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[W:117]Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump (1 Viewer)

Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

Who could miss him? He's fat as frick and he never shuts his cakehole.

This is very true.
I actually think Stormy is the one who has lost stature in this affair.
What kind of self-respecting pornstar would boink this orange turd of a man?
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

Stormy may have lost the defamation suit, but she got Trump's fixer-lawyer who may even lead up to Trump. She ain't doing half bad, to be honest.

Lead WHAT to Trump? A perfectly legal NDA that she broke, and is now LIABLE FOR?

She's appearing in skeazy, skank hole strip joints to make ends meet, and will now be liable for the LEGAL COSTS of the case just thrown out.

That's not my definition of "not doing half bad, to be honest"...BY A LONG SHOT.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

This is very true.
I actually think Stormy is the one who has lost stature in this affair.
What kind of self-respecting pornstar would boink this orange turd of a man?

She's not self-respecting. She did it for the money. That makes her a whore.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

So Trump does not sign the contract and doesn't use his name and the contract is good? What's the judge smoking? This wouldn't even pass muster in my business law class!

His LEGAL REPRESENTATION DID , with his POWER OF ATTORNEY, and that's not this case, BTW...

The NDA is PERFECTLY LEGAL. This case was about her nonsense about being "threatened" by a guy who police sketch is a DEAD RINGER FOR HER BOYFRIEND.


She will absolutely lose on the legality of the NDA....
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

Lead WHAT to Trump? A perfectly legal NDA that she broke, and is now LIABLE FOR?

She's appearing in skeazy, skank hole strip joints to make ends meet, and will now be liable for the LEGAL COSTS of the case just thrown out.

That's not my definition of "not doing half bad, to be honest"...BY A LONG SHOT.

You need to keep up better, Trump has already admitted he never signed an NDA. There was nothing to break.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

I have to wonder just how one can defame a person who, for a living, performs naked. I'd think such a person is beyond being embarrassed. Moreover, I had never heard of Stormy Daniels until her contretemps with Trump, which, with regard to my assessment of her, suggests he "famed" her rather than defamed her.

The judge didn't make his decision based on her inherent sleaze but on the fact that Pres.Trump is entitled to his opinion about her bull****, such as the "parking lot threat" she tried to claim "TRUMP SET UP", when, based on her description, the police sketched HER BOYFRIEND, ALMOST TO A PHOTOGRAPHIC MATCH.

stormy w attacker.jpg

Another of Mouthenatti's Brilliant Legal Strategies, I'm sure.

You can't make this crap up.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

Well, yes Cohen did sink himself. Over Daniels.

My reaction here was to the OP seemingly joyously celebrating Trump's "victory". When the reality is Stormy has brought Trump a lot of pain and ill fame, including publicly outing his cheating on Melania, the hurt it caused her, losing his lawyer and right-hand man, increasing the investigations via Cohen, including into the Trump org & it's CFO Weisselberg, etc.

She really caused Trump a lot of headache & heartache, including Melania and his kids.

I don't disagree with your last sentence.
And you probably won't believe me either... I could not bring myself to vote for Trump for this reason.
I've been happily married for 46 years. I feel safe in saying cheating would of ruined our marriage.

I hold Hillary just as responsible as I do Melania for enabling this type of behavior.
That said, I am not ashamed for saying out of the two, I am more than satisfied Trump won, and even more satisfied that he has taken the country in a positive conservative direction, I never thought possible.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

The last thread/link I saw on this indicates that there are other claims by Daniels against Trump that can proceed. Maybe it was wrong.

Either way, let this be a lesson to people who gripe about lying lawyers and/or about politics overriding the judiciary. Claims dismissed with Rule 11 sanctions = you don't get away with bull.

She is trying to pretend that the perfectly legal NDA is , somehow, "invalid", because Cohen signed it with Trump's power of attorney, and Trump used an alis, both PERFECTLY LEGIT.

She'll lose that one ,too.

More of the Legal Genius of the Sawed-Off Ambulance Chaser/Creepy Porn Lawyer, Mouthenatti.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

Lead WHAT to Trump? A perfectly legal NDA that she broke, and is now LIABLE FOR?

She's appearing in skeazy, skank hole strip joints to make ends meet, and will now be liable for the LEGAL COSTS of the case just thrown out That's not my definition of "not doing half bad, to be honest"...BY A LONG SHOT.[
If it was legal, Cohen wouldn't be a felon. She kicked Trump's ass, Grok.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

Don't get too cocky. I have a feelings there is much more to come when Mueller releases his investigation. And it won't be good for Trump and family.

