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vacations suck (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 6, 2011
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Where they have FOX on in bars and restaurants
Political Leaning
I have been back about a week now from a 2 week vacation and am finally getting over my post vacation depression. On vacation I got up late, lounged around camp, drank coffee then went hiking or biking or laid on a beach and got sunburned. There were no deeds to do no promises to keep and I loved it. Then I got home and had to settle into my normal get er done routine. Vacations are like drugs, great fun when you are on them but when you get off the coming down nearly kills you. I will never take another one.
I have been back about a week now from a 2 week vacation and am finally getting over my post vacation depression. On vacation I got up late, lounged around camp, drank coffee then went hiking or biking or laid on a beach and got sunburned. There were no deeds to do no promises to keep and I loved it. Then I got home and had to settle into my normal get er done routine. Vacations are like drugs, great fun when you are on them but when you get off the coming down nearly kills you. I will never take another one.

Hell man, I don't even remember the last time I took a vacation. :lol:
I have been back about a week now from a 2 week vacation and am finally getting over my post vacation depression. On vacation I got up late, lounged around camp, drank coffee then went hiking or biking or laid on a beach and got sunburned. There were no deeds to do no promises to keep and I loved it. Then I got home and had to settle into my normal get er done routine. Vacations are like drugs, great fun when you are on them but when you get off the coming down nearly kills you. I will never take another one.

Yeesh. Try coming back to some crap hole base in the Middle Eastern desert after spending two weeks on R&R in Europe.

It was a bit of a spirit breaker to say that least. :lol:
Not a fan of the beach in summer; not a fan of extended vacations like that. There are enough quality day trip near us that they suffice. I wouldn't take two weeks unless I was being with someone dying; we were leaving the country; or I was doing some big home improvement project.
So Oregon was good? Did the weather behave for you?

I love vacations, even with the "hang over". Since I tend to space them out, about 4-8 years, and it takes 4 days of driving just to get back and forth, I go on 18 to 20 day long vacations.

Oregon was great. Went down the coast and looped back up through central Oregon. No rain on the coast but a bit hot in the interior, beautiful state.
I just need to get to the Keys by year end. Gettin' cabin fever.
I have been back about a week now from a 2 week vacation and am finally getting over my post vacation depression. On vacation I got up late, lounged around camp, drank coffee then went hiking or biking or laid on a beach and got sunburned. There were no deeds to do no promises to keep and I loved it. Then I got home and had to settle into my normal get er done routine. Vacations are like drugs, great fun when you are on them but when you get off the coming down nearly kills you. I will never take another one.

I hear that! I just got back from the US from my holiday and wanted to cry in the shower on my first day back from work, we are a silly species when you think about it.
I have been back about a week now from a 2 week vacation and am finally getting over my post vacation depression. On vacation I got up late, lounged around camp, drank coffee then went hiking or biking or laid on a beach and got sunburned. There were no deeds to do no promises to keep and I loved it. Then I got home and had to settle into my normal get er done routine. Vacations are like drugs, great fun when you are on them but when you get off the coming down nearly kills you. I will never take another one.

I've always had the opposite reaction. While I do enjoy vacations dont get me wrong I always feel better when I have been productive. If I lounge around all day I feel like crap about myself and have found that overall I am happier on days that I work rather then days off.
I've always had the opposite reaction. While I do enjoy vacations dont get me wrong I always feel better when I have been productive. If I lounge around all day I feel like crap about myself and have found that overall I am happier on days that I work rather then days off.

I feel the same way, I'm discovering.
I hear that! I just got back from the US from my holiday and wanted to cry in the shower on my first day back from work, we are a silly species when you think about it.

Yes, but we Europeans have four or six weeks paid vacation a year to play with, you don't have so long to wait till the next one.
I prefer shorter vacations too. But then I don't have the opportunity to take long ones yet. My wife takes a lot of them, usually one a month or so. She recently spent 9 days with her sister, they drove down to the Keys for her birthday. Got one coming up in a couple of months to Chicago with some friends, booked one to Gatlinburg next month for our son's birthday (I'm going on that one. Never been, but he has with his grandparents and loves the place, so he gets to play tour guide. He'll be 12), and yet another long weekend in Asheville with a friend. It's fine with me, as long as she gets her vacations my hobby costs are largely ignored. My idea of a good vacation is a few days solo on the AT. There is a hangover to that too, but it's a couple days of sore muscles and feet accompanied by a feeling of bliss where the minor problems of life have no significance. That part lasts for about a week. Oh, and the first meal after getting off the trail is the best meal you've ever had.

Now if you'll excuse me, it's time to shut this down for the day. Think I'll go home and hang a couple of targets, send 80 of 100 rounds downrange and relax. That's my idea of a good time. It's like...yoga. Totally zen, dude.:peace
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I'm retired now, but when I was working I was fortunate to have an abundance of vacation time - almost 6 weeks earned plus another week's bonus plus the usual statutory holidays. And I was a person who always took my full complement of vacation time - I was valuable when I was there, but if I wasn't the place didn't sink into the ground. I always took my vacation time in short bursts too, except for a three week period I took most summers. I liked taking 4 and 5 day weekends - that was plenty of time to be away and refresh and not enough time to worry about having too much to catch up on when I got back. It's the stress of work and vacation you have to try to avoid - both can get to you, if you let it.
I've always had the opposite reaction. While I do enjoy vacations dont get me wrong I always feel better when I have been productive. If I lounge around all day I feel like crap about myself and have found that overall I am happier on days that I work rather then days off.

You're a sick man! :lol:
Gatlinburg in Mid-July? I'd just hit town and my throat was dry, so I thought I'd stop and have myself a brew. In an old saloon on a street of mud, there at a table dealing Stud, sat the dirty mangy dog that nemed me Sue!
I don't take vacations to relax, I take them to go do something fun that I can't do the rest of the year. After a vacation, I'm exhausted and glad to get back to work.
I have been back about a week now from a 2 week vacation and am finally getting over my post vacation depression. On vacation I got up late, lounged around camp, drank coffee then went hiking or biking or laid on a beach and got sunburned. There were no deeds to do no promises to keep and I loved it. Then I got home and had to settle into my normal get er done routine. Vacations are like drugs, great fun when you are on them but when you get off the coming down nearly kills you. I will never take another one.

I had fun once and it was awful.
I have been back about a week now from a 2 week vacation and am finally getting over my post vacation depression. On vacation I got up late, lounged around camp, drank coffee then went hiking or biking or laid on a beach and got sunburned. There were no deeds to do no promises to keep and I loved it. Then I got home and had to settle into my normal get er done routine. Vacations are like drugs, great fun when you are on them but when you get off the coming down nearly kills you. I will never take another one.

I got a flu shot back in 2006 and had "flu symptoms" for 5 years... Having a runny nose for 5 years can be quite embarrassing.

Now I have allergies I never had before.

Oh and I was forced to take the shot - I could keep my job at the time or take the shot.

I objected but I needed my job at the time.

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