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[W:1581] US hiring sharply misses expectations in April with just 266,000 new jobs added (1 Viewer)

For old time sake... can't we get a little what did Trump do personally to you or your family to cause so much hatred.?

Pretty please?
If you please what exactly did Trump do that hurt you and your family?

Do you acknowledge that GDP dollar growth was 900 billion dollars per year 2017-2019?

Do you acknowledge that almost 7 million new jobs were created during that period of Time?

Do you acknowledge that the U-6 was a full two+ % lower than what Obama left at the end of that period of time?

Do you acknowledge that corporations returned over a trillion dollars in overseas cash to this country due to the Trump tax cuts?

Do you acknowledge that Trump put America first and destroyed ISIS leadership?

Do you acknowledge that it was Trump who initiated development of the Covid 19 vaccine and got it approved before the end of 2020?

Do you acknowledge that over 74 million Americans voted for Trump in November?

Just a few of the questions that I am sure a baiting liberal will refuse to answer
If you please what exactly did Trump do that hurt you and your family?
That's more like it!
Do you acknowledge that GDP dollar growth was 900 billion dollars per year 2017-2019?
Nominal GDP grew on average a little less than $900 billion per year (approximately $896 billion / yr) between 2017 and 2019.
Do you acknowledge that almost 7 million new jobs were created during that period of Time?
According to the BLS non-farm payroll data, which is in fact cited in your OP and title, 4.533 million new jobs were created between January 2017 and January 2019.
Do you acknowledge that the U-6 was a full two+ % lower than what Obama left at the end of that period of time?
According to the BLS, the U-6 alternative labor utilization rate was 1.2 percentage points lower on January 1 2019 than it was January 1 2017.
Do you acknowledge that corporations returned over a trillion dollars in overseas cash to this country due to the Trump tax cuts?
In a more series note, repatriation did soar. However, it didn't lead to greater levels of investment, as private domestic investment growth, in nominal terms, returned to 2014 levels. There wasn't a huge investment boom. That's the point. It just changed the composition of the balance sheet for most of these multinational corporations.
Do you acknowledge that Trump put America first and destroyed ISIS leadership?
Trump did authorize attacks on ISIS leadership.
Do you acknowledge that it was Trump who initiated development of the Covid 19 vaccine and got it approved before the end of 2020?
Trump had absolutely nothing to do with the development of the three domestic COVID-19 vaccines. About the only thing he was involved in was the marketing for the name of the operation. The actual development was done by scientists, doctors, statisticians, and study participants.

Other nations were able to get vaccines out at around the same time.
Do you acknowledge that over 74 million Americans voted for Trump in November?
Yes, 74 million people voted for the guy who lost both the popular vote and electoral college, by what Trump himself described as a landslide.
Just a few of the questions that I am sure a baiting liberal will refuse to answer
Ok. Can you tell us all how long you were in the business world, how many employees you had, and how much revenue the business made??? Again, for old times??
That's more like it!

Nominal GDP grew on average a little less than $900 billion per year (approximately $896 billion / yr) between 2017 and 2019.

Ok, 896 is pretty close to 900 billion isn't it? And how much yearly was Obama's?

According to the BLS non-farm payroll data, which is in fact cited in your OP and title, 4.533 million new jobs were created between January 2017 and January 2019.

And what was the employment count in February 2020? you eliminated an entire year, typical. More NEW jobs created in three years than were created in the 9 previous years

According to the BLS, the U-6 alternative labor utilization rate was 1.2 percentage points lower on January 1 2019 than it was January 1 2017.
Nice goal post move, I was talking U-6, what was it in February 2020 vs January 2017?

In a more series note, repatriation did soar. However, it didn't lead to greater levels of investment, as private domestic investment growth, in nominal terms, returned to 2014 levels. There wasn't a huge investment boom. That's the point. It just changed the composition of the balance sheet for most of these multinational corporations.
Depends apparently on your definition of investment as more money was contributed to shareholders as well as benefit increases for employees

Trump did authorize attacks on ISIS leadership.
Thank you, Yes he did and took out an Iranian General involved in terrorism

Trump had absolutely nothing to do with the development of the three domestic COVID-19 vaccines. About the only thing he was involved in was the marketing for the name of the operation. The actual development was done by scientists, doctors, statisticians, and study participants.
Of course he didn't develop the vaccine, he provided the incentive and focus on development which Biden said couldn't happen What was "Project Warp Speed?"

