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[W:1581] US hiring sharply misses expectations in April with just 266,000 new jobs added (1 Viewer)

I didn’t realize that Biden was behind the hack that created a one week gas shortage in part of the East Coast.
It happened on his watch. Do you blame Trump for COVID?
We had a temporary blip in inflation localized in used cars. You’re going to look awfully foolish when it normalizes. In any case, what we see reflect what you’d expect to see in an economy that’s trying to go from near complete shutdown to returning to normal. The slowdown had nothing to do with Biden but the recovery does Have Biden’s fingerprints.
You must not have bought any gas or groceries lately.
What Republicans are running on is rejection of the recovery.
Their is more than one way to skin a cat. You don't have to sell your kids and grandkids down the drain to save the economy.
I didn’t realize that Biden was behind the hack that created a one week gas shortage in part of the East Coast.

We had a temporary blip in inflation localized in used cars. You’re going to look awfully foolish when it normalizes. In any case, what we see reflect what you’d expect to see in an economy that’s trying to go from near complete shutdown to returning to normal. The slowdown had nothing to do with Biden but the recovery does Have Biden’s fingerprints.

What Republicans are running on is rejection of the recovery.
They also tried to say the gas and oil prices went up because Biden shut down the Keystone pipe line
Guess shutting down a pipeline that isn't even finished being built and has not moved a drop of oil will drive up the price of oil and gas, they started saying oil went up because Biden shut down the pipeline and a lot of people weren't smart enough to even look up what pipeline it was that was shut down and it was an excuse to drive prices up
also they didn't think about the oil war that Russia and Iran were having at this time last year that drove down prices to about 25 dollars a barrel and now they aren't in a oil war anymore and cost of oil went back up
and you can bet that the oil co.s put as much of that cheap oil away and now seeing the prices went back up are using it and charging us top dollar
Have a nice evening
It happened on his watch. Do you blame Trump for COVID?

You must not have bought any gas or groceries lately.

Their is more than one way to skin a cat. You don't have to sell your kids and grandkids down the drain to save the economy.
well like YOU said " it happened on his watch"
Neither one had anything to do with it but you blame Biden for something he had no control of but not Trump
Have a nice day
They also tried to say the gas and oil prices went up because Biden shut down the Keystone pipe line
Guess shutting down a pipeline that isn't even finished being built and has not moved a drop of oil will drive up the price of oil and gas, they started saying oil went up because Biden shut down the pipeline and a lot of people weren't smart enough to even look up what pipeline it was that was shut down and it was an excuse to drive prices up
also they didn't think about the oil war that Russia and Iran were having at this time last year that drove down prices to about 25 dollars a barrel and now they aren't in a oil war anymore and cost of oil went back up
and you can bet that the oil co.s put as much of that cheap oil away and now seeing the prices went back up are using it and charging us top dollar
Have a nice evening
Moreover, last year when nobody was driving due to Covid, oil futures were less than $0, because there was no way to take delivery.

You must not have bought any gas or groceries lately.

Core inflation measurement excludes food and energy because they move erratically in the short term, making it impossible to determine inflation or form policy.
AKA you're fully out of ammunition.
Not sure he had any to begin with. It seemed to me that he was shooting blanks. At one point.. I think he was just making "pew pew"... sounds.
Moreover, last year when nobody was driving due to Covid, oil futures were less than $0, because there was no way to take delivery.
Would you enplane your last post
Pipe lines were still open, trucks were still on the road
and I saw all kinds of people driving
I was in Fla. in Feb, March Apr, and part of may and back in June and there was still a lot of cars on the road then and
I was back in March, Apr, and the beginning of May and there were even more cars on the road.
from what I saw there was a little decrease in cars on the road but not really a lot down there
have a nice evening
Would you enplane your last post
Pipe lines were still open, trucks were still on the road
and I saw all kinds of people driving
I was in Fla. in Feb, March Apr, and part of may and back in June and there was still a lot of cars on the road then and
I was back in March, Apr, and the beginning of May and there were even more cars on the road.
from what I saw there was a little decrease in cars on the road but not really a lot down there
have a nice evening
The article he linked to explains it quite well.
Yep, typical liberalism where the elite benefit and the poor suffer. Results don't resonate with you so how do you explain those results? When will liberal results reconcile with the rhetoric? How can the 6th largest economy in the world generate these kind of results. Like far too many liberals you think solely with your heart and believe spending in the name of compassion is what matters, it doesn't because dependence isn't compassion


