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[W:117]Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump (1 Viewer)

Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

I wonder what Trump's legal fees will cost Daniels? I doubt her GoFundMe page will be able to cover it.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

Now don't get me wrong, I am not unhappy with Trump's accomplishments, and I will continue to give him his props when due, but there is a reason he was elected. It is not the people's fault that they elected him. It is the fault of government at large. He tapped into their unhappiness. IMO, that is what it will take for the Democrats to become viable again. I don't see that happening anytime soon. All they are showing the people is that they are angry because they aren't in charge.
One thing... I am brutally honest, and I know it puts people off but I gotta' be me.
I've been at politics for so long... I kinda' can predict what's coming next.

Thank you for the chat... will agree Trump is brash and buffoonish, but I can't fault him for his many accomplishments. Unless he takes a wrong turn ahead, I will continue to support him, though that doesn't mean I respect him as a man, because I don't and never will. He is about as bad as they come.

Have a good evening.
I think Trump DID resonate with a lot of people because he contrasted so boldly with the rest of the GOP field. Almost without except they were part of the Republican establishment that had been promising for eight years to stop Obama's "fundamental transformation of America" and mostly failed to do so. Over three elections cycles they powers that be in the GOP promised to reverse Obama's swerve to the left, and mostly didn't.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

Good for her. She inflicted pain on a woman who did nothing to her. Good job.
Trump inflicted the pain, when he took her for his ****-toy after his wife had their son. She was only his instrument. He was the inflicter. I can't you'd blame her, for Trump's cheating.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

I left the Dems many years ago, for probably many of the same reasons why you don't like them. I only returned several months ago, in response to Trump - sad to say. However, for much of my earlier life I was a relatively happy Dem, though we were old-school Dems that today would be more like the current Blue Dogs.

We were Catholic, socially & personally fiscally conservative, staunchly traditional family oriented, anti-abortion, liked to keep a gun around the house, and no one we knew would ever admit to taking any form of public assistance even if their life depended upon it. I'm still of that mold in my personal life. But these types of Dems are now a rarity in the party.

Anyway, a populist revolution was long coming in this country. I am envious that the GOP had their revolution, but the Dems have not. They still need one, in my opinion.

(Besides Trump being the revolutionary, I'm also not happy with the nationalistic component of the GOP revolution though. Not at all).
It's unfortunate that "nationalism" have acquired such a tainted and negative connotation. Pride in one's nation is not a bad thing. And placing the interest of one's nation in a superior position to those of the "world community" is not bad either. The problem, IMHO, is when certain people for there own purposes try to mix in racial or ethnic undertones into their interpretations. Also, I am not a backer of the "my country, right or wrong" unless it's followed by "when it's right I support it, when it's wrong I work to correct it".
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

There are a number of answers.

First, performing naked does not indicate dishonesty. An argument can be made that it indicates the opposite, but that argument is not necessary. It doesn't indicate dishonesty. The attack was that she was dishonest. Hence, defamation claimed.

Second, there are many varying moral views of sexual behavior, nudity, and the like. There are nudists. There are swingers. There were Romans. There are quite a few people who think there is nothing to be ashamed about regarding sexual behavior, including being a porn star; that it's a thing all humans do (minus asexuals) andthat the notion of modesty regarding nudity is a bull**** social construct.

I forgot three and four because I'm trying to watch an episode on my other monitor.

Ok, good play on words, but that's not relevant to a defamation suit unless the argument is that the defendant's actions in some way overrode or reversed the plaintiff's claimed damages. No doubt if this (or these) particular claim went to trial, civil defense counsel would be going on about her post-publicity strip tour (where she was dishonestly raided by the local police).

There's an element of monetary harm to defamation, of course.

I actually don't remember if there's a punitive damages possibility. Probably depends on jurisdiction.


What are Romans, other than the historical thing?
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

I hear Avenatti's getting ready to claim he's 1/2048th Cherokee so the ticket can count on the Native American vote.


Trump will chew him up and spit him out.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

No, it wouldn't. I'm tangentially aware of much of this, but it's things I either forgot or grew distant from, or only knew superficially.

The blue-collar union working-class guys of that era were all Dems, but they were pretty damn conservative compared to the Dems of today. I grew-up with guys exactly like that. I described this in my earlier post to Trix. These guys developed an intense hatred of the hippies and younger college-age generation.

It was a complex hatred, with the anti-war movement being a big part. Many of these middle-aged guys had fought in Korea, and their fathers in The Big One. The idea of dodging the draft, burning your draft card, or demonstrating against the war, was utterly repulsive to them. They also couldn't stand long hair, or the sexual and intoxicant freedoms and lifestyle the college kids were enjoying. And while they worked their often monotonous, dreary, repetitive job, they also were envious & resentful of the college kids that came from more solid-middle-class or upper-middle-class backgrounds, who then started jobs as their management in the clean and comfortable air-conditioned offices at half their age and higher pay.

