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US Women's team crowned world champion after 2-0 win over the Netherlands (1 Viewer)

Yeah, political dissent is anti-American.


I feel sorry for those so caught in their hate that they cannot put aside their petty partisan bull**** to congratulate an American team on a great win.

There’s a time and a place for dissent. She’s out of line!
There’s a time and a place for dissent. She’s out of line!

There sure is a time and place for dissent. In America it's always.


Some of y'all really hate freedom.
Yeah, political dissent is anti-American.


I feel sorry for those so caught in their hate that they cannot put aside their petty partisan bull**** to congratulate an American team on a great win.

Too bad she chose to represent the USA but because she is full of left wing hatred she refuses to honor her flag, her country and publicly says she ain’t going to the “****ing WH.” Sad isn’t it? Well I’m glad she’s not going. She’s just stupid with hatred.
The USA ladies also won the Gold in the International Softball Tournament beating Japan 2-1.

don't tell me those are pink-haired, Trump-detesting lesbians too.

Dammit, where's my bile bucket when I need it.

Too bad she chose to represent the USA but because she is full of left wing hatred she refuses to honor her flag, her country and publicly says she ain’t going to the “****ing WH.” Sad isn’t it? Well I’m glad she’s not going. She’s just stupid with hatred.

She earned the right to represent the USA through skill and dedication.

Speaking of "stupid with hatred", people here cannot put their idiotic, partisan bull**** aside to congratulate America on a good win. Instead, they have to be upset with individuals exercising their rights.

Must suck to be stuck in such a world of hate.
She earned the right to represent the USA through skill and dedication.

Speaking of "stupid with hatred", people here cannot put their idiotic, partisan bull**** aside to congratulate America on a good win. Instead, they have to be upset with individuals exercising their rights.

Must suck to be stuck in such a world of hate.

She doesn’t respect her country then **** her. I don’t respect her right back! She stupid with hatred.
Congrats to the US women soccer team, they played a great tournament but I am incredibly proud of our Dutch women, they gave the US a good game and the US had to play their hardest to win of the Netherlands.

But still, silver at the World Cup soccer women, first stage winner at the Tour de France with a local cyclist who has also won the yellow jersey and today his team won the second stage of the Tour de France and now the Jumbo Visma team has the first 5 places in the overall standings, the yellow jersey, the green jersey, the white jersey and the leader in the team standings.

And Marianne Vos (a female Dutch cyclist) has won yesterdays stage and today's stage in the 2019 Giro Rosa. Anne Terpstra has won the first ever world cup stage in the Mountain biking discipline.

Max Verstappen won the Austrian Grand Prix last weekend, Ajax was semi finalist in the Champions league.

Van der Poel (Matthieu) has won the European/Dutch/World championship cyclo cross. In fact of the last 34 cyclo crosses he participated in he won 32. On the road he won the world tour races Dwars door Vlaanderen (straight through Vlaanderen), the Fleche Brabançonne and the biggest one, the Amstel Gold Race. He has also just started with Mountain biking and has 8 victories in the season so far. In the first cycle contest on the mountain bike (the Belgian MTB challenge) in which he won all 3 stages and the overall standing.

At the world indoor cycling the Dutch have won 6 gold medals, 4 silver medals and one bronze medal.

At the world championships speed skating (all round) we won the men's world championship and third place. And won 6 other medals with the men and the Bronze all round at the women's championship and 5 other medals.

At the world cup speed skating by distance, the Dutch won 8 gold (out of 16), 6 silver and 2 bronze.

Last week we won the women's field hockey pro league international tournament.

Kiki Bertens is ranked 4th in the women's tennis rankings.

Epke Zonderland won gold at the European Championship gymnastics on the horizontal bar.

And many many many other achievements. I think for a small country we are not doing that badly LOL.

But still as always, proud of the Netherlands and it's representatives.
Congrats to the US women soccer team, they played a great tournament but I am incredibly proud of our Dutch women, they gave the US a good game and the US had to play their hardest to win of the Netherlands.

But still, silver at the World Cup soccer women, first stage winner at the Tour de France with a local cyclist who has also won the yellow jersey and today his team won the second stage of the Tour de France and now the Jumbo Visma team has the first 5 places in the overall standings, the yellow jersey, the green jersey, the white jersey and the leader in the team standings.

And Marianne Vos (a female Dutch cyclist) has won yesterdays stage and today's stage in the 2019 Giro Rosa. Anne Terpstra has won the first ever world cup stage in the Mountain biking discipline.

Max Verstappen won the Austrian Grand Prix last weekend, Ajax was semi finalist in the Champions league.

Van der Poel (Matthieu) has won the European/Dutch/World championship cyclo cross. In fact of the last 34 cyclo crosses he participated in he won 32. On the road he won the world tour races Dwars door Vlaanderen (straight through Vlaanderen), the Fleche Brabançonne and the biggest one, the Amstel Gold Race. He has also just started with Mountain biking and has 8 victories in the season so far. In the first cycle contest on the mountain bike (the Belgian MTB challenge) in which he won all 3 stages and the overall standing.

At the world indoor cycling the Dutch have won 6 gold medals, 4 silver medals and one bronze medal.

