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Two vastly different views of an expensive home (1 Viewer)

But-------------------see---------------------that is where you are wrong. With Capitalism everything is possible if you are willing to work!!!!
No economic system can increase the amount of raw materials that exists. If you have a million people, and 100,000 acres of liveable land, not everyone can have an acre of land to live on. For one person to get more, someone else has to end up with less. That is true regardless of whether you're applying capitalism, socialism or some mixed economic system that actually exists in the real world.

your idea of conservative solutions is embarrassing. But hey...lucky for you some wonderful socialist gave you everything and lifted you up out of poverty and all you had to do was piss yourself and squeal and then when he or she was done enjoy the great gifts they gave you. Lucky you...you didnt do a ****ing thing to earn any of your success in life.

Where's Trumps "great" ACA replacement? Like I said, conservative philosophy to help the working man is to do nothing besides tell people to learn how to carve their own boat oars while they're pounding holes in the bottom of the boat.
I grew up in a household where the school lunch was the only meal that I had that day. During a long stretch I went weekends without a meal because I wasn't in school. I know what it is to go days without food which is why I have empathy for others Everyone's situations and circumstances are different. The ****ing problem with conservatives is that they see everything in black and white, this or that, one way of the other. They are incapable of nuance. Their other problem is that the suffer from an inability to feel sympathy or empathy for others. Unless it's happening to them personally, it's not happening.

The ****ing problem with progressives is that they see everything in black and "mine".
Typical right wing cliché response. I suggest traveling more and getting different perspectives of the world. You don't learn about other people from visiting DisneyWorlds "Theme park versions of other countries"

No, no. You misunderstood. Move to Cuba, if you think it is a better system. You KNOW its not, and travel to get a "different perspective" doesn't work either. I have been/lived all over the world: Indonesia, Thailand, Canada, England, Vietnam, Mexico, Korea, Germany, Cambodia and the Caribbean. The "perspective' is clear. The US is head and shoulders better, because of capitalism.
That's the problem isn't it? Bye now! :2wave:

That's your problem, not mine. The ONLY reason he was elected was his race, he certainly wasn't qualified.

So now you want to try again, but you still pick a underqualified "blackish" candidate.
No, no. You misunderstood. Move to Cuba, if you think it is a better system. You KNOW its not, and travel to get a "different perspective" doesn't work either. I have been/lived all over the world: Indonesia, Thailand, Canada, England, Vietnam, Mexico, Korea, Germany, Cambodia and the Caribbean. The "perspective' is clear. The US is head and shoulders better, because of capitalism.
I never said "Cuba was better" It's not about "better" and if you supposedly "been/lived all over the world" and all that you got out of it is that "The US is head and shoulders better" then you learned absolutely nothing.
I never said "Cuba was better" It's not about "better" and if you supposedly "been/lived all over the world" and all that you got out of it is that "The US is head and shoulders better" then you learned absolutely nothing.

I saw it, you cannot say the same.
When a capitalist and a socialist look at an expensive home, this is what they say. A socialist says no one should live in an expensive home like that. OTOH a capitalist says it would be great if everyone could live in a home like that. And they work toward that happening.

And an average person would say "hey that house is really nice. But let's also make sure we have a formal system in place to make sure orphaned children aren't left out sleeping on the street and eating out of dumpsters".
:raises eyebrow: if by that you mean that more homes are available for a larger number of households, and that these homes are larger, better built, and have more amenities, sure.

You may be referencing this:


which does indeed show capitalism's ability to provide ever-greater number of ever-improving goods for an increasing population.

Or were you trying to refer to the homeless population?
Of course I'm referring to homeless people. Your graphs, placed without context, have no relation to that problem.
When a capitalist and a socialist look at an expensive home, this is what they say. A socialist says no one should live in an expensive home like that. OTOH a capitalist says it would be great if everyone could live in a home like that. And they work toward that happening.
The capitalist doesnt work for it for everyone. Do you not understand capitalism? Roughly, it's the idea that free and independent choices by each of us to better ourselves will end up organizing the whole society and economy in the best way possible. Its inherently selfish. If someone doesnt play or win the game that's their fault and no collective resources should be used to prop them up. No collective resources should be used to try to fix the system where it isnt working for some.

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But there is a limit on the number of "expensive" homes that can be built so how could everyone have one? You're essentially suggesting everyone should be above average.

The lazy and the greedy bum sees a nice home and demands that the rich greedy privileged racist give it to him.
The lazy and the greedy bum sees a nice home and demands that the rich greedy privileged racist give it to him.

So they can sell it and have some reparation money to live like a king in the hood.
I never got a welfare check. How much was yours, and why didn't I get one?

that's funny. you're like the 10th republican here i've asked and i think maybe one admitted getting that CentGov cheese.

but we all know tons of Republicans are getting that welfare. and it's not just 10% of them.
Where's Trumps "great" ACA replacement? Like I said, conservative philosophy to help the working man is to do nothing besides tell people to learn how to carve their own boat oars while they're pounding holes in the bottom of the boat.
I know...I know. I get it. You like the commie/rat/socialist types that took care of you and rescued you from the swill and poverty your parents forced on you. You prefer having people baby you, and clothe you, and feed you, and wipe your ass, and give you everything without having to work for success.

I get you. I hear you loud and clear.

your idea of conservative solutions is embarrassing. But hey...lucky for you some wonderful socialist gave you everything and lifted you up out of poverty and all you had to do was piss yourself and squeal and then when he or she was done enjoy the great gifts they gave you. Lucky you...you didnt do a ****ing thing to earn any of your success in life.

I'm glad you're embarrassed, now change. Henry's characterization of conservative policy wasn't too far off. He forgot the part where their culture of greed blows up the economy, again and again, followed by them demanding generous socialism for the rich (fascism). He didn't mention the debt, heaped upon future generations to fund today's tax cuts. You want to talk about being entitled and self-serving, the repubs piss and squeal every time they hear the word "tax", the ****ing traitors. Their allegiance to this country can be measured in trillions of dollars in debt and a bleak outlook for the poor they exploit, all while they bribe and cheat their way to the top.

I'll say this, though. The repub leadership are masters of marketing dumb ideas and hatred. They apply turd polish to their policies and consistenly convince lesser bigots and morons that to serve the rich is to serve the poor. Oh, what a clever scam.

When PT Barnum said there's a sucker born every minute, he was talking about the same fat, middle-American dip****s who make up the republican base today. They fall all over themselves to worship at the golden alter of elitism. What a rude awakening awaits.
When a capitalist and a socialist look at an expensive home, this is what they say. A socialist says no one should live in an expensive home like that. OTOH a capitalist says it would be great if everyone could live in a home like that. And they work toward that happening.
A Capitalist would try to get the best house, and leverage their wealth and power to keep others form competing in the housing game.
The capitalist doesnt work for it for everyone. Do you not understand capitalism? Roughly, it's the idea that free and independent choices by each of us to better ourselves will end up organizing the whole society and economy in the best way possible. Its inherently selfish. If someone doesnt play or win the game that's their fault and no collective resources should be used to prop them up. No collective resources should be used to try to fix the system where it isnt working for some.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

Its not inherently selfish. It rewards ingenuity and drive. No other system does that. In fact, Communism and Socialism both stifle entrepreneur efforts.

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