Other nations were able to get vaccines out at around the same time.
Other nations don't have 330,000,000 people and 50 independent sovereign states

Yes, 74 million people voted for the guy who lost both the popular vote and electoral college, by what Trump himself described as a landslide.
Without mail in ballots from stay at home liberals, Trump won the election getting 10 million more votes than 2016

Ok. Can you tell us all how long you were in the business world, how many employees you had, and how much revenue the business made??? Again, for old times??
35 years, 1200 employees, 11 direct reports, doing 200 million plus per year
That's more like it!

Nominal GDP grew on average a little less than $900 billion per year (approximately $896 billion / yr) between 2017 and 2019.

Ok, 896 is pretty close to 900 billion isn't it? And how much yearly was Obama's?

According to the BLS non-farm payroll data, which is in fact cited in your OP and title, 4.533 million new jobs were created between January 2017 and January 2019.

And what was the employment count in February 2020? you eliminated an entire year, typical. More NEW jobs created in three years than were created in the 9 previous years

According to the BLS, the U-6 alternative labor utilization rate was 1.2 percentage points lower on January 1 2019 than it was January 1 2017.
Nice goal post move, I was talking U-6, what was it in February 2020 vs January 2017?

In a more series note, repatriation did soar. However, it didn't lead to greater levels of investment, as private domestic investment growth, in nominal terms, returned to 2014 levels. There wasn't a huge investment boom. That's the point. It just changed the composition of the balance sheet for most of these multinational corporations.
Depends apparently on your definition of investment as more money was contributed to shareholders as well as benefit increases for employees

Trump did authorize attacks on ISIS leadership.
Thank you, Yes he did and took out an Iranian General involved in terrorism

Trump had absolutely nothing to do with the development of the three domestic COVID-19 vaccines. About the only thing he was involved in was the marketing for the name of the operation. The actual development was done by scientists, doctors, statisticians, and study participants.
Of course he didn't develop the vaccine, he provided the incentive and focus on development which Biden said couldn't happen What was "Project Warp Speed?"

Other nations were able to get vaccines out at around the same time.
Other nations don't have 330,000,000 people and 50 independent sovereign states

Yes, 74 million people voted for the guy who lost both the popular vote and electoral college, by what Trump himself described as a landslide.
Without mail in ballots from stay at home liberals, Trump won the election getting 10 million more votes than 2016

Ok. Can you tell us all how long you were in the business world, how many employees you had, and how much revenue the business made??? Again, for old times??
35 years, 1200 employees, 11 direct reports, doing 200 million plus per year
Yes anything to blame on Trump who is out of office and has been for now 5 months but that doesn't stop people from diverting from the disaster in the WH right now, entitlement babies who want and need someone else to pay for their personal responsibility issues. The pandemic results are part of the thread topic causing the loss of jobs and because of those lost jobs liberals are doing their best to promote Biden by focusing on job growth, not the real target and certainly not new taxpayers. Since governors controlled the state economy and shutdown their state to stop the spread of the virus, reopening is seeing jobs returning having nothing to do with Biden

you are like far too many refusing to acknowledge that the liberal results don't match the liberal rhetoric so how can someone like you support an ideology that destroys incentive and creates dependence along with the terrible social and economic results even in your state but more importantly in the largest liberal state in the nation, California?

What it really comes down to is you have no actual argument, you're only here to rant on purely partisan lines. The ultimate outcome of every thread you derail is:


You ask the same questions despite them having been answered numerous times. If you notice the pattern of your threads and those which you derail, is you ultimately end up just ranting by yourself. We all know how this ride ends, the problem is you don't.

