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Two Officers Shot Dead in Palm Springs, Suspect John Felix Arrested (1 Viewer)


Protest now is a criminal offense and the perps of protest you don't agree with killed or jailed?

Yes, when the protest involves calling for the death of cops and is violent all those who supported those illegal actions (who live) should get a long prison sentence
Yes, when the protest involves calling for the death of cops and is violent all those who supported those illegal actions (who live) should get a long prison sentence

OK, a very small element in the larger BLM movement has called for violence or been violent. I guess you forgot to put that qualifier in there when you called for an "open season" on them. :roll:
Not enough. Far, FAR too many thugs still breathing.

We should keep killing thugs until we have ZERO cops being killed.

generally killing a cop is going to be the last felony any mope perpetrates. Most cop killers don't have extensive criminal records prior to that ultimate crime. So just exactly what are you going to do-shoot everyone who has a F4 on their record or even a Juvenile record that has a crime that would be a felony if an adult perpetrated it>

obviously deterrence doesn't stop this. If you kill a cop, you stand a rather good chance of dying. WE had a cop shooting in Cincinnati when I was a young attorney. The guy grabbed officer Clifford George's sidearm and shot him right above his vest. Within a day or so the perpetrator died from multiple gunshot wounds inflicted by two officers. One officer-Norton was his name-sent his dog after the perpetrator. The perp shot the dog-killing it and wounded Officer Norton who was a really good shot and officer norton center punched the perp despite being wounded. His partner drilled the mope with at least two rounds from a riot shotgun at close range. The perp was black, the officers (including the slain officer) were white. I remember someone asking a civil rights leader why there weren't any protests-and the man said-"he shot a cop dead, he shot another cop and killed a police dog-he got what he deserved"

and that was pretty much the attitude of just about everyone -at least until lately
OK, a very small element in the larger BLM movement has called for violence or been violent. I guess you forgot to put that qualifier in there when you called for an "open season" on them.

Baloney. You're babbling nonsense.

The whole movement is encouraging violence and killing cops.........because if you stand out there in support of violent people who kill and injure cops AND call for more killing and destroy property and loot stores--YOU'RE JUST AS GUILTY AS IF YOU HAD DONE IT YOURSELF.
Baloney. You're babbling nonsense.

The whole movement is encouraging violence and killing cops.........because if you stand out there in support of violent people who kill and injure cops AND call for more killing and destroy property and loot stores--YOU'RE JUST AS GUILTY AS IF YOU HAD DONE IT YOURSELF.

Okee dokee. Nonsense, but I can see there's no hope of a reasonable conversation. :peace
Okee dokee. Nonsense, but I can see there's no hope of a reasonable conversation. :peace

Because you have no defense against the truth.
Because you have no defense against the truth.

I can't argue with someone who claims that "The whole movement is encouraging violence and killing cops." It's objectively FALSE. :shrug:
I can't argue with someone who claims that "The whole movement is encouraging violence and killing cops." It's objectively FALSE. :shrug:

BLM in Portland:

"“If they go about their burden of whatever they said you’re doing, you pull your pistol out and you f**king bust that,” says the BLM protester, described in the video as a “passionate speaker”.

“You pull your pistol out and you bust that! Because at the end of the day, it’s going to be you against them,” he continues.

“When we move with the Panthers, trust me when you see me move, I’m moving in violence!” he threatens.

Another speaker then implores the white people involved in the protest, “We’re tired of walking around here asking ya’ll to help us – we need action.”

The original speaker then repeats his call for violence, asserting, “I don’t give a f**k whether you knock ’em over, whether you run up on them, whatever you do, you better f**king take action!”

The march took place right as news began to emerge that a man inspired by ‘Black Lives Matter’ rhetoric had murdered five police officers in Dallas."

Portland 'Black Lives Matter' leader OPENLY advocates for MURDER of police

That's coast to coast....

And an article for you to read...

