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U.S. To Scrap 'Conscience' Rule For Healthcare Workers, Politico Reports (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 16, 2021
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Political Leaning
This is very good news.

trump instituted a "conscience" rule that allowed people to deny patients the health care they need using the excuse of religion.

Personally, I don't see why religion gets such special treatment all the time.

If a religion prevents a person from doing their job to the best of their ability and for only the benefit of the patient, then they need to get a new job.

Stop forcing religion on patients and the rest of us.

Have your faith all you want but don't expect special treatment.

Religion has absolutely nothing to do with health care and doing what's best for a patient.

Practice religion on your own time, not your employer's and the patient's time and money.

Moral grounds and religion are just another way these people are trying to skirt having to provide for people. They will say it violates their first amendment.

These people are scum
This is very good news.

trump instituted a "conscience" rule that allowed people to deny patients the health care they need using the excuse of religion.

Personally, I don't see why religion gets such special treatment all the time.

If a religion prevents a person from doing their job to the best of their ability and for only the benefit of the patient, then they need to get a new job.

Stop forcing religion on patients and the rest of us.

Have your faith all you want but don't expect special treatment.

Religion has absolutely nothing to do with health care and doing what's best for a patient.

Practice religion on your own time, not your employer's and the patient's time and money.

It gets special attention becuase republicans are like the Taliban. They want their bullshit religion instilled on all people. And the courts are stacked now with right wing hacks that will allow Christians to use their religion as an excuse to violates others rights
Maybe it's just me, but if you don't want to perform abortions, don't work at an abortion clinic?

What am I missing here.

Same thing with the pharmacist denying providing birth control, or Plan B and claiming religious objections. It's just the right wing Taliban's way of trying to get away with shitting on others like they have done for history of this country.
Maybe it's just me, but if you don't want to perform abortions, don't work at an abortion clinic?

What am I missing here.

The idea is to protect, as much as possible, medical professionals who have religious or moral objections to certain medical care.
The idea is to protect, as much as possible, medical professionals who have religious or moral objections to certain medical care.
I have religious or moral objections to having passengers on my airplane who are Christian. These are people who think they are going to paradise if the plane crashes. They've no vested interest in a safe outcome of the flight. Should the government protect my right to boot them off?
The idea is to protect, as much as possible, medical professionals who have religious or moral objections to certain medical care.
I have a moral objection to getting up tomorrow at 5am for my job.

These people should be fired and escorted out of the building asap.
Maybe it's just me, but if you don't want to perform abortions, don't work at an abortion clinic?

What am I missing here.

The idea is to protect, as much as possible, medical professionals who have religious or moral objections to certain medical care.
they have no right for morals. THey are supposed to do what is best for their patient. If they can't do that, then can go find another profession. It's not up to them to shove their bullshit morals onto their patients, and any rejection of treatment has to be due to medical reasons.
they have no right for morals. THey are supposed to do what is best for their patient. If they can't do that, then can go find another profession. It's not up to them to shove their bullshit morals onto their patients, and any rejection of treatment has to be due to medical reasons.

Well, it's actually statutory and a civil right.

This is very good news.

trump instituted a "conscience" rule that allowed people to deny patients the health care they need using the excuse of religion.

Personally, I don't see why religion gets such special treatment all the time.

If a religion prevents a person from doing their job to the best of their ability and for only the benefit of the patient, then they need to get a new job.

Stop forcing religion on patients and the rest of us.

Have your faith all you want but don't expect special treatment.

Religion has absolutely nothing to do with health care and doing what's best for a patient.

Practice religion on your own time, not your employer's and the patient's time and money.

Good news. It always bothers me when a person uses their rights to deny the rights of another.
This is very good news.

trump instituted a "conscience" rule that allowed people to deny patients the health care they need using the excuse of religion.

Personally, I don't see why religion gets such special treatment all the time.

If a religion prevents a person from doing their job to the best of their ability and for only the benefit of the patient, then they need to get a new job.

Stop forcing religion on patients and the rest of us.

Have your faith all you want but don't expect special treatment.

Religion has absolutely nothing to do with health care and doing what's best for a patient.

Practice religion on your own time, not your employer's and the patient's time and money.