Conversely, many college kids saw the blue-collar guys as uneducated, close-minded, backwards, behind the times, and perhaps not very bright. They looked down upon them, and ridiculed them. This only added to the blue-collar resentment against them.

So yeah, I saw & felt this mutual disgust very clearly during this time - from both sides of the street (I was both college bound, and of humble working-class roots living in an industrialized neighborhood).

Now it still managed to come together for Carter, since Ford was heavily burdened by both his pardon to, and association with, Nixon. But it then splintered very badly with the Reagan Democrats. I think that's when the point of no-return was hit. My first Presidential vote was for Reagan, while I was a very active registered Democrat doing precinct work for the Dems on the local ward level. My entire family voted for him, along with much of the neighborhood. We were all Democrats, as were nearly all of our neighbors. We did what we had to do locally to appease our precinct captain and the ward office, but we pulled the lever for Reagan at the top of the ticket. It's something I regret until today.

His first real act as President was to bust-up PATCO, the air traffic controllers' union. I was - and still am - a staunch union supporter. He then turned his sights on hyper-prosecuting the War on Drugs. I am against criminalizing drug use. I did not vote for him in '84. I felt duped.

So you support unions who break the law? what did you expect Reagan to do about PATCO? he gave them fair notice, two days to return to work, they refused. If the law specfically says public workers can't strike and they go strike, and hold up billions in international commerce and put the very safety of the traveling public at risk, that needs to be addressed. PATCO endorsed Reagan in 80, he didn't want to break them up, but when they put him against the wall what choice did he have?

The war on drugs ramped up because American cities had become shells of their former selves, you had cities with dozens of murders in a night.

People who blame this stuff on Reagan just like to make points, but they never really explain what they would've done in the same situation.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

I think Trump DID resonate with a lot of people because he contrasted so boldly with the rest of the GOP field. Almost without except they were part of the Republican establishment that had been promising for eight years to stop Obama's "fundamental transformation of America" and mostly failed to do so. Over three elections cycles they powers that be in the GOP promised to reverse Obama's swerve to the left, and mostly didn't.

Precisely... remember when we used to argue this over on our old stomping grounds? The GOP got their comeuppance too. I remember when I used to argue along side with the tea partiers, all who actually wanted to challenge Obamacare, and Obama's other power-grabs... And the establishment status quo establishment Republicans like McCain called the tea partiers a bunch of dodo birds. And people wonder why a populist, like Trump was elected.

If it wasn't for Trump, establishment politicians like McConnell, and Graham wouldn't be smiling. Without him, they're done. A refresher course, he beat 16 other GOP primary candidates because he tapped into their disgust with politicians who wouldn't listen to them. I was hesitant to believe what Trump promised them. He sure has surprised me...
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

Back to this post...:)

I was a Democrat my entire life, a union supporter... most of my family remains civil servants, except for my husband, (who is a retired physician). I still am and will continue to be an ardent proponent of Gay marriage, womens' right to autonomy, (even though I am personally pro-life-I am RC in faith), but that's another thread to discuss the reasons why I hold these views, but I digress. I have since come to believe that Gay marriage and women's rights are more libertarian tenets. So I lean toward classical liberalism... The government needs to stay out of our lives and stop being our moral compass? That is what brought me to where I am today. I also think the religious have a right to bake a cake for whomever without being fined or put in jail. We don't need a living constitution. We need to rule from the bench. Delighted with Trump's SC picks. Scalia said, "the constitution is not a living organism, it's a legal document." Saw the Democrats try to say something differently, and that turned me off.

I wavered a few more years after having voted for Bill Clinton twice. I voted for Gore... and then I started to be concerned about too much government in our lives, high taxes, deficits, and the play of identity politics the left was using was a turn off. I started to question if the Democrat's policies were helping or hindering...I finally decided they weren't helping and the cost did not justify the policy. Maybe I hadn't realized all this when I was voting for the candidates with the D after their names, but something happened to me when I finally started to pay attention to the purposeful division the Democrats were propagating in this country...Since then, it's only gotten worse.

After Obama was elected is when I really started to pay attention to the harm the Progressive left was doing to our country. So out there... so divisive, and too many social justice warriors, including our CIC. They became more interested in telling others how they should think that they forgot why they were elected. People were turned off by a divisive sjw, Obama. A personable eloquent speaker, but way too concerned with being politically correct to a fault, and that turned many off. Obama, unknowingly, set the stage for Trump who tapped into the concerns of the right wing who had enough of the left's PC nonsense. One example of the PC nonsense,... if you want strong border control, you must hate brown people.
Plus, people really wanted a better economy and better job prospects. Many workers felt ignored by Obama. Many people thought Obama should have paid more attention to protecting Americans, rather than apologizing for Americans.

