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[W:1581] US hiring sharply misses expectations in April with just 266,000 new jobs added (1 Viewer)

Job growth? Define meaningful job growth, returning jobs is job growth but new jobs is the key to success. Trump had almost 7 million of them in 3 years most full time jobs. Obama generated 6 million NEW JOBS in 8 years and 5.7 million were the part time jobs when he left office, Trump 4.2 million at the end of 2019
lol, this is a proven lie which you have been called on dozens of times.
It is stunning how a vaccine approved in Mid December, distributed to the state of TX by the end of the year ended up in my arm on January 6 and Biden gets credit. That is typical liberal logic
What is more stunning is the myopic, ignorant and dishonest crap that you spread.
Friday BLS will announce May's Jobs numbers, anyone want to bet that those numbers are going to be touted as a Biden Success when the reality is reopening states is creating returning jobs not new job creation or any Biden policies. The only policies Biden has implemented that has affected jobs is shutting down the Keystone Pipeline.

Going to continue to remind liberals that a returning job isn't a new taxpayer thus not a new job created. There will be job growth but not new job creation until 159 million Americans are employed which is what Trump had in February 2020
You should read up on the Keystone pipeline and how many people it had building it ( temporary workers ) and how many would be permanent
the Temp workers building it was 1000 to 1200 workers and they were temp. workers and it would be from 35 to 50 permanent workers.
for one thing if this oil is so clean and we did use it then it would effect us but it is dirty oil and we don't use it here it is sent over seas
and IF the Co. that is building it has such a high rating for safety and didn't have the amount of leaks they have had in other pipelines they built wouldn't have Canada just run it to the west to refineries where they could ship it
but they didn't because the people of Canada knew this Co and it's history and said no way
They didn't want oil leaking from a pipe destroying their water sources
Have a nice day
Didn't realize that Biden was in office when I got my first shot on January 6 but as usual the liberal in you comes out. It is the governors that distributed the vaccines not Biden and it is the state, local and individual responsibility to manage the pandemic. How liberal of you to credit Biden and blame Trump
He likely was when you took your second shot and its the Biden administration that procured the vaccines for the states and distributed them when he became president months ago.
Hmmmm.. right.. according to you.. the federal government is who is responsible for the economy.. not local businesses..
While a biological threat/attack from another COUNTRY.. is the responsibility of the state, local and individual.
You sir are simply absurd.
He likely was when you took your second shot and its the Biden administration that procured the vaccines for the states and distributed them when he became president months ago.
Hmmmm.. right.. according to you.. the federal government is who is responsible for the economy.. not local businesses..
While a biological threat/attack from another COUNTRY.. is the responsibility of the state, local and individual.
You sir are simply absurd.
Wow, there isn't another conservative so full of BS the vaccine was approved in Mid December and I got mine on January 6 and the second one scheduled at the time for February 3, Biden had nothing to do with it but thanks for showing anyone else that reads your garbage what a false lean you have.

It is Biden/Harris that believe the gov't is responsible for the economy, Trump and conservatives know it is the American consumer that constitutes most of the GDP but then again I can see you have no clue as to the components. Biological attack from another country? I thought you said it was from bats? Biden called the travel ban racists. What was your solution?
Wow, there isn't another conservative so full of BS the vaccine was approved in Mid December and I got mine on January 6 and the second one scheduled at the time for February 3, Biden had nothing to do with it but thanks for showing anyone else that reads your garbage what a false lean you have.

It is Biden/Harris that believe the gov't is responsible for the economy, Trump and conservatives know it is the American consumer that constitutes most of the GDP but then again I can see you have no clue as to the components. Biological attack from another country? I thought you said it was from bats? Biden called the travel ban racists. What was your solution?
Your second dose was under the Biden administration. They would have issued the doses to the state for you to get your vaccine.
Please explain as a conservative..why you believe the president is who is responsible for the economy.. why you don;t believe its the people that work in the economy,, the business owners, the investors etc.. that make the economy..but its only the direction of the government.

Yes.. a biological threat/attack from another country. Or do you contend that the Covid virus originated in the US?
I already mentioned tons of better responses to the crisis than trumps incompetence.
He should have made sure the US was adequately supplied with PPE, with ventilators, with testing and testing supplies. He should have made a coordinated plan with homeland security, the TSA and the CDC to stop, test and quarantine people traveling from foreign countries. He should have immediately begun getting funding and supplies to schools so that they would have the PPE, the testing, and the protective equipment and space to safely remain open.