What it really comes down to is you have no actual argument, you're only here to rant on purely partisan lines. The ultimate outcome of every thread you derail is:


You ask the same questions despite them having been answered numerous times. If you notice the pattern of your threads and those which you derail, is you ultimately end up just ranting by yourself. We all know how this ride ends, the problem is you don't.

Right in your world actual verifiable data isn't an actual argument as you prove once again that you can never change the mind of a liberal. Instead of debating issues or even trying to refute the documented data you post childish emojis
Right in your world actual verifiable data isn't an actual argument as you prove once again that you can never change the mind of a liberal. Instead of debating issues or even trying to refute the documented data you post childish emojis
You're bad at data analysis as well, so there isn't even the redeeming quality of you being a data wonk either. As is abundantly clear, you are not here to debate, and you actually don't debate anything. What you are really doing is posting your views as being absolute, and everything that doesn't fall in line with them is wrong and "liberal policies". It's predictable and boring, which is why most of your threads die slow deaths since you end up just ranting to yourself.

I add images for some levity in what are pages of repetitive rants and questions.
Ok, 896 is pretty close to 900 billion isn't it? And how much yearly was Obama's?
Trump wasn't POTUS for 3 years.
you eliminated an entire year, typical.
Did I? 🥱
Nice goal post move
You mean i left a year out?
Depends apparently on your definition of investment as more money was contributed to shareholders as well as benefit increases for employees
That's not what happened.
Of course he didn't develop the vaccine, he provided the incentive and focus on development
Oh yeah, without Trump's branding, those folks actually responsible for the vaccines wouldn't have been able to do it.
Trump won the election getting 10 million more votes than 2016
Ahhh...silly me... i must be civics challenged! Here i thought the path to election victory is by getting 271 EC votes when all along it is about getting 10 million more votes than the previous election.
35 years, 1200 employees, 11 direct reports, doing 200 million plus per year
They probably went bankrupt after you left too!
You're bad at data analysis as well, so there isn't even the redeeming quality of you being a data wonk either. As is abundantly clear, you are not here to debate, and you actually don't debate anything. What you are really doing is posting your views as being absolute, and everything that doesn't fall in line with them is wrong and "liberal policies". It's predictable and boring, which is why most of your threads die slow deaths since you end up just ranting to yourself.

I add images for some levity in what are pages of repetitive rants and questions.
Bad why, because your partisan interpretation is liberal based on feelings? Maybe it is you that cannot debate because debates are won by data not your opinions or emoji's

Predictable and boring because you cannot refute the data or are so loyal that you cannot believe the left would lie to you? How can you support an ideology that generates the results you see from liberal states all over the country? Spending in the name of compassion may make you feel good but makes bureaucrats feel better. Yes, I know I am ranting to myself because the left is incapable of admitting when wrong and won't even consider being wrong. That is immaturity.
Bad why, because your partisan interpretation is liberal based on feelings?
Nope, just because you're bad at it.

Maybe it is you that cannot debate because debates are won by data not your opinions or emoji's
This coming from someone who doesn't debate....

Predictable and boring because you cannot refute the data or are so loyal that you cannot believe the left would lie to you? How can you support an ideology that generates the results you see from liberal states all over the country? Spending in the name of compassion may make you feel good but makes bureaucrats feel better. Yes, I know I am ranting to myself because the left is incapable of admitting when wrong and won't even consider being wrong. That is immaturity.
Trump wasn't POTUS for 3 years.

Did I? 🥱

You mean i left a year out?

That's not what happened.

Oh yeah, without Trump's branding, those folks actually responsible for the vaccines wouldn't have been able to do it.

Ahhh...silly me... i must be civics challenged! Here i thought the path to election victory is by getting 271 EC votes when all along it is about getting 10 million more votes than the previous election.

They probably went bankrupt after you left too!
He wasn't President 2017-2019 three years? Really? What you cannot seem to grasp is the economic performance from economic policies vs economic performance from the the economic shutdown for the pandemic?

Of course I left a year out, pandemic results vs results from economic policies. Governors shutting down their states affected the economic data, didn't it? What you saw was typical liberal history being repeated by Congress in 2008 and 2020, divert from results and blame the President for personal responsibility failures.

