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[W:117]Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 8, 2017
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Libertarian - Right
And Mouthenatti WINS ANOTHER ONE!!!

Now, Daniels will be LIABLE for breaking a LEGAL CONTRACT for which she accepted payment, on the advice of that sawed-off idiot.

How has that clowj not been DISBARRED yet?

Poor Stormy's gonna have to work a TON of skeavy strip joints to pay her bills before this is all over...

Daniels' attorney, Michael Avenatti, vowed to appeal the decision and said he was confident it would be reversed.
"No amount of spin or commentary by Stormy Daniels or her lawyer, Mr. Avenatti, can truthfully characterize today's ruling in any way other than total victory for President Trump and total defeat for Stormy Daniels," Trump's attorney, Charles Harder, said in a statement.

The judge's ruling also entitles Trump to collect attorneys' fees from Daniels, but the amount that Daniels would need to pay will be determined later, Harder said .

Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump


WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge dismissed Stormy Daniels' defamation lawsuit against President Donald Trump on Monday, saying the president made a "hyperbolic statement" against a political adversary when he tweeted about a composite sketch the porn actress' lawyer released.

Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, sued Trump in April after he said a composite sketch of a man she said threatened her in 2011 to keep quiet about an alleged affair with the real estate mogul was a "con job."

Trump tweeted that the man was "nonexistent" and that Daniels was playing the "fake news media for fools." He retweeted a side-by-side photo comparing the sketch with a photo of Daniels' husband.

In an order handed down Monday, U.S. District Judge S. James Otero said Trump's statement was protected speech under the First Amendment

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Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

Stormy may have lost the defamation suit, but she got Trump's fixer-lawyer who may even lead up to Trump. She ain't doing half bad, to be honest.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

So Trump does not sign the contract and doesn't use his name and the contract is good? What's the judge smoking? This wouldn't even pass muster in my business law class!
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

I have to wonder just how one can defame a person who, for a living, performs naked. I'd think such a person is beyond being embarrassed. Moreover, I had never heard of Stormy Daniels until her contretemps with Trump, which, with regard to my assessment of her, suggests he "famed" her rather than defamed her.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

Stormy may have lost the defamation suit, but she got Trump's fixer-lawyer who may even lead up to Trump. She ain't doing half bad, to be honest.

The last thread/link I saw on this indicates that there are other claims by Daniels against Trump that can proceed. Maybe it was wrong.

Either way, let this be a lesson to people who gripe about lying lawyers and/or about politics overriding the judiciary. Claims dismissed with Rule 11 sanctions = you don't get away with bull.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

Stormy may have lost the defamation suit, but she got Trump's fixer-lawyer who may even lead up to Trump. She ain't doing half bad, to be honest.

Keyword, "may"

I seriously doubt there's a there there.

Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

Avenatti is the gift that keeps on giving. I think the Dems should keep him front and center. How about a Warren-Avenatti ticket?:thumbs:
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

Keyword, "may"

I seriously doubt there's a there there.

Perhaps. But she definitely sunk Trump's long-time fixer-lawyer. He's now a felon. Trump, his family, and his cohorts, may want to take note.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

I have to wonder just how one can defame a person who, for a living, performs naked.

There are a number of answers.

First, performing naked does not indicate dishonesty. An argument can be made that it indicates the opposite, but that argument is not necessary. It doesn't indicate dishonesty. The attack was that she was dishonest. Hence, defamation claimed.

Second, there are many varying moral views of sexual behavior, nudity, and the like. There are nudists. There are swingers. There were Romans. There are quite a few people who think there is nothing to be ashamed about regarding sexual behavior, including being a porn star; that it's a thing all humans do (minus asexuals) andthat the notion of modesty regarding nudity is a bull**** social construct.

I forgot three and four because I'm trying to watch an episode on my other monitor.

Moreover, I had never heard of Stormy Daniels until her contretemps with Trump, which, with regard to my assessment of her, he "famed" her rather than defamed her.

Ok, good play on words, but that's not relevant to a defamation suit unless the argument is that the defendant's actions in some way overrode or reversed the plaintiff's claimed damages. No doubt if this (or these) particular claim went to trial, civil defense counsel would be going on about her post-publicity strip tour (where she was dishonestly raided by the local police).

