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US Women's team crowned world champion after 2-0 win over the Netherlands (1 Viewer)


Purge evil with Justice
DP Veteran
Jul 24, 2011
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
Big congrats to the American woman soccer team! They whipped 'em all.
First soccer I've watched in years.
Me too. I am so sorry the anti American team won!
Four in a row! That is impressive.
Big congrats to the American woman soccer team! They whipped 'em all.
Considering that they had to travel the hardest road of all into the final, this win simply confirms that they are the best.
Four in a row! That is impressive.

In 8 Women's World Cups, the US has won four and finished no worse than third.

US owns women's soccer.
She's proved she's a lot better at her job than the insecure inept dysfunctional one is at his.
Me too. I am so sorry the anti American team won!

Actually US won. I know...I know...it's so hard to leave the partisan tripe behind these days. But do try.
Actually US won. I know...I know...it's so hard to leave the partisan tripe behind these days. But do try.

No! The US did not win. There will be a great deal of dis respect shown the US by the purple haired one!
No! The US did not win. There will be a great deal of dis respect shown the US by the purple haired one!
Good thing Megan didn't choose orange, eh? That would make for real confusion.:lamo
No! The US did not win. There will be a great deal of dis respect shown the US by the purple haired one!

Odd, except for a few on the extreme rabid right, we Americans salute OUR USofA team.... :2wave:

USA, USA, USA!!!!!

"I'm proud to be an American...." eace
The USA ladies also won the Gold in the International Softball Tournament beating Japan 2-1.

Odd, except for a few on the extreme rabid right, we Americans salute OUR USofA team.... :2wave:

USA, USA, USA!!!!!

"I'm proud to be an American...." eace

She’s not for America. She’s in pain when she sees an American flag and refuses to say an allegiance to her country. **** her.
She’s not for America. She’s in pain when she sees an American flag and refuses to say an allegiance to her country. **** her.

You living on hate is hardly living. You should just take pride in America.
No! The US did not win. There will be a great deal of dis respect shown the US by the purple haired one!

Yeah, political dissent is anti-American.


I feel sorry for those so caught in their hate that they cannot put aside their petty partisan bull**** to congratulate an American team on a great win.
Odd, except for a few on the extreme rabid right, we Americans salute OUR USofA team.... :2wave:

USA, USA, USA!!!!!

"I'm proud to be an American...." eace
You're not an American. Being progressive and, worse still, not condemning Rapinoe, makes you a traitor.:lol:

Next time kindly have the patriotic decency to sing the Dutch national anthem (or the Marsellaise or God save the Queen) and be sure to pelt the US team with Maga hats on their return. :mrgreen:
Congrats to the US Women’s Soccer team! Well played!!

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