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U.S. Journalists Pardoned by North Korea Following Visit from Former President Bill C (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
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U.S. Journalists Pardoned by North Korea Following Visit from Former President Bill Clinton

Laura Ling and Euna Lee, the two American journalists who have spent the last five months detained in a North Korean prison, have been granted a special pardon by Kim Jong-il following a surprise visit by former U.S. President Bill Clinton...

According to the North Korean News Agency “Kim Jong-il issued an order... granting a special pardon to the two American journalists who had been sentenced to hard labor.”
Re: U.S. Journalists Pardoned by North Korea Following Visit from Former President Bi

Nice work, WJ Clinton.

I wonder if he thinks he's owed at least a threesome now. :2razz:
Re: U.S. Journalists Pardoned by North Korea Following Visit from Former President Bi

WD Clinton :2wave:
Re: U.S. Journalists Pardoned by North Korea Following Visit from Former President Bi

Regardless of what you think of William Clinton, you have to admit, he did a good job here.
Re: U.S. Journalists Pardoned by North Korea Following Visit from Former President Bi

People should be sensitive to the neo-con line of thinking here. It's obvious that we should've gone to war with North Korea. Our economy is strong enough for it. Even though many Republicans wish it'd happen, they'd find another thing to blame Democrats for once it actually does happen.
Re: U.S. Journalists Pardoned by North Korea Following Visit from Former President Bi


Re: U.S. Journalists Pardoned by North Korea Following Visit from Former President Bi

Obviously this deal was setup behind the scenes long before Bill Clinton ever took the trip. One can only wonder what the Obama administration gave up under the table that we will probably never learn about.

Not to mention that the precedent has now been set. Americans from now on will be targets for kidnapping around the world, or arrested and put on show trials with false trumped up charges because our enemies now know that it is very lucrative business, and that the USA doesn’t have the will to fight.

In any event, those two journalists better thank their lucky stars they worked for Al Gore because if it had been anyone else, they would have rotted in prison for 12 years.
Re: U.S. Journalists Pardoned by North Korea Following Visit from Former President Bi

Obviously this deal was setup behind the scenes long before Bill Clinton ever took the trip. One can only wonder what the Obama administration gave up under the table that we will probably never learn about.

Not to mention that the precedent has now been set. Americans from now on will be targets for kidnapping around the world, or arrested and put on show trials with false trumped up charges because our enemies now know that it is very lucrative business, and that the USA doesn’t have the will to fight.

In any event, those two journalists better thank their lucky stars they worked for Al Gore because if it had been anyone else, they would have rotted in prison for 12 years.

:roll:Thank you Mr. Know-it-all. I love it when people interpret an event with their tin-foil hats on and pretend like it's the truth. Don't tell me, we didn't land on the moon either, right?
Re: U.S. Journalists Pardoned by North Korea Following Visit from Former President Bi

Obviously this deal was setup behind the scenes long before Bill Clinton ever took the trip. One can only wonder what the Obama administration gave up under the table that we will probably never learn about.

Not to mention that the precedent has now been set. Americans from now on will be targets for kidnapping around the world, or arrested and put on show trials with false trumped up charges because our enemies now know that it is very lucrative business, and that the USA doesn’t have the will to fight.

In any event, those two journalists better thank their lucky stars they worked for Al Gore because if it had been anyone else, they would have rotted in prison for 12 years.

You should visit the conspiracy theory part of the forum, I get the feeling you would love it there.
Re: U.S. Journalists Pardoned by North Korea Following Visit from Former President Bi

WD Clinton :2wave:

I thought it was William Jefferson Clinton. Am I wrong? :3oops:
Re: U.S. Journalists Pardoned by North Korea Following Visit from Former President Bi

I thought it was William Jefferson Clinton. Am I wrong? :3oops:

I think it might be a typo.... D and F are next to each other...
Re: U.S. Journalists Pardoned by North Korea Following Visit from Former President Bi

Nice job everybody....especially Mr. Clinton..:ind:
Re: U.S. Journalists Pardoned by North Korea Following Visit from Former President Bi

What I think is pretty funny, is that these journalists have been in N. Korea for like half a year....with Obama doing what he can to negotiate, then Bill steps in and in one night, they get out.
Re: U.S. Journalists Pardoned by North Korea Following Visit from Former President Bi

Regardless of what you think of William Clinton, you have to admit, he did a good job here.
Kudos to Clinton for bringing the reporters home.

However, one has to wonder what the longer term will be in the DPRK. Clinton, as a former President, is by definition a person of great stature within American political circles. Giving Kim the validation that he is of such importance as to merit a senior-level diplomat to negotiate what theoretically should be a matter handled among low-level folks in the diplomatic corps sets a dangerous precedent for future dealings with North Korea.