There's an element of monetary harm to defamation, of course.

I actually don't remember if there's a punitive damages possibility. Probably depends on jurisdiction.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

Avenatti is the gift that keeps on giving. I think the Dems should keep him front and center. How about a Warren-Avenatti ticket?:thumbs:

Don't get too cocky. I have a feelings there is much more to come when Mueller releases his investigation. And it won't be good for Trump and family.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

I have to wonder just how one can defame a person who, for a living, performs naked. I'd think such a person is beyond being embarrassed.

Different people are embarrassed by different things.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

Perhaps. But she definitely sunk Trump's long-time fixer-lawyer. He's now a felon. Trump, his family, and his cohorts, may want to take note.

I think he sunk himself. He's dirty.

As for Trump, as I have said before many, many times, IF he is proven to be dirty, throw him in the clink.
I have no use for criminals.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

Don't get too cocky. I have a feelings there is much more to come when Mueller releases his investigation. And it won't be good for Trump and family.

Get used to seeing Trump. He isn't going anywhere.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

Trump's personal attorney was just disbarred, because he was convicted of a felony.
Avenatti had a case thrown out, why would that be grounds for disbarment?

Oh, because it's a phony Grokmaster hyperbolic propaganda post like always, complete with caps and "here's what you should think" sound bites.

Sad seeing so much of this propaganda on the forums lately, seems to have gotten worse..I suppose America's being made greater...
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

So Trump does not sign the contract and doesn't use his name and the contract is good? What's the judge smoking? This wouldn't even pass muster in my business law class!

That's not the judge, that's not the law, that is lack of corroborating evidence. Something not usually discussed in business law courses. There are good reasons why the media is prohibited from making court decisions. Contracts incognito are a time honored practice in the world of business. You need to consider the needs and desires of your clients should decide to practice business law. Nowhere in this world are contracts incognito prohibited by law.

Stormy's goal is Mo' Money. Her shyster's goal is tootin' his own horn, not being her mouthpiece to reach her goals. Pay attention, you teachers will be asking questions about ethics as opposed to law when the time comes. Nothing is as simple as you desire.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

Get used to seeing Trump. He isn't going anywhere.
Who could miss him? He's fat as frick and he never shuts his cakehole.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

There are a number of answers.

First, performing naked does not indicate dishonesty. An argument can be made that it indicates the opposite, but that argument is not necessary. It doesn't indicate dishonesty. The attack was that she was dishonest. Hence, defamation claimed.

Second, there are many varying moral views of sexual behavior, nudity, and the like. There are nudists. There are swingers. There were Romans. There are quite a few people who think there is nothing to be ashamed about regarding sexual behavior, including being a porn star; that it's a thing all humans do (minus asexuals) andthat the notion of modesty regarding nudity is a bull**** social construct.

I forgot three and four because I'm trying to watch an episode on my other monitor.

Ok, good play on words, but that's not relevant to a defamation suit unless the argument is that the defendant's actions in some way overrode or reversed the plaintiff's claimed damages. No doubt if this (or these) particular claim went to trial, civil defense counsel would be going on about her post-publicity strip tour (where she was dishonestly raided by the local police).

There's an element of monetary harm to defamation, of course.

I actually don't remember if there's a punitive damages possibility.
As goes whether, prima facie, I believe her attestations or Donald Trump's, I'd believe anything she asserts long before I believe Trump's assertions about anything. Trump lies way too much to have earned the benefit of the doubt regarding the veracity of anything he says.

My primary posting purpose was to avail myself of the pun opportunity. I don't give a wet rat's ass about the case or how it's resolved. Similarly, I don't care whether Ms. Daniels is telling the truth. I care that the sitting POTUS is on record having lied, prevaricated, paltered and misrepresented the truth (literal and contextual) on more occasions than any other person I can name or think of, and done so on matters great and small. I don't demand 100% perfection as goes truthfulness in the utterances of politicians, but literally 4K+ and counting, that's beyond the pale AFAIC.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

The last thread/link I saw on this indicates that there are other claims by Daniels against Trump that can proceed. Maybe it was wrong.