Interesting that you say the Dems need a revolution. I've been thinking this for a long time. Not that we need to go more to the left crazy type of awakening, but they do need a leader to help them find their way back to the center again.

I think the nationalistic component of the GOP is way overblown... Heck, if you listened to the DP peeps, we're all card carrying white supremacists, racist Neo Nazis, xenophobic, sexists, Islamophobic, rape apologists. Take a good look at that last sentence... I summed up perfectly why Trump won. People tired of being told they were a basket of deplorables, and Trump tapped into their concern. The left needs to ditch race, women, Nazi cards if they ever want to be taken seriously again...

Anyway, just a few thoughts.
Well said, trix. As you recall from other places I label myself a conservatarian with classic liberal overtones. (that's sure to bring a couple of "WTFs"). There's a book called "The conservatarian Manifesto" - I forget the author and am too lazy to look it up right now, that lays out a pretty good framework. Essentially, if it doesn't hurt me personally nor anyone else significantly and is not a hazard to society - go for it. Also STRONG emphasis on federalism - handle problems at the lowest level possible and adhere to enumerated powers vs those granted to the states. I also favor low taxation, open markets, low regulator environment, an involved foreign policy and strong defense.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

I iove how the DP left is actually trying to pretend that this ruling is not a MAJOR SMACKDOWN of the BJ Queen, and even moreso, of MOUTHENATTI.

Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

I iove how the DP left is actually trying to pretend that this ruling is not a MAJOR SMACKDOWN of the BJ Queen, and even moreso, of MOUTHENATTI.


You an ex “sneaky Pete?”
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

Trump inflicted the pain, when he took her for his ****-toy after his wife had their son. She was only his instrument. He was the inflicter. I can't you'd blame her, for Trump's cheating.

I'm not. You're the one who said it.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

You an ex “sneaky Pete?”

Have no idea that that means.

Care to address the POINTS I MADE?
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

Trump inflicted the pain, when he took her for his ****-toy after his wife had their son. She was only his instrument. He was the inflicter. I can't you'd blame her, for Trump's cheating.


You have PROOF that Trump eve got with the BL Queen?

Let's see it. She DENIED the AFFAIR...until DNC OPERATIVE, MOUTHENATTI showed up.

Stormy Daniels denies having affair with Trump


Please fee free to PROVIIDE PROOF OTHERWISE, or stop stating your OPINION as FACT.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

Never said there was.
Nice pile of straw.

That's what the other case is. My point was that Trump did not do anything illegal per the NDA.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

Have no idea that that means.

Care to address the POINTS I MADE?

...reference to your signature. Unsolicited advice: turn the volume down.......use it as you wish.....

Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

I'm still lost, as to what you're getting at here?

Part of your statement: - Then there the personal toll. Melania finding-out about Trump's cheating on her after the baby could not have been a good thing, no matter how you cut it.

So Stormy has indeed already inflicted a great deal of pain & problems here, outside of any possible political costs.

I replied: Good for her. She inflicted pain on a woman who did nothing to her. Good job.

You: Trump inflicted the pain, when he took her for his ****-toy after his wife had their son. She was only his instrument. He was the inflicter. I can't you'd blame her, for Trump's cheating.

Me: I'm not. You're the one who said it.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

...reference to your signature. Unsolicited advice: turn the volume down.......use it as you wish.....

What I have or have not done for my country is not fodder for a political forum.

Once again: Care to address the POINTS I MADE?

Turn the DEFLECTIONS down.
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

Once again: Care to address the POINTS I MADE?

Turn the DEFLECTIONS down.

See: poseur, out....
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

See: poseur, out....

What I have or have not done for my country is not fodder for a political forum.

Childish much?
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

Part of your statement: - Then there the personal toll. Melania finding-out about Trump's cheating on her after the baby could not have been a good thing, no matter how you cut it.

So Stormy has indeed already inflicted a great deal of pain & problems here, outside of any possible political costs.

I replied: Good for her. She inflicted pain on a woman who did nothing to her. Good job.

You: Trump inflicted the pain, when he took her for his ****-toy after his wife had their son. She was only his instrument. He was the inflicter. I can't you'd blame her, for Trump's cheating.

Me: I'm not. You're the one who said it.
But I don't see what you're getting at here.

Are you blaming Trump? Are you blaming Stormy? Are you being facetious?

What's your point?
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

So Trump does not sign the contract and doesn't use his name and the contract is good? What's the judge smoking? This wouldn't even pass muster in my business law class!

You must’ve went to Berkly

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Re: Judge tosses Stormy Daniels' defamation suit against Trump

You must’ve went to Berkly

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Went right over the head, I assure you....

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