At the world championships speed skating (all round) we won the men's world championship and third place. And won 6 other medals with the men and the Bronze all round at the women's championship and 5 other medals.

At the world cup speed skating by distance, the Dutch won 8 gold (out of 16), 6 silver and 2 bronze.

Last week we won the women's field hockey pro league international tournament.

Kiki Bertens is ranked 4th in the women's tennis rankings.

Epke Zonderland won gold at the European Championship gymnastics on the horizontal bar.

And many many many other achievements. I think for a small country we are not doing that badly LOL.

But still as always, proud of the Netherlands and it's representatives.

Talk about a thread hijack.
She’s not for America. She’s in pain when she sees an American flag and refuses to say an allegiance to her country. **** her.

Oh you need to calm down... I saw her hug a team mate who was wearing our flag draped around herself. She is 'in pain' a homophobic jackass is running our nation and turning back rights gained by the LBTG community. I kinda feel a bit of a headache over it myself.

I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution, watched black men raise a fist at the Olympics during the 60's, now it's the LBTG's community turn. Like it or no, it is as much an American tradition as celebrating the first (and last time) Native Americans helps starving 'Invaders', feasted with them, and died from their diseases. Oh not so much dying from their diseases- that goes on for a bit longer....

She isn't for the rabid right agenda to turn the USofA back to a time where women got abortions in back alleys, gays were beaten in public, and gay couples couldn't join in marriage, insurance, and inheritance.... :peace
She doesn’t respect her country then **** her. I don’t respect her right back! She stupid with hatred.

Well she ain't the only one "stupid with hatred"

You're not an American. Being progressive and, worse still, not condemning Rapinoe, makes you a traitor.:lol: Next time kindly have the patriotic decency to sing the Dutch national anthem (or the Marsellaise or God save the Queen) and be sure to pelt the US team with Maga hats on their return. :mrgreen:

LMAO!!!!!! Yeah being a scarred vet counts for nothing to the rapid right, it's failure to parrot the turn back the clock line that makes you un-American…. :roll:

(I can't carry a tune in my old rucksack so ANY anthem is a non-starter) :peace
That's sure to grind some gears, lol.

Sad that all we have left is grinding each other’s gears; until NOV2020!
Congrats America!

Now let's see if all the losers who were attacking Rapinoe yesterday have the balls to apologize today.

Maybe they actually do have balls, but I suspect not.
Haha! :lamo

Metaphorically, man. They have metaphorical balls! :thumbs:

/notes irony of poster's nick
Talk about a thread hijack.

Well, I am Dutch and PROUD. This week for a lot of Dutch success, second place at the world cup for such a young team is also a great success for our women soccer players.
LMAO!!!!!! Yeah being a scarred vet counts for nothing to the rapid right, it's failure to parrot the turn back the clock line that makes you un-American…. :roll:

(I can't carry a tune in my old rucksack so ANY anthem is a non-starter) :peace
I sort of can (carry most tunes) but national anthems are mostly not among them (even where I DO like the Portuguese one). My favorite is the Spanish one on account of having no text.

But this whole thing here is slowly progressing towards the comedy value of the 4th July speech thread. Still way to go but not doing badly.:lol:

Wonder if some posters are by now waving "the bile-spangled banner".:lamo

Jeezz, what a kindergarten.
Haha! :lamo

Metaphorically, man. They have metaphorical balls! :thumbs:
first time I've ever heard that said of eunuchs. They'll be very pleased and metaphorical erections are no doubt in the making.:lol::lol:
Well, I am Dutch and PROUD. This week for a lot of Dutch success, second place at the world cup for such a young team is also a great success for our women soccer players.

No doubt about it!

You have a young team and I expect Netherlands to be one of the future superpowers as the women soccer grows worldwide. And this Miedema is a rising superstar combining power and technique.
Too bad she chose to represent the USA but because she is full of left wing hatred she refuses to honor her flag, her country and publicly says she ain’t going to the “****ing WH.” Sad isn’t it? Well I’m glad she’s not going. She’s just stupid with hatred.

She was chosen to represent the USA, and as captain, because of her excellence at the sport. Your hate diminishes you, not her.
Too bad she chose to represent the USA but because she is full of left wing hatred she refuses to honor her flag, her country and publicly says she ain’t going to the “****ing WH.” Sad isn’t it? Well I’m glad she’s not going. She’s just stupid with hatred.

Maybe she doesn't like room temperature Whoppers and Big Macs.
She was chosen to represent the USA, and as captain, because of her excellence at the sport. Your hate diminishes you, not her.

I don’t hate her. I don’t respect her, worship her or idolize her! She’s just another run of the mill anti American piece of crap!
Too bad she chose to represent the USA but because she is full of left wing hatred she refuses to honor her flag, her country and publicly says she ain’t going to the “****ing WH.” Sad isn’t it?

Why it would be sad that she's not going to the WH when a blatant racist and misogynist like Trump sits in the oval office?

I think high moral principles should be respected. Obviously some will disagree.

She’s just stupid with hatred.

LOL, the projection is blinding.

You're confusing hatred with morality. Are you a fundamental or an evangelical Christian?

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