Instead.. he first ignored the problem,, then lied and told everyone he had it fixed.. then told a lie that Covid would just go away. then spent months politicizing medical experts and their recommendations.. which has directly led to vaccine hesitancy and a prolonging of the epidemic.
Your second dose was under the Biden administration. They would have issued the doses to the state for you to get your vaccine.
Please explain as a conservative..why you believe the president is who is responsible for the economy.. why you don;t believe its the people that work in the economy,, the business owners, the investors etc.. that make the economy..but its only the direction of the government.

Yes.. a biological threat/attack from another country. Or do you contend that the Covid virus originated in the US?
I already mentioned tons of better responses to the crisis than trumps incompetence.
He should have made sure the US was adequately supplied with PPE, with ventilators, with testing and testing supplies. He should have made a coordinated plan with homeland security, the TSA and the CDC to stop, test and quarantine people traveling from foreign countries. He should have immediately begun getting funding and supplies to schools so that they would have the PPE, the testing, and the protective equipment and space to safely remain open.

Instead.. he first ignored the problem,, then lied and told everyone he had it fixed.. then told a lie that Covid would just go away. then spent months politicizing medical experts and their recommendations.. which has directly led to vaccine hesitancy and a prolonging of the epidemic.
You have been indoctrinated well a true waste of time, no conservative would ever vote for Biden and no conservative would ever allow Harris to get within shouting distance of the WH. You are a fraud, just like your ideology
You have been indoctrinated well a true waste of time, no conservative would ever vote for Biden and no conservative would ever allow Harris to get within shouting distance of the WH. You are a fraud, just like your ideology
Nope..you are the one indoctrinated since you have no meaningful rebuttal. All you have dude is your ideology.. which simply defies reality and logic.. and it sure as heck isn;t a conservative ideology.
Nope..you are the one indoctrinated since you have no meaningful rebuttal. All you have dude is your ideology.. which simply defies reality and logic.. and it sure as heck isn;t a conservative ideology.
Right, facts, logic, common sense, civics, and bls.gov, bea.gov, treasury.gov aren't relevant and will never change your mind or opinions
Right, facts, logic, common sense, civics, and bls.gov, bea.gov, treasury.gov aren't relevant and will never change your mind or opinions
Everything you listed above directly refutes every claim you have made in this thread, as you have been shown.
Right, facts, logic, common sense, civics, and bls.gov, bea.gov, treasury.gov aren't relevant and will never change your mind or opinions
Oh no they are relevant..its just that you have
zero understanding about any of them..which is why when you are called on it you have no response but..." you are indoctrinated.. lah blah blah".
It's why you have zero credibility. Look you can't even acknowledge the responsibility the federal government has when a biological threat like covid originates from another country and threatens the us. It's a friggin foreign threat!!! And you say it should just be a state responsibility.
Cripes ..you can't even understand that...much less the economic data that kushinator and others ( sorry too.many to name you all) have provided that proves you oh so wrong.
Honestly you have zero awareness..you are like the punch drunk fighter who gets knocked out in the first round..and when they announce the winner..he raises his arms in victory!
Oh no they are relevant..its just that you have
zero understanding about any of them..which is why when you are called on it you have no response but..." you are indoctrinated.. lah blah blah".
It's why you have zero credibility. Look you can't even acknowledge the responsibility the federal government has when a biological threat like covid originates from another country and threatens the us. It's a friggin foreign threat!!! And you say it should just be a state responsibility.
Cripes ..you can't even understand that...much less the economic data that kushinator and others ( sorry too.many to name you all) have provided that proves you oh so wrong.
Honestly you have zero awareness..you are like the punch drunk fighter who gets knocked out in the first round..and when they announce the winner..he raises his arms in victory!
You helped put Biden and Harris in power and no conservative would do that
Which businesses? A pizza place? Why should a person who is a middle class worker take that job?
All restaurants are having issues getting employees as things are opening back up. We're talking about young people for entry-level restaurant jobs. No one is expecting older middle class people to apply at a pizza joint. I'm a restaurant GM and I have hardly any applicants. The ones I do get and contact either don't respond or don't show up for their interview. No one wants to go back to work and especially at restaurants where they have larger exposure to the general public. My store runs shorthanded every day and I'm putting in 60+ hours a week because of it.
So what you're saying is that you hate workers.
Minimum wage jobs are what they are due to the VALUE that that worker brings to the business. Everyone is crying for a $15 or higher minimum wage. Small businesses cannot sustain these wage increases or they will lose employees or have to give them pink slips. Let me give you an example. The restaurant business is known for extremely low profit margins and its really hard to make any money as a restaurant owner unless you are able to catch lightning in a bottle such as Chik fil-A or In-n-Out or similar extremely popular chain. Most restaurants are Mom and pop operations and I have worked for many. If you start paying an entry level restaurant worker $15 or $20 an hour, then everyone else who was already there will have to be raised to even more. So the regular employees who have been there awhile will want a considerable raise above the new minimum or they will quit. And the supervisors who were making $17-20 an hour will want even more, and the G.M. of the store even more. Small businesses cannot sustain that type of wage increase for what is basically menial labor. All businesses will just raise their prices and pass the extra cost on to the customer, causing inflation, while watching their margins get even slimmer because their rent and other costs besides just labor will go up too. If you want to make more than minimum wage in this country you need to learn a real marketable skill and/or become a professional in something. Minimum wage jobs should only be for retirees looking for a part-timer, high school and college students, or new uneducated immigrants assimilating into our economy.
You should read up on the Keystone pipeline and how many people it had building it ( temporary workers ) and how many would be permanent
the Temp workers building it was 1000 to 1200 workers and they were temp. workers and it would be from 35 to 50 permanent workers.
for one thing if this oil is so clean and we did use it then it would effect us but it is dirty oil and we don't use it here it is sent over seas
and IF the Co. that is building it has such a high rating for safety and didn't have the amount of leaks they have had in other pipelines they built wouldn't have Canada just run it to the west to refineries where they could ship it
but they didn't because the people of Canada knew this Co and it's history and said no way
They didn't want oil leaking from a pipe destroying their water sources
Have a nice day
You should write for comedy central. You really have a vivid imagination. Good thing for you they don't fact check your posts.
You should write for comedy central. You really have a vivid imagination. Good thing for you they don't fact check your posts.
Unlike YOU I spent some time reading up on the Keystone pipeline and those numbers are from the Canadian Co. that is building it
and IF you took the time to look up the record of the leaks the pipelines this CO puts in you would understand why Canada didn't want them to run it across Canada
They unlike Americans like YOU will stand up and make sure their Aquifers and water supply for their people stays safe
Have a nice night
Unlike YOU I spent some time reading up on the Keystone pipeline and those numbers are from the Canadian Co. that is building it
and IF you took the time to look up the record of the leaks the pipelines this CO puts in you would understand why Canada didn't want them to run it across Canada
They unlike Americans like YOU will stand up and make sure their Aquifers and water supply for their people stays safe
Have a nice night
Only an uneducated dolt would post that. There are over 840,000 KM of pipeline in Canada. The Canadians have no problem with pipelines.