What you cannot explain is where the Presidential authority to mandate masks, social distancing, quarantine is given? Management 101, no one is responsible if they don't have the authority.

It is stunning how radical you have become for a so called independent and how totally clueless you are regarding dependence and what incentive does to economic activity.

Looks like 6.6 million to me from January 2017 to February 2020 and 6.6 million from January 2017 to the end of 2019

Employment the end of February 2020

Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey
Original Data Value
Series Id:LNS12000000
Seasonally Adjusted
Series title:(Seas) Employment Level
Labor force status:Employed
Type of data:Number in thousands
Age:16 years and over
Years:2011 to 2021
Nope, just because you're bad at it.

This coming from someone who doesn't debate....

by your standards, yes I will be bad at it, but thanks for being here and making me look good and you childish. Facts win court cases and debates not your opinions or interpretation of those facts. Why don't you explain to me what economic facts I got wrong from 2017 to the beginning of the pandemic?
He wasn't President 2017-2019 three years?
No. He was President for 4 years, and was so bad that we elected some boring white dude to take his place.

No. He was President for 4 years, and was so bad that we elected some boring white dude to take his place.

Yes divided by economic results from economic policies and economic results due to the pandemic. Noticed you never answered the question, did you support the economic shutdown that was bipartisan to stop the spread of the virus or to generate poor economic results to blame on Trump? Seems that economic policies are ignored whereas pandemic results are what you want to tout.
by your standards, yes I will be bad at it, but thanks for being here and making me look good and you childish. Facts win court cases and debates not your opinions or interpretation of those facts. Why don't you explain to me what economic facts I got wrong from 2017 to the beginning of the pandemic?
Because I have already done so in the pandemic threads previously, and none of that has changed.


Based on the number of responders left, it looks like you're just down to @Kushinator. This is way too repetitive for me, so enjoy the rest of the weekend!
Because I have already done so in the pandemic threads previously, and none of that has changed.


Based on the number of responders left, it looks like you're just down to @Kushinator. This is way too repetitive for me, so enjoy the rest of the weekend!
No, you touted liberal talking points ignoring state and local responsibilities and actions. Your entire argument against Trump is all pandemic based which ignores the 10th amendment and even current state and local actions TODAY!! What is NY, California, and your unemployment rate vs high populated Florida and TX, both red states?
No. He was President for 4 years, and was so bad that we elected some boring white dude to take his place.

It does seem that the left blames Bush for 2009 so was Obama only President for 7 years?
Remember that next time you think about posting something you experienced and saw with your own eyes, it is " Irrelevant"
Have a nice day
What I saw was what I read. The economy stopped and people stayed home. Thus oil crashed. Supply and demand.

It's a staple of conservative arguments and you go and throw it out the window to troll libs.
What I saw was what I read. The economy stopped and people stayed home. Thus oil crashed. Supply and demand.

It's a staple of conservative arguments and you go and throw it out the window to troll libs.
California unemployment 8.3%, NY, 8.2%, Florida 4.8%, TX 6.7%(Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Austin, and El Paso all Democrat run cities and still enforcing lockdowns)
California unemployment 8.3%, NY, 8.2%, Florida 4.8%, TX 6.7%(Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Austin, and El Paso all Democrat run cities and still enforcing lockdowns)
I like cake.
No, you touted liberal talking points ignoring state and local responsibilities and actions. Your entire argument against Trump is all pandemic based which ignores the 10th amendment and even current state and local actions TODAY!! What is NY, California, and your unemployment rate vs high populated Florida and TX, both red states?

Same old carousel. Enjoy spinning around in circles. You can look back at previous times I've addressed all of your tired talking points.

Same old carousel. Enjoy spinning around in circles. You can look back at previous times I've addressed all of your tired talking points.
You are a true legend in your own mind believe what you want to believe most know better
It does seem that the left blames Bush for 2009 so was Obama only President for 7 years?
Yes they do because what happened in 2008 when Bush was President caused what happened in 2009 ( the recession , the spike in Unemployment 10.1 % and remember employment / unemployment always lags in a recovery )
I guess you aren't smart enough to figure that out
Have a nice evening

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