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Ukraine anger as Macron says 'Don't humiliate "russia' (1 Viewer)


The Golden Horde hasn’t existed for hundreds of years.

****ing VENEZUELA is your idea of “the liberal order”?


That’s truly hilarious. Do you know ANYTHING about Venezuela?
It’s a war of resources and war of attrition. Russia has already lost 1/3 of its armor, maybe more. They have a limited capability to renew their resources while Ukraine has available an overwhelming large number of superior weapons supplied by the West.

The problem for Ukraine is winter. With so many cities reduced to rubble, it’s going to be cold next winter.
The West has deep pockets, and a huge military industrial complex.

We must give the Ukrainians what they need short of Americans soldiers.

You are correct, it's a war of attrition. I would put my money on Ukraine, if the weapons and parts keep flowing.
Ok, I think it is reasonable to conclude Germany is in the same camp. That means the three largest economies of contintental Europe are disengaging from Ukraine and losing the will to continue to endlessly support it. That's a problem. The Ukrainians need to read the writing on the wall. Their economy is in total collapse and entirely dependent on the West for their economical and military survival. Both of those life lines are going to decline in the coming months. All of the EU has underfunded their defense because they are hiding under America's skirts. That's why their militaries are so comparatively weak.

Fundamentally Ukraine is going to run into more issues as this war drags on, moreso than Russia. The key question was whether or not Russia could/would endure the economic pain, they clearly are capable of doing so with current energy prices. Ukraine doesn't have that luxury.
Ukraine has something Russia lacks. The backing of the American people and its massive industrial complex.
Ukraine has something Russia lacks. The backing of the American people and its massive industrial complex.

Yes, America would be happy to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian.
Ukraine has something Russia lacks. The backing of the American people and its massive industrial complex.

For now.

A global recession is coming. Monetary tightening is ramping up globally. Commodity prices are spiraling out of control and getting worse. That's going to sap the appetite for western nations to continue to throw tens of billions a money into a furnace. Just look at the media cycle. Ukraine's coverage is dropping like a stone. Americans are far more interested in inflation, interest rates, housing, abortion, and guns than Ukraine.
Japan 1945. Germany 1918. Germany 1945.

Ah yes, Germany 1918. That ended SO well and didn’t at all lead to a incredibly bloody war in which tens of millions of innocent people died just over twenty years later 🙄

Furthermore, in the 1945 case it required the use of nuclear weapons or a complete occupation to enforce the terms of said treaties.
For now.

A global recession is coming. Monetary tightening is ramping up globally. Commodity prices are spiraling out of control and getting worse. That's going to sap the appetite for western nations to continue to throw tens of billions a money into a furnace. Just look at the media cycle. Ukraine's coverage is dropping like a stone. Americans are far more interested in inflation, interest rates, housing, abortion, and guns than Ukraine.

No matter how bad the economy the military budget keeps going, the weapons keep flowing. America has much deeper pockets than Botox Bob in the Kremlin.

No matter how bad the economy the military budget keeps going, the weapons keep flowing. America has much deeper pockets than Botox Bob in the Kremlin.

I think you overestimate America's concern and commitment to Ukraine. If you think we are going to continue to throw $20-30B a month in assistance to Ukraine you are out of your mind. You are talking about $240-360B a year, or nearly half our total defense budget. That's even assuming we have the stockpiles to continue the burn rate. We are already running out of Stingers and Javelins.
The Golden Horde
it changes names but the it can´t change its predatory, barbaric nature , and your RT know it. watch what the 2 famous historians said on this issue :

Negotiations are important, but not if they leave millions of Ukrainians in concentration camps or barely surviving brutal occupation regimes
it changes names but the it can´t change its predatory, barbaric nature , and your RT know it. watch what the 2 famous historians said on this issue :

Negotiations are important, but not if they leave millions of Ukrainians in concentration camps or barely surviving brutal occupation regimes

“Predatory and barbaric”? The British Empire invaded literally every nation on earth. If we are talking about “predatory and barbaric”, that regime fits the bill much better then some country which disappeared centuries ago.
Japan 1945. Germany 1918. Germany 1945.
You really dont know your history....

Germany 1918 was humiliated.

Germany and Japan 1945 were destroyed... big ass huge difference.
I think Ukraine should be a sovereign country, but frankly Putin keeps sticking his finger up at the US and the US doesn't ever know what to do.
I think Ukraine should be a sovereign country, but frankly Putin keeps sticking his finger up at the US and the US doesn't ever know what to do.
the only one way to go >

Japan 1945. Germany 1918. Germany 1945.
In 1945 Germany was treated much better than 1918, are you familiar with the Marshall Plan? In no way is 1918 and 1945 a fair comparison.
Do you understand Comrade?
I think Ukraine should be a sovereign country, but frankly Putin keeps sticking his finger up at the US and the US doesn't ever know what to do.
We ignore Botox Bob and his weak ass threats.

Biden needs to stay the course.
you know whats really Irrelevant here ? your RT. PROPAGANDA . you Moscow lost we won as usual . death to the BARBARISM !

Wrong, you lost, the Allies won.

Insulting the people you are begging for help is idiotic.

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