What Canadians don't want is another Lac-Megantic disaster.

You should write for comedy central. You really have a vivid imagination. Good thing for you they don't fact check your posts.
Here is a little reading for you

Keystone XL Pipeline Environmental Impact​

Leaks and the pipeline​

Tar sands oil is thicker, more acidic, and more corrosive than lighter conventional crude, and this ups the likelihood that a pipeline carrying it will leak. Indeed, one study found that between 2007 and 2010, pipelines moving tar sands oil in Midwestern states spilled three times more per mile than the U.S. national average for pipelines carrying conventional crude. Since it first went into operation in 2010, TC Energy’s original Keystone Pipeline System has leaked more than a dozen times; one incident in North Dakota sent a 60-foot, 21,000-gallon geyser of tar sands oil spewing into the air. Most recently, on October 31, 2019, the Keystone tar sands pipeline was temporarily shut down after a spill in North Dakota of reportedly more than 378,000 gallons. And the risk that Keystone XL will spill has only been heightened: A study published in early 2020, co-authored by TC Energy’s own scientists, found that the anti-corrosion coating on pipes for the project is defective from being stored outside and exposed to the elements for the last decade.
so lets put in a pipeline that can leak all over the place and destroy some of our water supply that could effect millions of Americans
and from what Read there will be only something like 35 to 50 permanent jobs when it is all done and most of them will be people going up and down the pipe to watch for leaks because this CO. is SO good at putting pipelines in

and here is some more reading you should do

Is the Keystone Pipeline closed and is that causing a gas shortage? No, that's not true. The gas shortage on the East Coast of the United States in May 2021 was triggered by a cyberattack that caused the shutdown of the Colonial Pipeline, which runs from Houston to New Jersey and supplies 45% of the gasoline to the East Coast. The Keystone Pipeline from Canada to the U.S. is not closed. President Joe Biden in January 2021 revoked the permit for an add-on to the Keystone system, but the rest of the system is still running.

