Vox

I actually agree that voter fraud is often blown out of proportion. I should say though that I also think many of the arguments regarding the supposed extreme hardship of obtaining picture ID is also way overblown, especially since I see no similar concern regarding obtaining a gun, or in any other area of life for that matter.
How many illegal immigrants are in the U.S.? '11 million.'
How much voter fraud occurs? 'Hardly any.'

The problem with these answers, is that they aren't really answers at all. They're old slogans now that have been rehearsed into our subconscious.

The first mention of '11 million illegals' dates as far back as 2005. Yet we're repeating this 11 year old guesstimate as if it means anything. If I ask you what gas costs, you aren't going to tell me the 2005 price.

The correct answer to the 2 questions at the start of this comment is; we don't know. Maybe the government wants to keep it that way.
Seeing some funny stuff along these lines on both sides. Some lefties are actually now musing that it's possible after blasting Trump for suggesting it could happen while some righties are defending the election results and scoffing at even the possibility of fraud. So, where are you on this?

I voted "yes" because the MSM cheated at every step of the way to get HILLARY elected. When I say the election is rigged it doesn't necessary mean rigged via vote counts, I mean rigged in that there was a systematic effort by parties that are supposed to be neutral did not act in a neutral way.

Look at it this way:
If a supposedly neutral judge gives information to a prosecutor or a public defender and then gives an unusually harsh or light sentence to someone, then the justice system is rigged. It's the same way this election. The MSM and the DNC were literally cheating even of there was no voter fraud.
I voted "yes" because the MSM cheated at every step of the way to get HILLARY elected. When I say the election is rigged it doesn't necessary mean rigged via vote counts, I mean rigged in that there was a systematic effort by parties that are supposed to be neutral did not act in a neutral way.

Look at it this way:
If a supposedly neutral judge gives information to a prosecutor or a public defender and then gives an unusually harsh or light sentence to someone, then the justice system is rigged. It's the same way this election. The MSM and the DNC were literally cheating even of there was no voter fraud.

1. The DNC is in no way obligated to be an impartial body. It's the "Democratic National Committee," for chrissakes, not the "Who Reinoe Likes Committee."
2. The "MSM" is such a nebulous term that it has virtually zero meaning. Constantly whining about "TEH MEEJA" is just bitching for bitching's sake, especially when what is defined as "mainstream" (or even "media") differs from individual to individual.
Absolutely yes - President-Elect Trump repeatedly spoke to this issue in the weeks leading up to election and told us "The election process is rigged folks." Why would I not believe him?
"A man who wishes to make a profession of goodness will necessarily come to grief among so many who are not good... therefore, you must you this knowledge or not use it according to the necessity of the case." Machiavelli
Maybe there are some small pockets of fraud, but I do not see how it could be widespread with the number of lawyers observing the voting stations.
I voted yes, but not for the reasons I think the OP is implying.

IMO, this election was most certainly rigged, but the results did not fall as they were designed.

The media committed ethical suicide trying to rig the election in favor of Hillary. Hillary herself committed political suicide by either inventing or endorsing lies, deceit and fraud, in an effort to rig the election.

So IMO, the election was certainly rigged, but the results went against the effort.
Seeing some funny stuff along these lines on both sides. Some lefties are actually now musing that it's possible after blasting Trump for suggesting it could happen while some righties are defending the election results and scoffing at even the possibility of fraud. So, where are you on this?

Well Trump assured people time and time again that it was, so it must have been.
Well Trump assured people time and time again that it was, so it must have been.

He qualified that. It was only rigged if he lost. (I get how silly that is.)
Yes, the elections were rigged, and Hillary still lost!
Seeing some funny stuff along these lines on both sides. Some lefties are actually now musing that it's possible after blasting Trump for suggesting it could happen while some righties are defending the election results and scoffing at even the possibility of fraud. So, where are you on this?

Of course the election wasn't "rigged".
1. The DNC is in no way obligated to be an impartial body. It's the "Democratic National Committee," for chrissakes, not the "Who Reinoe Likes Committee."
2. The "MSM" is such a nebulous term that it has virtually zero meaning. Constantly whining about "TEH MEEJA" is just bitching for bitching's sake, especially when what is defined as "mainstream" (or even "media") differs from individual to individual.

1. Even if you do believe that the DNC has every right to rig/cheat/lie and steal during the PRIMARY, (WHICH THEY DO, BUT IT'S DISHONEST AS HELL) the MEDIA has no obligation to join in and be compliant in it. I can't believe the mental gymnastics you're engaging in to justify the MSM being the propaganda wing of the DNC.
I voted yes, but not for the reasons I think the OP is implying.

IMO, this election was most certainly rigged, but the results did not fall as they were designed.

The media committed ethical suicide trying to rig the election in favor of Hillary. Hillary herself committed political suicide by either inventing or endorsing lies, deceit and fraud, in an effort to rig the election.

So IMO, the election was certainly rigged, but the results went against the effort.

How did the media try to rig the election? Please explain. All I heard was how trump was doing this or that and he said this or that. I hardly ever heard hillary's name unless she coughed or said something nice and statesmen like.

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