I'm glad Clinton got the reporters out, but I suspect it was a strategic mistake to send him there in the first place.
Re: U.S. Journalists Pardoned by North Korea Following Visit from Former President Bi

What I think is pretty funny, is that these journalists have been in N. Korea for like half a year....with Obama doing what he can to negotiate, then Bill steps in and in one night, they get out.

Dude why make this into a partisian thing...can't you just be happy that everybody did their job well in this situation and all ended well?
Re: U.S. Journalists Pardoned by North Korea Following Visit from Former President Bi

Kudos to Clinton for bringing the reporters home.

However, one has to wonder what the longer term will be in the DPRK. Clinton, as a former President, is by definition a person of great stature within American political circles. Giving Kim the validation that he is of such importance as to merit a senior-level diplomat to negotiate what theoretically should be a matter handled among low-level folks in the diplomatic corps sets a dangerous precedent for future dealings with North Korea.

I'm glad Clinton got the reporters out, but I suspect it was a strategic mistake to send him there in the first place.

Seeing as the basis of your arguement (for now) is that Clinton corresponded with Kim Jung Il, and not his son, I think the importance issue will be resolved on its own in due time. Nevertheless, you have a point that sending Clinton to get the journalists back shows us in a potentially weak position...one the Commies can maybe profit from.
Re: U.S. Journalists Pardoned by North Korea Following Visit from Former President Bi

What I think is pretty funny, is that these journalists have been in N. Korea for like half a year....with Obama doing what he can to negotiate, then Bill steps in and in one night, they get out.
Not hard to figure at all. Oriental cultures place a premium on status and standing, and few political figures in the US are going to have more status than an ex President. Just sending Clinton was a significant statement by Dear Leader's Administration.
Re: U.S. Journalists Pardoned by North Korea Following Visit from Former President Bi

If you gullible jokers believe that the Dear Leader gave up the goods because of the visit Bill Clinton bestowed upon him I have a bridge for sale.

Again, those two journalists better thank their lucky starts they worked for Al Gore because if it would have been anyone else, they would have spent 12 years in prison rotting.
Re: U.S. Journalists Pardoned by North Korea Following Visit from Former President Bi

Dude why make this into a partisian thing...can't you just be happy that everybody did their job well in this situation and all ended well?







Who can now deny that Bill Clinton wasn't the First Black President? He's the re-incarnation of Jesse Jackson! And Jesse isn't even dead yet. (pity)
Re: U.S. Journalists Pardoned by North Korea Following Visit from Former President Bi

Regardless of what you think of William Clinton, you have to admit, he did a good job here.

He didn't do anything. :rofl

The only reason Slick Willy even went over there, is because these two chicks work for Al Gore.
Re: U.S. Journalists Pardoned by North Korea Following Visit from Former President Bi

For all you guys glowing in your admiration of Bill Clinton with short memories we must never forget that if it wouldn’t have been for his gross incompetence, N. Korea wouldn’t have acquired nukes.
Re: U.S. Journalists Pardoned by North Korea Following Visit from Former President Bi

Who can now deny that Bill Clinton wasn't the First Black President? He's the re-incarnation of Jesse Jackson! And Jesse isn't even dead yet. (pity)

Yeah...sort of the same way that B. Hussein Obama is the first Muslim President.
Re: U.S. Journalists Pardoned by North Korea Following Visit from Former President Bi

Yeah...sort of the same way that B. Hussein Obama is the first Muslim President.

It's the Democrats that proclaimed their Rapist and Perjurer was the First Black President, take it up with them. You're not suggesting the Democrats uttered perfectly ridiculous statements for the simple expediency of keeping their blacks on the plantation when the Rapist was impeached, are you?

Well, too bad, I'm reminding you of it right now.
Re: U.S. Journalists Pardoned by North Korea Following Visit from Former President Bi

You're not suggesting the Democrats uttered perfectly ridiculous statements for the simple expediency of keeping their blacks on the plantation when the Rapist was impeached, are you?.

Of course not! Everyone knows that Bill Clinton and the Dhimmicrats only have their best interests always in mind!
Re: U.S. Journalists Pardoned by North Korea Following Visit from Former President Bi







How so?

Who can now deny that Bill Clinton wasn't the First Black President? He's the re-incarnation of Jesse Jackson! And Jesse isn't even dead yet. (pity)

I don't even know what that means. It smacks of the new focus on the 'white vote' we're now seeing with the GOP. Veiled racism.

And wishing Jackson dead--what's up with that? Sounds like someone doesn't care for people of color.

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