hope that helps you a little
Have a nice night
Here is a little reading for you

Keystone XL Pipeline Environmental Impact​

Leaks and the pipeline​

Tar sands oil is thicker, more acidic, and more corrosive than lighter conventional crude, and this ups the likelihood that a pipeline carrying it will leak. Indeed, one study found that between 2007 and 2010, pipelines moving tar sands oil in Midwestern states spilled three times more per mile than the U.S. national average for pipelines carrying conventional crude. Since it first went into operation in 2010, TC Energy’s original Keystone Pipeline System has leaked more than a dozen times; one incident in North Dakota sent a 60-foot, 21,000-gallon geyser of tar sands oil spewing into the air. Most recently, on October 31, 2019, the Keystone tar sands pipeline was temporarily shut down after a spill in North Dakota of reportedly more than 378,000 gallons. And the risk that Keystone XL will spill has only been heightened: A study published in early 2020, co-authored by TC Energy’s own scientists, found that the anti-corrosion coating on pipes for the project is defective from being stored outside and exposed to the elements for the last decade.
so lets put in a pipeline that can leak all over the place and destroy some of our water supply that could effect millions of Americans
and from what Read there will be only something like 35 to 50 permanent jobs when it is all done and most of them will be people going up and down the pipe to watch for leaks because this CO. is SO good at putting pipelines in

and here is some more reading you should do

Is the Keystone Pipeline closed and is that causing a gas shortage? No, that's not true. The gas shortage on the East Coast of the United States in May 2021 was triggered by a cyberattack that caused the shutdown of the Colonial Pipeline, which runs from Houston to New Jersey and supplies 45% of the gasoline to the East Coast. The Keystone Pipeline from Canada to the U.S. is not closed. President Joe Biden in January 2021 revoked the permit for an add-on to the Keystone system, but the rest of the system is still running.

hope that helps you a little
Have a nice night
Here is some more info
Complicating matters, leaks can be difficult to detect. And when tar sands oil does spill, it’s more difficult to clean up than conventional crude because it immediately sinks to the bottom of the waterway. People and wildlife coming into contact with tar sands oil are exposed to toxic chemicals, and rivers and wetland environments are at particular risk from a spill. (For evidence, recall the 2010 tar sands oil spill in Kalamazoo, Michigan, a disaster that cost Enbridge more than a billion dollars in cleanup fees and took six years to settle in court.) Keystone XL would cross agriculturally important and environmentally sensitive areas, including hundreds of rivers, streams, aquifers, and water bodies. One is Nebraska’s Ogallala Aquifer, which provides drinking water for millions as well as 30 percent of America’s irrigation water. A spill would be devastating to the farms, ranches, and communities that depend on these crucial ecosystems.
Here is some more info
Complicating matters, leaks can be difficult to detect. And when tar sands oil does spill, it’s more difficult to clean up than conventional crude because it immediately sinks to the bottom of the waterway. People and wildlife coming into contact with tar sands oil are exposed to toxic chemicals, and rivers and wetland environments are at particular risk from a spill. (For evidence, recall the 2010 tar sands oil spill in Kalamazoo, Michigan, a disaster that cost Enbridge more than a billion dollars in cleanup fees and took six years to settle in court.) Keystone XL would cross agriculturally important and environmentally sensitive areas, including hundreds of rivers, streams, aquifers, and water bodies. One is Nebraska’s Ogallala Aquifer, which provides drinking water for millions as well as 30 percent of America’s irrigation water. A spill would be devastating to the farms, ranches, and communities that depend on these crucial ecosystems.
It would also lead to greater greenhouse gas emissions. In 2014, the EPA stated that tar sands oil emits 17 percent more carbon than other types of crude, but ironically, the State Department revised this number upward three years later, stating that the emissions could be “5 percent to 20 percent higher than previously indicated.” That means burdening the planet with an extra 178.3 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions annually, the same impact as 38.5 million passenger vehicles or 45.8 coal-fired power plants. Finally, the pipeline would undermine efforts to minimize global warming and prioritize clean energy like wind and solar. Leading climate scientist and former NASA researcher James Hansen has warned that fully exploiting Canada’s tar sands reserves would mean “game over” for our climate. In short, tar sands oil represents no small threat to our environment, and our best stance against it, as the rallying cry goes, is to “keep it in the ground.”

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