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U.S. will offer 'X' gender marker for passports starting April 11, State Department says (1 Viewer)


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Apr 6, 2017
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How large a part of the US population identify as other than M or F?

Thats cool, means we are catching up to reality, facts and science and the other 15 countries that already do a version of this: Argentina, Austria, Australia, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Malta, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, India and Nepal.
I wonder how many fake culture war articles and broadcasts Fox will pump out about this completely harmless thing.

oh it will make some bigoted nutters and false propaganda outlets complete explode and meltdown lol
Meanwhile we are now like the 16th country to do this
Why do we need a gender marker on passports?
It's a gov't entity. It no doubt took many hours, many people and many tax dollars to do it.

No doubt, but I don't think it was a disproportional increase compared to anything else they do.
There really needs to be sex category listed on government issued IDs. If there is a medical emergency sex is important. Otherwise the purpose of 'X' is to let someone know that the way they look may not match the current societal/cultural stereotype of their sex.
Nothing wrong with having:
Sex = F
Gender identity/presentation = X
It's a gov't entity. It no doubt took many hours, many people and many tax dollars to do it.
I cant imagine it was more difficult than the DMV having to figure out electric motorcycles dont have ccs :p
How large a part of the US population identify as other than M or F?

Might as well remove the gender marker from the passport. What purpose does it serve anyway?

Can a transgender woman select W if she wants, or will she only have an option of W or X?
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Might as well remove the gender marker from the passport. What purpose does it serve if X is an option?

Can a transgender woman select W if she wants, or will she only have an option of W or X?
Instead of “X”, I was thinking of “🤷
No they can't. They are a government agency.
That's cute but you know they can. This haven't they got anything more important schtick seeks to frame it like they've dropped everything to edit a few passports for the sake of wokeness. You know that can't be true.

No doubt as part of minor changes to new issues, in addition to changing watermarks or other normal procedures, they'll also have another gender option on the application forms and a line on the front page. Simple back office admin stuff that takes up little to no time.

But that's not really what's triggered you is it?
There really needs to be sex category listed on government issued IDs. If there is a medical emergency sex is important. Otherwise the purpose of 'X' is to let someone know that the way they look may not match the current societal/cultural stereotype of their sex.
Nothing wrong with having:
Sex = F
Gender identity/presentation = X

If we have sex, there isn't even a need for gender identity.

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