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[W:#23,579]Ukraine War Thread (3 Viewers)

How will reducing the conscription age from 27 to 25 increase conscription? The new conscription law also ends mandatory demobilization after 36 active months. (that could be huge dissuader for many)

Ukraine also needs to balance military manpower needs with manufacturing manpower needs. Those drones don't make themselves.
Lots of blame to go around
WW2, US some industries farming, medicine, and engineering were exempted. That said they could be drafted into their specialties in the military

The Conscription law is a year late

EU was late with ammo promised
US aid delayed

After the offensive failed, Ukraine needed to build their 2n/3rd lines of defensive lines, heavily mined, strong fortifications
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Ukraine also needs to balance military manpower needs with manufacturing manpower needs. Those drones don't make themselves.

Do what we did during WWII: Hire women.

And some of their kids aren't shy about doing a little drone building:

Do what we did during WWII: Hire women.

And some of their kids aren't shy about doing a little drone building:

For some time, regular Ukrainian programming encouraged the entrepreneurial nature of Ukrainian viewers by showing everyday Ukrainians having made drones, dune buggies (for quick military rescue), and a host of other inspirational ideas.

>Russian units from the Ministry of Defense's Africa Corps are now fighting in Ukraine's Kharkiv region, according to the latest UK Defense Intelligence update. Moscow "has deployed units from the Russian MOD's Africa Corps alongside regular Russian forces and Storm-Z units during their offensive on Vovchansk, northern Khrakiv," the UK Ministry of Defence said on X. The Africa Corps, which emerged in December 2023, is made up of over 2,000 regular soldiers and officers. The Corps also contains "experienced mercenaries, many of whom previously served in the Wagner Group," the tweet said.<

The Russians are expending many valuable resources in their offensive quest for Kharkiv.

>Poland's foreign minister said the US had told Russia that it would strike Russian targets in Ukraine if Putin were to use nuclear weapons. In an interview with the Guardian, Radosław Sikorski seemed doubtful of Russia's threats about using nuclear weapons, saying: "The Americans have told the Russians that if you explode a nuke, even if it doesn't kill anybody, we will hit all your targets [positions] in Ukraine with conventional weapons, we'll destroy all of them." "I think that's a credible threat," he said. "Also, the Chinese and the Indians have read Russia the riot act. And it's no child's play because if that taboo were also to be breached, like the taboo of not changing borders by force, China knows that Japan and Korea would go nuclear, and presumably they don't want that."<

Dmitry "Armageddon" Medvedev is Putin's toy terrier.
Russia loses another oil depot in Livny following Ukrainian drone strikes on gas stations

Russia loses Su-34 near Chernihiv, makes 357 Russia aircraft losses as of today

COWARD! Germany's Loaf Olaf Scholz refusing to permit German weapon usage by Ukraine on Russian soil (Being a hand-tying coward just like Biden)

Ukraine repels Russian advance attempts near Lyptsi and Ternova in Kharkiv

Russia says secondary sanctions are hurting export revenues, oil payments

13 Ukrainian children rescued from Russia & Russian-occupied areas
About russian attacks and advances in the Kharkiv oblast, western reports seem much more positive than Ukrainian ones. Playgrounds and malls getting hit, as we all know.

The major western media outlets continue to offer a rose-tinted view, in my opinion.
A chronicle of solovyov's Tourette's of the Nuclear Threat.

Recently, as in within the last week, he said on his show, "Nuclear war is inevitable."

Translation, nuclear war will never happen.

May 25th, 2024:

May of 2023:

"I firmly believe that nuclear war is inevitable."

Nuclear war will never happen.

The examples must now number in the hundreds. Every tenth or twentieth nuclear threat for some reason gets picked up by the Irish Star or Newsweek, then @VySky and @anatta rush in here drenched in flop sweat.

russia is the world's dumbest poker player. Always acting strong when they are weak.

Worrisome russian behavior instead, imo, is like how they acted before the invasion of Ukraine, which they described as routine troop movements.

Or about russia deploying nuclear weapons in outer space--a demonstration by a russia truly afraid to use them anywhere on earth--putin has said, "We have no such plans."

In other words, it might happen, if China allows it.

In such stressful times for Ukraine, one of the only things that relaxes me is a russian nuclear threat.

>Russian forces lost 48 artillery systems, 40 armored personnel vehicles and 21 tanks in the last day, Ukraine's Ministry of Defense said. A post on X on Tuesday from the ministry's official page reported the figures, bringing the total number of Russian losses of artillery, APVs and tanks since February 24, 2022 to 13,029, 14,858 and 7,692 respectively. The latest update follows news that Russian troop losses in Ukraine hit 500,000 on May 25, according to Ukraine.<

>The German outlet Der Spiegel reported Sunday that the Baltic officials issued the warning while speaking with representatives for Berlin at the Lennart Meri Conference in Tallinn, Estonia. Der Spiegel neither named any of the officials nor identified which countries they represented, but said they raised concerns about German Chancellor Olaf Scholz's current policy toward the war. Scholz has been denying Ukraine permission to use German-supplied weapons in strikes on Russian soil, in line with Washington's stance of not allowing Kyiv to use donated weaponry for attacks beyond Ukraine's own borders. Der Spiegel reported that the Baltic officials were concerned that such policies created a half-hearted attempt to help Kyiv and might allow Russia to gain the upper hand in Ukraine. They said that if Moscow did gain significant ground in eastern Ukraine, their governments and Poland could move troops into the conflict zone even before Russia deployed its soldiers on their borders, the outlet reported.<

Sounds like hyperbole to me, and I personally do not see this threat happening.

>Belgium will commit to providing 30 F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine by 2028, according to Belgian Foreign Minister Hadja Lahbib. She said that the first fighter jets are to be delivered to Ukraine by the end of the year. According to her, this commitment will be officially formalized in a security guarantees agreement, which will be signed today by Ukraine and Belgium. The Belgian Ministry of Defense will also transfer ammunition from its stockpiles to equip the F-16s for Ukraine.
According to the minister, this support for Kyiv is necessary to stop Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, who is determined to push back the borders of European countries and ensure the security of Belgium.<

Procrastinating isn't a good look.
russia needs to receive a consistent drive of strikes across the St. Peterburg-Moscow-Kazan area, a highly wide range over which the bombs are falling in complete randomness consistently, on a daily basis, avoiding only civilian targets, such that russian doesn't know what the **** the do.

And over which russia lacks the military capability to prevent.

The west needs to create a safe zone, and russia will need to relocate St. Petersburg and Moscow somewhere into Siberia. Their propaganda can paint the picture of Siberia as chosen by russian god.

Unlike russia, the west has the capability and technology of hitting only military targets, proof enough that russia is 50 years behind the west.

What are they going to do? Make their 178th nuclear threat?

My point is this: There has to be some point at which western dominance pierces russian propaganda.

Why is the west catering to the delusions of russia?

No country needs bombing-the-****-out-of more that russia.

Then after all of that happens, American can publicly announce, "Where is your nuclear response?"

Their russia media would shut down for a week.

russia has perpetuated the ridiculous fiction that they are on par militarily with the west. How moronic would one need to be to entertain such an idea?
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