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US tries to ID hundreds of al Qaeda contacts thanks to Yemen raid (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 23, 2009
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Bagdad, La.
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
So much for the false narrative put forth by the Lefties.

Washington (CNN)Several US officials told CNN Thursday that the US is now taking action to locate and monitor hundreds of people or "contacts" found as part the intelligence retrieved during the deadly raid last month in Yemen targeting al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.

Some of these people are believed to be in the West, but not in the United States.

Yemen raid: US tries to ID hundreds of al Qaeda contacts obtained - CNNPolitics.com
So much for the false narrative put forth by the Lefties.

Are you serious?

'Several US officials' tell you something and you automatically believe it without any corroborating proof whatsoever?

I bet if Clinton were in power instead of Trump, you would be as skeptical as I am....and I have zero political favoritism.

Maybe these 'officials' are telling the truth. Or maybe they are leaking this in the hope that it will get the media off of their backs for the botched raid?

Until you show me proof from an unbiased source, I am believing neither.

Because, unlike you apparently, I believe NOTHING that comes out of the government/Pentagon until it is proven by an unbiased source....no matter which party is in power.
Are you serious?

'Several US officials' tell you something and you automatically believe it without any corroborating proof whatsoever?

I bet if Clinton were in power instead of Trump, you would be as skeptical as I am....and I have zero political favoritism.

Maybe these 'officials' are telling the truth. Or maybe they are leaking this in the hope that it will get the media off of their backs for the botched raid?

Until you show me proof from an unbiased source, I am believing neither.

Because, unlike you apparently, I believe NOTHING that comes out of the government/Pentagon until it is proven by an unbiased source....no matter which party is in power.

"Several US officials", called it a failure and you were on it like white on rice.
Suspicious timing, since nothing specific can ever be released
So much for the false narrative put forth by the Lefties.

I didn't know you believed any of the FAKE NEWS coming from CNN, apdst . :lamo
Are you serious?

'Several US officials' tell you something and you automatically believe it without any corroborating proof whatsoever?

I bet if Clinton were in power instead of Trump, you would be as skeptical as I am....and I have zero political favoritism.

Maybe these 'officials' are telling the truth. Or maybe they are leaking this in the hope that it will get the media off of their backs for the botched raid?

Until you show me proof from an unbiased source, I am believing neither.

Because, unlike you apparently, I believe NOTHING that comes out of the government/Pentagon until it is proven by an unbiased source....no matter which party is in power.
It's remarkable isn't it? "Anonymous sources" say Donald Trump is secretly plotting evil with a cabal underneath the White House and the MSM eats it up. "Several Officials" say that al-Qaeda operatives are being identified and all of a sudden it's just not good enough.
Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!


Wrong thread.
CNN decoder ring: “If you are a terrorist from Yemen now in the West, now would be a good time to hide or get out of town”
This thread is a perfect example of what Putin was aiming for. I can no longer believe anything I read. I need several sources that I used to trust to give me accurate information. And then I need to filter those to decide what I really believe to be true. If we, as a nation, as a people, do not stop looking at the world through glasses tinted by others, we are so screwed.
It's remarkable isn't it? "Anonymous sources" say Donald Trump is secretly plotting evil with a cabal underneath the White House and the MSM eats it up. "Several Officials" say that al-Qaeda operatives are being identified and all of a sudden it's just not good enough.

What's truly remarkable is how CNN is only "FAKE NEWS" when they are criticizing Dear Leader.
I hope the U.S. locates every last one of these vermin and sends forces to track him down. And I hope than when each rat least suspects it, his hunters mark him, and shoot him dead. To hell with every Islamic jihadist who is polluting the earth, and may their abettors join them there.
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This thread is a perfect example of what Putin was aiming for. I can no longer believe anything I read. I need several sources that I used to trust to give me accurate information. And then I need to filter those to decide what I really believe to be true. If we, as a nation, as a people, do not stop looking at the world through glasses tinted by others, we are so screwed.

It was Putin's plan to have the MSM flush away their credibility?
It was Putin's plan to have the MSM flush away their credibility?