[url=http://www.nationalreview.com/article/437694/black-lives-matter-hypocrisy-cheering-violence]Black Lives Matter Hypocrisy in Cheering Violence | National Review
Oh yeah, they're all angles....:roll:

I think you meant "angels" and I didn't say that they were. The point was simple - only a small part of the BLM movement is violent, commits crimes, or advocates violence against cops. Obviously that small part is not made up of "angles."
I think you meant "angels" and I didn't say that they were. The point was simple - only a small part of the BLM movement is violent, commits crimes, or advocates violence against cops. Obviously that small part is not made up of "angles."

False. The BLM terror network has waged war on police officers. #BLM on twitter is scary

False. The BLM terror network has waged war on police officers. #BLM on twitter is scary

Yeah, OK.

Your argument, paraphrased, "I will prove the entire movement is violent and wants to kill cops by citing 6 random tweets by people no one has ever heard of!!"

In other news, the entire Trump voting base and therefore the entire GOP are white racists, which I can also prove by citing random assholes off the internet supporting Trump and who are proudly racist!
Yeah, OK.

I will prove the entire movement is violent and wants to kill cops by citing 6 random people off Twitter!

In other news, the entire Trump voting base are white racists, which I can also prove by citing random assholes off the internet supporting Trump and who are proudly racist!

I'm sorry. I guess I have too much of a life to go on twitter and post all 800,000 million of them. what's stopping you from searching it yourself?

you one of those "pics or it didn't happen" libs? Yea, you are.

The BLM terror network will be destroyed. America does not tolerate terrorism.
I'm sorry. I guess I have too much of a life to go on twitter and post all 800,000 million of them. what's stopping you from searching it yourself?

you one of those "pics or it didn't happen" libs? Yea, you are.

The BLM terror network will be destroyed. America does not tolerate terrorism.

The plural of anecdote =/= evidence. And 800 Trillion is a lot of tweets. I'm shocked so many are BLM activists talking about violence, but yes that would take a long time to compile and post here on DP. :roll:

FWIW, I follow several of the BLM leaders on Twitter which is how I know they condemn the violence, because I've seen their response to violence, against cops and by blacks at a few of the protests.
The plural of anecdote =/= evidence. And 800 Trillion is a lot of tweets. I'm shocked so many are BLM activists talking about violence. :roll:

FWIW, I follow several of the BLM leaders on Twitter which is how I know they condemn the violence, because I've seen their response to violence, against cops and by blacks at a few of the protests.
that you climbing out of that window?
The plural of anecdote =/= evidence. And 800 Trillion is a lot of tweets. I'm shocked so many are BLM activists talking about violence, but yes that would take a long time to compile and post here on DP. :roll:

FWIW, I follow several of the BLM leaders on Twitter which is how I know they condemn the violence, because I've seen their response to violence, against cops and by blacks at a few of the protests.

How is your basing your belief that BLM is not violent based on you supposedly following a couple of leaders on Twitter, any different than us saying they are violent by showing you tweets, and video of BLM, and leaders calling for violence?
How is your basing your belief that BLM is not violent based on you supposedly following a couple of leaders on Twitter, any different than us saying they are violent by showing you tweets, and video of BLM, and leaders calling for violence?

OK, here's a listing of approximately 1500 BLM protests. Are you claiming they've all been violent? How many? What share of them have resulted in looting and arrests by police.


The claim I was addressing was this one: "The whole movement is encouraging violence and killing cops." That's objectively false. Even the protests in Dallas before the shooting were non-violent - the police and the protesters were getting along fine, and the BLM protesters in fact lauded the Dallas police for how they handled the protests.
you get all cute when you're in your Obama Hussien safe place

If you have an actual rational point, why don't you make it. Right now you're just throwing out personal insults like an ignorant teenager. It's boring.
If you have an actual rational point, why don't you make it. Right now you're just throwing out personal insults like an ignorant teenager. It's boring.

the point is that the BLM terror group need to be put to rest. the Obama race war, then the formation of the BLM organization that does the biddings (murders and the fires), has got to be taken down swiftly.
BlackLivesMatter has made it open season on cops.

What we need is open season on BlackLivesMatter and put them all in prison to solve this problem once and for all.

The murderer is Latino. Get a grip.

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