Mueller will be lucky to AVOID PROSECUTION for PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT, just for starter, once all the cards are on the table.

Remember when he was tasked with seeing if the Trump Campaign COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA? Remember that COMPLETE LIE?

We all now know WHO COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA, and it wasn't the Trump Campaign, was it?

Mueller is a BUFFOON, who has cost the taxpayers $millions in DAMAGES over his investigative/prosecutorial buffoonery before. and he is the ODDS ON SUSPECT as to who gave Mouthenatti Cohen's PERSONAL FINANCIAL DATA to LEAK TO THE NY SLIMES as the Witch Hunt id WHO HAD IT.
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Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

If it was legal, Cohen wouldn't be a felon. She kicked Trump's ass, Grok.

WTH are you talking about?


His "confession" about campaign finance has already been DECLARED A NON-CRIME, just some of Lanny Davis's TDS BULL****.

Cohen is in TAX TROUBLE...has nothing to do with this.

There is NO LIABILITY for the POTUS in this matter...NDAs are LEGAL, even for CAMPAIGNS. PERIOD.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

I think he sunk himself. He's dirty.

As for Trump, as I have said before many, many times, IF he is proven to be dirty, throw him in the clink.
I have no use for criminals.

Nothing illegal about the NDA. Period.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

Indeed. He's help expose Trump for the lying piece of **** he is. Of course, many have already figured this out, but some still haven't realized.

I hope so. The stuff he brings up about Trump is hilarious. There's a reason Trump is a huge laughing stock around the world, and Avenatti has helped us realize how worthy Trump is of such a title.

Yes, he did a great job with Kavanaugh. He was probably responsible for Kavanaugh getting confirmed. Some lies are just so bald faced and absurd that even a few on the left are embarrassed by them. Like I said, keep making him the face of your movement. We're very happy with his performance.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

Trump's personal attorney was just disbarred, because he was convicted of a felony.
Avenatti had a case thrown out, why would that be grounds for disbarment?

Oh, because it's a phony Grokmaster hyperbolic propaganda post like always, complete with caps and "here's what you should think" sound bites.

Sad seeing so much of this propaganda on the forums lately, seems to have gotten worse..I suppose America's being made greater...

No, but his advising his client to BREAK A LEGAL CONTRACT WOULD BE, as well as his being caught skimming TAX PAYMENTS from his employees payrolls....illegally accessing another citizen's personal tax/financial data...which will probably implicate the Witch Hunt, as well.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

She's not self-respecting. She did it for the money. That makes her a whore.

You are so-o-o-o right.
Speaking of self-respect, Donald "John" Trump's middle name describes him very well.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

You are so-o-o-o right.
Speaking of self-respect, Donald "John" Trump's middle name describes him very well.

Really? Have a BLUE DRESS, or just the Blowjob Queen's WORD that he ever touched that?

He paid he off to not DEFAME/SLANDER HIM, and she accepted, and ADMITTED THERE WAS NO AFFAIR...until Mputhenatti showed up..and SCREWED GER OVER ROYALLY...
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

Yes, he did a great job with Kavanaugh. He was probably responsible for Kavanaugh getting confirmed.

That's nonsense. Republicans were determined to push Kavanaugh's confirmation through, and virtually nothing was going to stop it.

Some lies are just so bald faced and absurd that even a few on the left are embarrassed by them.

Lying like that is a normal everyday occurrence for Trump. And none on the right are embarrassed by it that I've seen.

Like I said, keep making him the face of your movement.

It's not my movement. That behavior has worked spectacularly for Trump, why don't you think it will also work for Avenatti? Sounds like you think liberals are too smart to fall for the lies the conservatives fall for daily.

We're very happy with his performance.

Me too. Every encounter he makes Trump an even bigger laughing stock around the world, and brings LOLs to billions of people as we all laugh at Trump, and by association those who support him. That's a good thing imo.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

I don't disagree with your last sentence.
And you probably won't believe me either... I could not bring myself to vote for Trump for this reason.
I've been happily married for 46 years. I feel safe in saying cheating would of ruined our marriage.

I hold Hillary just as responsible as I do Melania for enabling this type of behavior.
That said, I am not ashamed for saying out of the two, I am more than satisfied Trump won, and even more satisfied that he has taken the country in a positive conservative direction, I never thought possible.
I do believe you. Why wouldn't I? We all have things we hold strong. I wanted Clinton impeached after what he did in the Oval Office. I felt he desecrated hallow ground. That was my problem, there. Along with his abusing his position over a subordinate intern. In these terms, Hillary and Melania have suffered the same fate at the hands of their husbands. And if Melania stays with Trump after they leave office, she'll be of the same cloth as Hillary - have no doubt about that. And I'll respect her a bit less, as I did Hillary.