Either way, let this be a lesson to people who gripe about lying lawyers and/or about politics overriding the judiciary. Claims dismissed with Rule 11 sanctions = you don't get away with bull.
The point is, this is a pyric victory for Trump:

1] His affair cheating on his wife has been publicly outed
2] His fixer-lawyer is now a disgraced felon
3] His fixer-lawyer has turned state evidence, and is actively attempting to implicate him
4] His business org CFO is being investigated, and is cooperating with the Feds

Given the above, today's "win" for Trump seems a bit meager. It's weighted so low in comparison to the above, that to call it '4-1 Stormy', isn't even a close reflection of the score! It's more like 99-1. She's killing him.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

The point is, this is a pyric victory for Trump:

1] His affair cheating on his wife has been publicly outed
2] His fixer-lawyer is now a disgraced felon
3] His fixer-lawyer has turned state evidence, and is actively attempting to implicate him
4] His business org CFO is being investigated, and is cooperating with the Feds

Given the above, today's "win" for Trump seems a bit meager. It's weighted so low in comparison to the above, that to call it '4-1 Stormy', isn't even a close reflection of the score! It's more like 99-1. She's killing him.

Oh yes, she definitely helped create a well-deserved mess for that swine. But, the score? I have to wonder given the way I see things going here on DP.

I'm trying to abstain from judging who is getting whom until I see the results in a few weeks, at least in a practical sense. We'll see. Regardless of any argument about what is right or wrong in even a semi-objective sense, I need to see what the practical effect of all the factual revelations is.

I am not hopeful. But we shall see, we shall see. My main hope is that next election is that Hillary isn't running in any of the various states for a federal position.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

I think he sunk himself. He's dirty.

As for Trump, as I have said before many, many times, IF he is proven to be dirty, throw him in the clink.
I have no use for criminals.
Well, yes Cohen did sink himself. Over Daniels.

My reaction here was to the OP seemingly joyously celebrating Trump's "victory". When the reality is Stormy has brought Trump a lot of pain and ill fame, including publicly outing his cheating on Melania, the hurt it caused her, losing his lawyer and right-hand man, increasing the investigations via Cohen, including into the Trump org & it's CFO Weisselberg, etc.

She really caused Trump a lot of headache & heartache, including Melania and his kids.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

Avenatti is the gift that keeps on giving. I think the D

Indeed. He's help expose Trump for the lying piece of **** he is. Of course, many have already figured this out, but some still haven't realized.

Dems should keep him front and center.

I hope so. The stuff he brings up about Trump is hilarious. There's a reason Trump is a huge laughing stock around the world, and Avenatti has helped us realize how worthy Trump is of such a title.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

Oh yes, she definitely helped create a well-deserved mess for that swine. But, the score? I have to wonder given the way I see things going here on DP.

I'm trying to abstain from judging who is getting whom until I see the results in a few weeks, at least in a practical sense. We'll see. Regardless of any argument about what is right or wrong in even a semi-objective sense, I need to see what the practical effect of all the factual revelations is.

I am not hopeful. But we shall see, we shall see. My main hope is that next election is that Hillary isn't running in any of the various states for a federal position.
Well there's a difference between the problems Stormy costs in political terms, versus the cost in legal exposure and in personal, business, and family life.

- I believe Stormy, and the associated cover-up, cost Trump at least some Indies. We've seen them moving away from him. The GOP and supporters won't care though; they're beyond reacting.

- But legal exposure is a whole 'nuther world! Cohen is actively cooperating, and so is the Trump org's CFO. And also importantly, the Trump org books have been opened. I believe Cohen and Weisselberg have the possibility to cause severe legal exposure for Trump. In fact, I'd bet my bottom dollar on it. I don't see it as "may", but as "quite likely".

- Then there the personal toll. Melania finding-out about Trump's cheating on her after the baby could not have been a good thing, no matter how you cut it.

So Stormy has indeed already inflicted a great deal of pain & problems here, outside of any possible political costs.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

Avenatti is the gift that keeps on giving. I think the Dems should keep him front and center. How about a Warren-Avenatti ticket?:thumbs:

Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

Hillary and Avenatti should get a room.
They are doing so much to advance the Democratic Party... :lol:

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