No, it was Putin's personal plan to hijack your email, facebook, twitter feeds and insert a brain worm into the audio that would eventually coerce you to become a russian troll on this site. That or just crap meant to generate revenue for websites. You can choose.
What's truly remarkable is how CNN is only "FAKE NEWS" when they are criticizing Dear Leader.

And, now, when they aren't demonizing President Trumpbthey're, "fake news".
Are you serious?

'Several US officials' tell you something and you automatically believe it without any corroborating proof whatsoever?

I bet if Clinton were in power instead of Trump, you would be as skeptical as I am....and I have zero political favoritism.

Maybe these 'officials' are telling the truth. Or maybe they are leaking this in the hope that it will get the media off of their backs for the botched raid?

Until you show me proof from an unbiased source, I am believing neither.

Because, unlike you apparently, I believe NOTHING that comes out of the government/Pentagon until it is proven by an unbiased source....no matter which party is in power.

If this were truly a concern of the left, there would be no "russian investigations" you do realize this, right?
I was going to make a separate post to show DP this Intercept piece on what happened in Yemen.


This article cuts through the WH spin with accounts from Yemeni villagers and members of the Pentagon. This raid was a failure by the measurement of the unattained objective of capturing AQ leader, Qassim al-Rimi. Another important factor that contributes to the failure of this mission is the loss of civilian life. High levels of collateral damage create more terrorist joiners by ruining families and leaving destruction in their path that could be misconstrued as U.S fighting Saudi Arabia's proxy war.

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I was going to make a separate post to show DP this Intercept piece on what happened in Yemen.


This article cuts through the WH spin with accounts from Yemeni villagers and members of the Pentagon. This raid was a failure by the measurement of the unattained objective of capturing AQ leader, Qassim al-Rimi. Another important factor that contributes to the failure of this mission is the loss of civilian life. High levels of collateral damage create more terrorist joiners by ruining families and leaving destruction in their path that could be misconstrued as U.S fighting Saudi Arabia's proxy war.

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Proxy war?

You need to prove this.

How many civilians died from drones?
Proxy war?

You need to prove this.

How many civilians died from drones?

In the ongoing civil war in Yemen, the U.S. joined a Saudi-coalition of countries in their fight against the Houthi led rebels who are supported by Iran.

As far as drone bombings in Yemen resulting in civilian casualties.. Results haven't been that great. We hit a wedding convoy in 2013 that killed 12 civilians.

What really happened when a US drone hit a Yemeni wedding convoy? | Al Jazeera America

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In the ongoing civil war in Yemen, the U.S. joined a Saudi-coalition of countries in their fight against the Houthi led rebels who are supported by Iran.

As far as drone bombings in Yemen resulting in civilian casualties.. Results haven't been that great. We hit a wedding convoy in 2013 that killed 12 civilians.

What really happened when a US drone hit a Yemeni wedding convoy? | Al Jazeera America

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And you want to carry on about a controversial Seal Raid that went bad.....................in your opinion?

We lose SEALS all the time in far away places , during events that you never get to hear about.

I do get to hear about them because I have worked & lived among them and have been for 30+ years.

Neither Obama or Trump have the slightest clue as to what goes down during the planning and execution of a special forces. They place their trust in the information and the competence of the leadership directly in control of the special forces. They only know what they are told.
And you want to carry on about a controversial Seal Raid that went bad.....................in your opinion?

We lose SEALS all the time in far away places , during events that you never get to hear about.

I do get to hear about them because I have worked & lived among them and have been for 30+ years.

Neither Obama or Trump have the slightest clue as to what goes down during the planning and execution of a special forces. They place their trust in the information and the competence of the leadership directly in control of the special forces. They only know what they are told.

I respect your opinion. I'm sure you have an insiders look and are capable of expert analysis. I thought The Intercept did fantastic reporting in the link above post. They told the story that the MSM doesn't tell. That article is the best source of information that I've found for the events of the raid and the geopolitical environment in Yemen.

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