As to Trump accomplishing a lot for his supporters, I do substantively agree. He hyperbolic inflates everything he does, and he lies about much of it, but he does at least nudge things in his supporters' direction, and in some cases like SCOTUS he really delivers. So I could see some of his supporters being conflicted in not liking the man, but liking what he's trying to do.

But just imagine this: If some of his supporters are unhappy with his behavioral actions, imagine what it's like for those of us that additionally don't like his policy? Yeah, it's not a happy place to be. Plus he demonizes us and treats us like dogs. And his supporters love it.

If Romney or Rubio were in office and doing policy I don't like, I doubt I'd be reacting the way I am towards Trump. In fact, I'm sure of it. Some of us just see him as dangerous and derogatory. It's much more than policy. I never reacted this was to any President besides Nixon. And I feel Trump is worse ...
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

The judge didn't make his decision based on her inherent sleaze but on the fact that Pres.Trump is entitled to his opinion about her bull****, such as the "parking lot threat" she tried to claim "TRUMP SET UP", when, based on her description, the police sketched HER BOYFRIEND, ALMOST TO A PHOTOGRAPHIC MATCH.

View attachment 67242227

Another of Mouthenatti's Brilliant Legal Strategies, I'm sure.

You can't make this crap up.

I don't know on what the judge based his decision and I don't know what be the express words Trump uttered[SUP]1[/SUP] and that Daniels claims defamed her. Having neither of those pieces of information, it's all but impossible to form a rational opinion about the matter.

I see the referenced article indicates the judge unilaterally deemed Daniels as one of Trump's political adversaries. I don't think Daniels is a political adversary of Trump's -- she's not running for any political office and her political affiliation, if she even has one, isn't even common knowledge -- but she certainly is a personal adversary of his.

The man you refer to is "Glendon Crain," and he is, as of this past spring, her estranged husband. They wed in 2015. IIRC, Daniels claimed to have been threatened in a parking lot in 2011.
  • I have no idea whether she knew Crain in 2011. Do you?
  • Regardless of what the man looks like relative to a description Daniels gave to someone in 2018, what prevents him, or someone else resembling him or the sketch, from having, in a parking lot, threatened her as per her assertion, in 2011?

  1. I see the Yahoo News' paraphrasing of Trump's remark: "Trump tweeted that the man was 'nonexistent' and that Daniels was playing the 'fake news media for fools.'"
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

Avenatti is the gift that keeps on giving. I think the Dems should keep him front and center. How about a Warren-Avenatti ticket?:thumbs:

Even the flea on a dog's back would be more worthy of a vote than Trump.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

I do believe you. Why wouldn't I? We all have things we hold strong. I wanted Clinton impeached after what he did in the Oval Office. I felt he desecrated hallow ground. That was my problem, there. Along with his abusing his position over a subordinate intern. In these terms, Hillary and Melania have suffered the same fate at the hands of their husbands. And if Melania stays with Trump after they leave office, she'll be of the same cloth as Hillary - have no doubt about that. And I'll respect her a bit less, as I did Hillary.

As to Trump accomplishing a lot for his supporters, I do substantively agree. He hyperbolic inflates everything he does, and he lies about much of it, but he does at least nudge things in his supporters' direction, and in some cases like SCOTUS he really delivers. So I could see some of his supporters being conflicted in not liking the man, but liking what he's trying to do.

But just imagine this: If some of his supporters are unhappy with his behavioral actions, imagine what it's like for those of us that additionally don't like his policy? Yeah, it's not a happy place to be. Plus he demonizes us and treats us like dogs. And his supporters love it.

If Romney or Rubio were in office and doing policy I don't like, I doubt I'd be reacting the way I am towards Trump. In fact, I'm sure of it. Some of us just see him as dangerous and derogatory. It's much more than policy. I never reacted this was to any President besides Nixon. And I feel Trump is worse ...

I am glad you believe me. I don't lie.
You are one of those rare people who post on a forum.
I want you to know... despite your extreme dislike for Trump, I value your input even if I don't always agree.

Trump panders to his base as a bully. I wish he would reign it in. I don't think he is talking about you, the collective you who did not vote for him though, when he goes into his pandering routines. He is talking about the Democratic Party. I believe he wants nothing more than to be your president.
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Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

I am glad you believe me. I don't lie.
You are one of those rare people who post on a forum.
I want you to know... despite your extreme dislike for Trump, I value your input even if I don't always agree.

