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US Women's team crowned world champion after 2-0 win over the Netherlands (2 Viewers)

She doesn’t respect her country then **** her. I don’t respect her right back! She stupid with hatred.

Feel free to hoist your flag half-mast.

It must be a day of mourning for you after Rapinoe scored in the final, won the Golden Boot as the player scoring the most goals in the World Cup and won the Golden Ball as the best player of the tournament.
I don’t hate her. I don’t respect her, worship her or idolize her! She’s just another run of the mill anti American piece of crap!

I know, it does seem that in the USA morality is considered "anti-American". I guess a country that elected an immoral POS like Trump as the president, that would be expected.
Feel free to hoist your flag half-mast.

It must be a day of mourning for you after Rapinoe scored in the final, won the Golden Boot as the player scoring the most goals in the World Cup and won the Golden Ball as the best player of the tournament.

She sucks! It’s just that simple! She gets no accolades from me.
She sucks! It’s just that simple! She gets no accolades from me.

Sucks so bad that she helped the USA win the World Cup and won the Golden Boot. Must be terrible to "suck" that much.

I don’t hate her. I don’t respect her, worship her or idolize her! She’s just another run of the mill anti American piece of crap!
She's more American than the traitor in the White House, Crystal. And she better espouses American ideals, by far. So don't buy into Trump's nationalist authoritarianism as "American", because it's not. Which is why he is constantly bumping-up against the courts and the Constitution.

Being American means having fidelity to the Constitution, not to one's Race, Religion, or Political Party! :doh
first time I've ever heard that said of eunuchs. They'll be very pleased and metaphorical erections are no doubt in the making.:lol::lol:

We had to have the family dog neutered a few years ago. It was harder for me than it was for the dog. We were offered the option of having “neutricles” (basically marbles,) installed in place of the real ones.


We passed...
Hell's wrong with you?

Some people cannot accept any criticism of Trump and if one dare speak out against Trump, they earn this sort of hatred forever.

Sad that we are so caught up in pathetic partisan tripe that some cannot even congratulate America for a job well done.
She sucks! It’s just that simple! She gets no accolades from me.

The irony is obvious when you act like Rapinoe and you refuse to honor the captain of the US team.
The irony is obvious when you act like Rapinoe and you refuse to honor the captain of the US team.

Yep!i refuse!
Hell's wrong with you?

Oh! So the left can bash Trump all day long but I’ve got something wrong because I don’t worship Rapinoe of the purple hair? Why are you implying there is something wrong with me anyway? You special?
Oh! So the left can bash Trump all day long but I’ve got something wrong because I don’t worship Rapinoe of the purple hair? Why are you implying there is something wrong with me anyway? You special?

You trash the whole US womens soccer team because you disagree with the politics of one player?
Speaking of anti-Americanism- that crappy over-the-top hyper-partisan attitude is one of the most dangerous evils your country faces. Give your head a shake.
"Anti-American team." Hell's wrong with you?
No! The US did not win. There will be a great deal of dis respect shown the US by the purple haired one!
What a moronic post. The US did win even if you were rooting against them. Sorry the Trump Scandinavian team didn't win. LoL!

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You trash the whole US womens soccer team because you disagree with the politics of one player?
Speaking of anti-Americanism- that crappy over-the-top hyper-partisan attitude is one of the most dangerous evils your country faces. Give your head a shake.
"Anti-American team." Hell's wrong with you?

Yes! You are special.
I don’t hate her. I don’t respect her, worship her or idolize her! She’s just another run of the mill anti American piece of crap!

How is she anti-American? Standing up against tyranny is the MOST American thing I can think of. It is how the United States was created, standing up to the English tyranny and fighting for freedom. Her freedom to stand against what she thinks is tyrannical is very American. As is her achievements in the national soccer team of the USA.
Too bad she chose to represent the USA but because she is full of left wing hatred she refuses to honor her flag, her country and publicly says she ain’t going to the “****ing WH.” Sad isn’t it? Well I’m glad she’s not going. She’s just stupid with hatred.

She's the perfect antidote to that mobbed up whore, twump. She honored her country by winning the World Cup. Why would she defame that victory by sullying it with a visit to the White House?

You should try and hate less. Life is better that way!
How is she anti-American? Standing up against tyranny is the MOST American thing I can think of. It is how the United States was created, standing up to the English tyranny and fighting for freedom. Her freedom to stand against what she thinks is tyrannical is very American. As is her achievements in the national soccer team of the USA.

Not buying it. I don’t respect her and will not honor her.
She's the perfect antidote to that mobbed up whore, twump. She honored her country by winning the World Cup. Why would she defame that victory by sullying it with a visit to the White House?

You should try and hate less. Life is better that way!

Nope! I will not honor her! She is stupid with hatred. Like all leftists are!
She's the perfect antidote to that mobbed up whore, twump. She honored her country by winning the World Cup. Why would she defame that victory by sullying it with a visit to the White House?

You should try and hate less. Life is better that way!

I don't know, if she skips the White House visit, she'll miss out on some top-notch McDonald's.
Nope! I will not honor her! She is stupid with hatred. Like all leftists are!

No one is asking that you 'honor' her. She doesn't want or need it. She's accomplished more in her life than you ever will, and isn't aware of your existence.

Kudos for her for not giving the whore in the White House the time of day!

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