California leads the nation in Poverty


California homeless

Cost of living

Shall we compare the min wage of California versus Mississippi or Alabama? How about quality of life?
Would you enplane your last post
Pipe lines were still open, trucks were still on the road
and I saw all kinds of people driving
I was in Fla. in Feb, March Apr, and part of may and back in June and there was still a lot of cars on the road then and
I was back in March, Apr, and the beginning of May and there were even more cars on the road.
from what I saw there was a little decrease in cars on the road but not really a lot down there
have a nice evening
I think you mean explain.
Oil futures work by buying a contract for delivery in the future. That way, the price is locked in. Last year, all the storage facilities were full, so those with contracts due couldn’t take delivery, driving the price negative — I’ll pay you to take the oil.
I was driving in NYC last Spring and was able to drive from Manhattan to the middle of Long Island in 20 minutes, during rush hour.
I think you mean explain.
Oil futures work by buying a contract for delivery in the future. That way, the price is locked in. Last year, all the storage facilities were full, so those with contracts due couldn’t take delivery, driving the price negative — I’ll pay you to take the oil.
I was driving in NYC last Spring and was able to drive from Manhattan to the middle of Long Island in 20 minutes, during rush hour.
I hope you and your family did okay against Covid. It was terrible in NYC at that time. I lost some colleagues.
I think you mean explain.
Oil futures work by buying a contract for delivery in the future. That way, the price is locked in. Last year, all the storage facilities were full, so those with contracts due couldn’t take delivery, driving the price negative — I’ll pay you to take the oil.
I was driving in NYC last Spring and was able to drive from Manhattan to the middle of Long Island in 20 minutes, during rush hour.
From a driving perspective it was pretty amazing to be able to get to places so quickly and with almost non-existent traffic on most of the highways as well as in the city. Though I'm happy things are ramping up, I can't say I miss the traffic.
I hope you and your family did okay against Covid. It was terrible in NYC at that time. I lost some colleagues.
My family did but I did lose people that I knew. The health system was overloaded. I did all the shopping because I have an unbelievable immune system.

Thank you.
The article he linked to explains it quite well.
good article ,sorry for the misunderstanding bit what I think should have been said is they didn't have storage capacity not that "there was no way to take delivery. " and talking about shutting down pipelines and stuff like that it made it sound like they could not transport it and transportation of oil had nothing to do with it
Have a nice night
Ummm focus...my points had nothing..zero..nada ..zilch with President Biden.
I pointed out trump knew about the Chinese virus in November..yet did nothing to prevent or prepare for its effects..and then spent time denying..lying then bragging then failing to respond to the virus in a competent manner.
You continue to avoid addressing these points so one must conclude that you have no rebuttal for any of those points.
Your post is why Biden won and that is what matters, you focus, you bought the liberal spin because that is what you really are, no conservative blamed Trump for the virus spreading as your attempt ignores reality and the facts. there are no points to address, just liberal propaganda as you focus solely on Trump and not the Democrats reaction to Trump. WHO and CDC made claims in November and December and even January that you want to ignore. Further you want to ignore the Democratic rhetoric in December and January even at the Presidential debates. Pelosi and Biden's reaction to the travel ban in January was also ignored. This is all about spreading hatred of Trump even after getting exactly what you wanted, Biden in the WH to once again repeat 2009-10
My focus was on trumps response to the pandemic..
The Trump administration knew from us intelligence that China had a new dangerous virus in november..
Yet failed to have enough ppe..enough ventilators..and enough testing materials.
They failed to provide a coordinated response with the tsa..homeland security and the cdc to stop test and quarantine foreign traveler's. They failed to have coordinated responses for movement of interstate travel.
So far these points remain unrefuted by you.
That is your opinion, biased, partisan and leftwing propaganda. Not having enough material rests with Obama just as much as Trump but you have to give Trump an anal exam while ignoring the Democratic reactions
My family did but I did lose people that I knew. The health system was overloaded. I did all the shopping because I have an unbelievable immune system.

