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US postal service - good or bad? (1 Viewer)

In my opinion the US postal service is ...

  • very good

    Votes: 37 44.6%
  • good

    Votes: 24 28.9%
  • neither good nor bad

    Votes: 10 12.0%
  • bad

    Votes: 6 7.2%
  • very bad

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • rotten

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • other

    Votes: 4 4.8%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Aug 10, 2019
Reaction score
Political Leaning
It has now come to light that the US postal service is underfinanced and that the Republican Party under D. Trump planned do weaken it still further. :(

Do you still think that the US postal service is the best in the world - like all US things are always the best things in the world? :cool:
I tend to use it more often than UPS or FedEx.
It has now come to light that the US postal service is underfinanced and that the Republican Party under D. Trump planned do weaken it still further. :(

Do you still think that the US postal service is the best in the world - like all US things are always the best things in the world? :cool:

Post office works great.for.me.

$0.55 USPS for a letter is much better than $20 for UPS or FEDEX

congress should allow the.post office to raise.their prices. But.republicans want to privatize it and.create.another.cash cow for corporations that we pay for. Much easier to do if they can say their broke. Same as the.plan for.Social Security.
It has always amazed me that you can live in Maine and for the cheap price of a first class stamp have a letter delivered in Hawaii. Tremendous bargain.
I see - so far the majority here in the thread are optimists who think that everything that is American is great - and that Trump will make it even greater! :cool:
In my experience the American Post Service is rotten - and a disgrace for a great nation.

But if Trump says that it is great - then you think it is great? :cool:
It has always amazed me that you can live in Maine and for the cheap price of a first class stamp have a letter delivered in Hawaii. Tremendous bargain.

Has it ever occured to you that Maine and Hawaii are in the same country?
Then it is normal everywhere in the world that you pay inland postage only.

You are surprised about the normal?
In my experience the American Post Service is rotten - and a disgrace for a great nation.

But if Trump says that it is great - then you think it is great? :cool:

This post represents your true intentions to bash the USPS, something you know zero about? Do you belong to a reich-wing party in Europe?
I voted that it is good. There is room for improvement. I would like to see it improved to automate "Return to sender" requests after so many are made for the same person. We receive 4-5 pieces of junk mail and even important mail that is misdelivered here for the previous resident. We should not have to continue to write on the letters that the person does not live here.

I also may be biased toward the positive with USPS since we had family friends working there for years, so our mail needs were always met by going to see them and knowing we would always be efficiently helped.
Has it ever occured to you that Maine and Hawaii are in the same country?
Then it is normal everywhere in the world that you pay inland postage only.

You are surprised about the normal?

Imagine someone posting clear moronic nonsense asking an American if he knows whether Maine and Hawaii are in the same country !!!
I see - so far the majority here in the thread are optimists who think that everything that is American is great - and that Trump will make it even greater! :cool:

In my experience the American Post Service is rotten - and a disgrace for a great nation.

But if Trump says that it is great - then you think it is great? :cool:

You should stick to other foolish topics, politics isn’t for you, imo.

Wine or pastry or Christmas............
I see - so far the majority here in the thread are optimists who think that everything that is American is great - and that Trump will make it even greater! :cool:

Your poll didn't say anything about Trump. So your conclusion is completely false.

The USPS is very popular with most Americans and has survived a lot worse than Trump...and it will still be here after he is long gone and forgotten.
I see - so far the majority here in the thread are optimists who think that everything that is American is great - and that Trump will make it even greater! :cool:

Thread is now garbage.

It was always going to go that way.........
It was always going to go that way.........

I didn't know who the OP was, so didn't make that assumption.

I will going forward, though.
1. I doubt that it is the best in the world.

2. It is certainly better than that of many other countries (where, I hear, you may need to bribe the postal carrier to get your mail).

3. Maybe it's my imagination, but since the post office has lost so much business because of email, some employees now realize that their secure government jobs (with great pensions) are on the line, so some (many?) employees now have a better attitude.

4. And, I think, the quality of the service depends on the part of the city where one lives. I can understand, for example, that the morale of carriers may be pretty low in areas where irresponsible residents let dangerous dogs run loose and where some people steal mail out of the mailboxes.

5. I think that the post office should stop Saturday deliveries in order to save money and to provide good service at least 5 days a week.

6. Everything is changing in this country (what an understatement!), so the post office has no choice but to change, too. The new Dem administration will be loath to fire postal workers since most of them are presumably Democrats, so perhaps attrition is the most probable way to downsize the post office.
It has now come to light that the US postal service is underfinanced and that the Republican Party under D. Trump planned do weaken it still further. :(

Do you still think that the US postal service is the best in the world - like all US things are always the best things in the world? :cool:

This post represents your true intentions to bash the USPS, something you know zero about? Do you belong to a reich-wing party in Europe?

DHL is owned by Deutsche Post and they are a third or fourth rate package delivery company. /thread
Last edited:
Part of the problem for our post office is the federal law that will allow first class postage to rise only at the rate of inflation.

Compared to other countries we are in the bargain basement.

How Our Postal Rates Measure Up to Other Countries – Mother Jones
I liked them better before they started delivering Amazon packages on Sunday. I liked them better before they consolidated most of my city's substations into two locations, one of which seldom has its counter open. I liked them better when I could set my watch my what time my mail would be delivered.

I do not support giving them a dime until we know exactly what the issues are, what is or is not being done, etc etc. If they want public funds, then their laundry needs to be aired in public. I also want to know what other operational models could reduce the need for a bail out. I am fine with fewer delivery days. I would be fine with more general delivery/PO boxes. I have never seen the wisdom of charging people for PO Boxes when that saves them money from having to deliver to those residences/businesses every day. If a university mail system can service 10K students, I don't see why we can't have something similar for whole neighborhoods.
In my experience the American Post Service is rotten - and a disgrace for a great nation.

But if Trump says that it is great - then you think it is great? :cool:

The USPS is average like pretty much everything the government does other than the US military......

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