I have to agree
im all for protecting my religious rights but there's certain things I just don't get to do then. its really that simple. Protection of my rights only goes so far they arent unlimited and only REASONABLE accommodations have to be made.

Medical care is most certainly one of those fields, I don't get to be certified and or licensed as a certain type of doctor or practitioner or nurse etc and then choose not to do something needed in the field I choose to go into that's just bonkers.

If I'm licensed to do a job I have to do that job or no license, pretty simple concept.
The idea is to protect, as much as possible, medical professionals who have religious or moral objections to certain medical care.
Maybe i'm ignorant, but who the hell is being forced to perform an abortion that isn't an abortion doctor?
Maybe i'm ignorant, but who the hell is being forced to perform an abortion that isn't an abortion doctor?

Ob-Gyns tend to be the doctors who do abortions.
The various statutes protect those who do not wish to provide such services.
The idea is to protect, as much as possible, medical professionals who have religious or moral objections to certain medical care.
If they need protection from aspects of their job they need a different job. Remember when republicans were pissed off because some muslim guy wouldn't bag the bacon at a grocery store? You folks all said "he should get a different job". How is this any different?
Ob-Gyns tend to be the doctors who do abortions.
The various statutes protect those who do not wish to provide such services.
I'm not aware of a single person who is FORCED to provide abortions who does not work as an abortion doctor. Not all OB-GYNs are abortion doctors (most aren't), and I can't think of a single OB-GYN who is being forced to provide abortion services when they are explicitly NOT an abortion doctor.

The statutes are useless and redundant. I can understand not wanting to provide abortions, but I see zero evidence of people being forced to provide abortions who are not abortion-focused medical professionals.

If one's moral objection is to providing contraception instead, I STILL can't think of any medical professional who is being FORCED to provide contraception that isn't already a family planning or women's health doctor, and if they were against it, might I suggest that they're in the wrong line of work.
I have a moral objection to getting up tomorrow at 5am for my job.

These people should be fired and escorted out of the building asap.
And if their employer has a problem with their objections, they should be able to do exactly that.
Then they are still in the wrong field. They should be urologists or podiatrists.
But not in the military, because you still may have to perform births. I know because the doctor who delivered me, the on call birthing doctor, was actually a podiatrist.
I'm not aware of a single person who is FORCED to provide abortions who does not work as an abortion doctor. Not all OB-GYNs are abortion doctors (most aren't), and I can't think if a single OB-GYN who is being forced to provide abortion services when they are explicitly NOT an abortion doctor.

The statutes are useless and redundant. I can understand not wanting to provide abortions, but I see zero evidence of people being forced to provide abortions who are not abortion-focused medical professionals.

If one's moral objection is to providing contraception instead, I STILL can't think of any medical professional who is being FORCED to provide contraception that isn't already a family planning or women's health doctor, and if they were against it, might I suggest that they're in the wrong line of work.

The statutes are useless and redundant.

The idea is that the employer can't discipline a doctor who declines to provide medical services because of religious and conscious reasons.

Perhaps they are in the wrong line of work, but that is their decision to make, not yours

Abortion doctors are generally obgyns-- its their neck of the woods so to speak.
The idea is that the employer can't discipline a doctor who declines to provide medical services because of religious and conscious reasons.
Might I suggest that if a doctor has some sort of moral objection to the work s/he should be doing, that they shouldn't be working there in the first place. If a soldier has a conscientious objection to killing brown people overseas, that individual had every opportunity not to be a soldier in the first place. (also why I am a vehement opponent of any military draft).
Perhaps they are in the wrong line of work, but that is their decision to make, not yours
Exactly. They should ****ing quit. Not run to daddy government to protect them from doing their jobs.
Abortion doctors are generally obgyns-- its their neck of the woods so to speak.
But not the other way around. I repeat, I am unaware of any doctor who is forced by his employer to perform abortions that isn't an abortion doctor. As far as I'm aware, there are no OB-GYNs who have a moral objection to abortions who are being forced by their employer to DO abortions. And might I suggest that if that IS happening, that they shouldn't be working there in the first place.

Once again, instead of running to the government to protect them from doing their job.

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