Thank you.
That is good you could do the shopping....many people turned to delivery for their shopping during the Pandemic....helped a lot of gig workers survive the storm.
I didn’t realize that Biden was behind the hack that created a one week gas shortage in part of the East Coast.

We had a temporary blip in inflation localized in used cars. You’re going to look awfully foolish when it normalizes. In any case, what we see reflect what you’d expect to see in an economy that’s trying to go from near complete shutdown to returning to normal. The slowdown had nothing to do with Biden but the recovery does Have Biden’s fingerprints.

What Republicans are running on is rejection of the recovery.
What recovery? Returning jobs not new jobs, higher taxes and more social spending, repeating of 2009 where Democrats had control of Congress and implemented a far left strategy costing them the House in 10, 12, and the Congress in 14-16. Your loyalty to the Democratic Party shows that you are part of the problem not part of the solution
What recovery? Returning jobs not new jobs, higher taxes and more social spending, repeating of 2009 where Democrats had control of Congress and implemented a far left strategy costing them the House in 10, 12, and the Congress in 14-16. Your loyalty to the Democratic Party shows that you are part of the problem not part of the solution
No, jobs Trump lost and more....care to come work in the restaurant industry in Florida? They need help I hear....and they have more positions than unemployed people available.
Shall we compare the min wage of California versus Mississippi or Alabama? How about quality of life?
You can but what purpose would it serve, what are the people in California getting for that minimum wage and what is the cost of living in California vs. Miss? Quality of life? Go for it, people make choices and the people of California are paying for those choices and not getting what they are paying for. The people of Mississippi are indeed getting exactly what they are paying for, low taxes and low cost of living
No, jobs Trump lost and more....care to come work in the restaurant industry in Florida? They need help I hear....and they have more positions than unemployed people available.
Show us where Trump cost us those jobs and they weren't due to the pandemic and economic shutdown? You have a very short, biased, partisan memory ignoring that the economic shutdown was created to stop the spread of the virus but you use it now to blame Trump. Trump's economic policies created almost 7 million jobs of which 4.2 million were part time jobs for economic reasons and a 7% U-6. Oh by the way who did the state of Florida vote for in the last election? Want to compare the unemployment rate and covid death totals of NY and California to Florida and TX?
Who isn’t allowed to go back to work? Where?
No links, no proof, just take our word for it. I'm thinking if someplace is offering me five grand to come work for them, I am taking it if I live in the area. What republicans don't say is most of these jobs are dead end service jobs. The kind that the ones without go to work for the ones with. I mean who doesn't want to work in a pizza shop for thirty years?

All these folks are doing is complaining, it's what they do best when they are not saying trump is still the president.
No links, no proof, just take our word for it. I'm thinking if someplace is offering me five grand to come work for them, I am taking it if I live in the area. What republicans don't say is most of these jobs are dead end service jobs. The kind that the ones without go to work for the ones with. I mean who doesn't want to work in a pizza shop for thirty years?

All these folks are doing is complaining, it's what they do best when they are not saying trump is still the president.
Your expert opinion is a joke, dead end service jobs? what is stunning is how progressives like you have no understanding of personal responsibility and expect someone else to provide it for you. Every socialist country in the world fails and what you don't seem to grasp is that the bastions of liberalism, NY and California control the money supply destroy incentive and are socialist utopia with high cost of living, high poverty, high homelessness, and now high unemployment. why don't you compare California/NY unemployment to Florida and TX?

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