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Ukraine anger as Macron says 'Don't humiliate "russia' (1 Viewer)

Once again, given that Ukraine is the one going hat in hand to the west for everything, perhaps they might want to avoid insulting the countries they are begging for help?
Ukrainians fight the genocidal horde of your favorites, the looters, CHILD - rapists , killer and PRIMITIVE barbarians . Ukrainians defend our civilization from your buddies.RU they pay for MILITARY aid with OWN BLOOD

And Macron wants France to lead an EU army. Yeah. That’ll end well....
"Hitler made a huge mistake, but should not be humiliated" would have Macron said in 1940

Ukrainians fight the genocidal horde of your favorites, the looters, CHILD - rapists , killer and PRIMITIVE barbarians . Ukrainians defend our civilization from your buddies.RU they pay for MILITARY aid with OWN BLOOD

Gee bud, what do you think your SS heroes DID on the eastern front? A guy who celebrates Waffen SS scum like Lauri Torni and the Charlemagne Division has no room to talk.

And no amount of racist drivel about “primitive barbarians” can change that.

Ukraine is the one begging for aid. Insulting France is a great way to get that aid conveniently “delayed”, which is why doing so is so incredibly stupid.
"Hitler made a huge mistake, but should not be humiliated" would have Macron said in 1940

You’d be gleefully cheering as the tanks rolled through Paris and calling Hitler part of the “liberal order” once he invaded the USSR.
in 1938 France together with the UK sacrificed Czechoslovakia to Hitler without hesitation, despite the fact that France had an alliance treaty with Czechoslovakia. Two years later, Hitler conquered Paris. Someone tell Macron this

The Russians may be as misinformed as the Americans were during 9-11 on some things, but what major attack on Russia can Putin use to back up his false claim? News of major protests against the Ukraine war by Russians indicate that Putin really has nothing on the level of 9-11 with which to sell his war, so Russian citizens who are fooled have to be incredibly naive.

No one said North Vietnam was a threat; the threat was that of Russia and China, as it still is today. Whatever mistakes were made, without Americans fighting in Vietnam China probably would have annexed Taiwan by now, and possibly Japan as well. If you think having the whole East turn Red wouldn’t affect the US, you’re living in a dream world.

You're missing the point. If Putin/Russia is humiliated, he will most likely be killed in a coup.

Might he not risk even nuclear war as a last gamble to avoid that ?
5 June 1944. De Gaulle visits Eisenhower, says: Ok, we will start to free France as from tomorrow. But please donˋt humiliate AH, there will be a time after war, with diplomacy. WTF is Macron&Moscow´S POODLES smoking?
in 1938 France together with the UK sacrificed Czechoslovakia to Hitler without hesitation, despite the fact that France had an alliance treaty with Czechoslovakia. Two years later, Hitler conquered Paris. Someone tell Macron this

Yes but Britain and France had no other option in 1938.
You’d be gleefully cheering as the tanks rolled through Paris and calling Hitler part of the “liberal order” once he invaded the USSR.

Just like you cheered when Putin invaded Ukraine, right?
You're missing the point. If Putin/Russia is humiliated, he will most likely be killed in a coup.

Might he not risk even nuclear war as a last gamble to avoid that ?


You're missing the point. If Putin/Russia is humiliated, he will most likely be killed in a coup.

Might he not risk even nuclear war as a last gamble to avoid that ?
There was a slight worry of that at the outset of the war. But I would say the chances have gotten substantially lower since then.

In any case, one way to guarantee continued war in Europe (and therefore continued nuclear risk) is to let Putin end this conflict with a stalemate, so he can take another bite at the apple in a few years.

Whereas if Russia's army is utterly destroyed and Putin is humiliated/weakened/deposed, it will be a very very long time before Russia dares to pull a stunt like this again.

There were protests against the Iraq War as well. Those protesting were dubbed “traitors” and “canceled”. The Dixie Chicks fiasco not ringing any bells? The “freedom fries” meltdown? Americans did not appreciate opposition to our crusade.

Uh....no, there’s no evidence to suggest them. America fighting— and losing— for a decade in Vietnam did not significantly hamper China in any way, shape or form.

The idea that China would try to invade and annex Japan is utterly ludicrous. Not only does China not have ANY interest in annexing Japan(and never has) but logistically speaking it couldn’t pull off an invasion in the first place.

That’s the same warped “logic” we used to support dozens of vicious tyrants. “If we don’t teach them how to most efficiently and brutally torture and murder their own people, the commies win!”
in 1938 France together with the UK sacrificed Czechoslovakia to Hitler without hesitation, despite the fact that France had an alliance treaty with Czechoslovakia. Two years later, Hitler conquered Paris. Someone tell Macron this

To be blunt, Britain and France were in no shape to fight a major war in 1938. Neither were the Germans, of course, but that doesn’t change the fact that the western allies flat out weren’t ready.
Just like you cheered when Putin invaded Ukraine, right?

Wrong....but that’s nothing new for you, Mr. “China would have invaded Japan if we didn’t fight a war for no concrete reason.....and lose”.
THEY won more battles than any other nation on the planet. thats why Macron´s behavior is very, very strange ....

Yeah, anyone who says the French haven't won a war should just stop talking about war - they've got no clue.

Napoleon, anyone?
Well, take a look at history, the French have never won a war, except the one led by a woman, Joan of Ark and that ultimately ended badly for Joan. The French always lose in wars, and always rely on someone else to come along and save their a

Looks like someone needs to study history beyond "Saving Private Ryan" lol.

Seriously, mate. You're embarrassing yourself by writing that.
Yea and who was it that insisted on the humiliation... France. So they have intimate knowledge of what not to do....as would anyone who picked up a freaking history book.

Again though Pete Russia haven’t surrendered or made any gesture that they will. Why Macron is saying this out loud is baffling to me. Then again he did assure us the week before the war started that Russia would never invade.
Again though Pete Russia haven’t surrendered or made any gesture that they will. Why Macron is saying this out loud is baffling to me. Then again he did assure us the week before the war started that Russia would never invade.
Irrelevant if they have surrendered or made any gestures.

If the goal of any peace is to humiliate Russia, which it seems some Ukrainians want... That is a non starter.
Yeah, anyone who says the French haven't won a war should just stop talking about war - they've got no clue.

Napoleon, anyone?
or Crimean war, MANY people speak language of memes here , they believe that Muscovites are some kind of oriental , magical, supermen who always win at the end in reality, Muscovy has lost all major wars from middle of 19c (industrialization ) . from Crimean war to the 2 chechen wars. even WW2 they lost 2 times. (France lost ww2 , 2 times as well , but its another story )

Again though Pete Russia haven’t surrendered or made any gesture that they will. Why Macron is saying this out loud is baffling to me. Then again he did assure us the week before the war started that Russia would never invade.
yes, you are 100% right , + we must prosecute Moscow war- criminals ...


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