Trump panders to his base as a bully. I wish he would reign it in. I don't think he is talking about you, the collective you who did not vote for him though, when he goes into his pandering routines. He is talking about the Democratic Party. I believe he wants nothing more than to be your president.
Thanks for the kind words, Trix. I appreciate your insight and thoughts, too.

I don't think we've ever had such a polarizing President in modern times. Though I must admit, Nixon was despised by the young (mostly Dem) generation. Really despised. I never thought I'd see it again, but here we are it seems.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

Thanks for the kind words, Trix. I appreciate your insight and thoughts, too.

I don't think we've ever had such a polarizing President in modern times. Though I must admit, Nixon was despised by the young (mostly Dem) generation. Really despised. I never thought I'd see it again, but here we are it seems.

Now don't get me wrong, I am not unhappy with Trump's accomplishments, and I will continue to give him his props when due, but there is a reason he was elected. It is not the people's fault that they elected him. It is the fault of government at large. He tapped into their unhappiness. IMO, that is what it will take for the Democrats to become viable again. I don't see that happening anytime soon. All they are showing the people is that they are angry because they aren't in charge.
One thing... I am brutally honest, and I know it puts people off but I gotta' be me.
I've been at politics for so long... I kinda' can predict what's coming next.

Thank you for the chat... will agree Trump is brash and buffoonish, but I can't fault him for his many accomplishments. Unless he takes a wrong turn ahead, I will continue to support him, though that doesn't mean I respect him as a man, because I don't and never will. He is about as bad as they come.

Have a good evening.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

And Mouthenatti WINS ANOTHER ONE!!!

Now, Daniels will be LIABLE for breaking a LEGAL CONTRACT for which she accepted payment, on the advice of that sawed-off idiot.

How has that clowj not been DISBARRED yet?

Poor Stormy's gonna have to work a TON of skeavy strip joints to pay her bills before this is all over...

Daniels' attorney, Michael Avenatti, vowed to appeal the decision and said he was confident it would be reversed.
"No amount of spin or commentary by Stormy Daniels or her lawyer, Mr. Avenatti, can truthfully characterize today's ruling in any way other than total victory for President Trump and total defeat for Stormy Daniels," Trump's attorney, Charles Harder, said in a statement.

The judge's ruling also entitles Trump to collect attorneys' fees from Daniels, but the amount that Daniels would need to pay will be determined later, Harder said .

Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump


WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge dismissed Stormy Daniels' defamation lawsuit against President Donald Trump on Monday, saying the president made a "hyperbolic statement" against a political adversary when he tweeted about a composite sketch the porn actress' lawyer released.

Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, sued Trump in April after he said a composite sketch of a man she said threatened her in 2011 to keep quiet about an alleged affair with the real estate mogul was a "con job."

Trump tweeted that the man was "nonexistent" and that Daniels was playing the "fake news media for fools." He retweeted a side-by-side photo comparing the sketch with a photo of Daniels' husband.

In an order handed down Monday, U.S. District Judge S. James Otero said Trump's statement was protected speech under the First Amendment


It is imaterial now. Trump paid her off weeks before the election. Then when caught he lied, damage control from the WH was hilarious. Why so much hate for Stormy, it was Trump who porked her then lied.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

Now don't get me wrong, I am not unhappy with Trump's accomplishments, and I will continue to give him his props when due, but there is a reason he was elected. It is not the people's fault that they elected him. It is the fault of government at large. He tapped into their unhappiness. IMO, that is what it will take for the Democrats to become viable again. I don't see that happening anytime soon. All they are showing the people is that they are angry because they aren't in charge.
One thing... I am brutally honest, and I know it puts people off but I gotta' be me.
I've been at politics for so long... I kinda' can predict what's coming next.

Thank you for the chat... will agree Trump is brash and buffoonish, but I can't fault him for his many accomplishments. Unless he takes a wrong turn ahead, I will continue to support him, though that doesn't mean I respect him as a man, because I don't and never will. He is about as bad as they come.

Have a good evening.
Ah, but I agree with you a great deal here.

Trump did tap into the unhappiness that was occurring in much of the country. Both parties have passed these demographics by for many years. Decades ago, the Dems had much of this crowd, at least in the northern states, the ones Trump flipped allowing him to win. But besides just forgetting to be the champions of the working man, the Dems then embraced the culture wars, further alienating many of these same demographics. Then they ran Hillary. Good bye Presidency! Good by SCOTUS! It was a tragic and costly loss, that's for sure.

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