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Two Officers Shot Dead in Palm Springs, Suspect John Felix Arrested (2 Viewers)


DP Veteran
Aug 1, 2014
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Two Palm Springs, California police officers who responded to a family dispute were killed when a suspect pulled out a gun and opened fire on them, the city's police chief said early Sunday.

The slain officers were Jose Gilbert Vega, 63, a 35-year veteran of the department who was due to retire in December, and Lesley Zerebny, 27, who had recently returned to duty after giving birth to a daughter four months ago. A third officer was wounded and remained hospitalized.
Two Officers Shot Dead in Palm Springs, Suspect John Felix Arrested - NBC News

Deceased Police Officers


Some reports are saying that Felix just wanted to kill police officers. I believe we're seeing the fallout from the media ramping up racial tensions lately.

Is there a war on police officers by the media?

Amazing. Anytime an unarmed black suspect is killed, you can guarantee that DP will devote hundreds of comments and countless hours discussing it.

I guess blue lives don't matter anymore.
My understanding is that his parents called. Because he was "acting crazy". Fortunately, the cops had mental health training and engaged him in a compassionate manner. Then he killed them.

One cop was a 35 year veteran working an extra shift. He was the father of 9 kids. The other was a 27 year old, brand new mother.

I guess we should all be happy that they exercised care and concern for the poor guy that executed them.
This is terrible, and it does hit close to home. My brother in law was a Palm Springs policeman, when he first went into law enforcement. He later went on to a criminology degree and then into federal law enforcement. But, my sister and brother in law lived in Palm Springs for around 10 years.
BlackLivesMatter has made it open season on cops.

What we need is open season on BlackLivesMatter and put them all in prison to solve this problem once and for all.
Now all black people are blacklivesmatter I see. Interesting.

Like I've said before, I'm not buying into this stupid right-wing false choice BS.

I'm disheartened that these cops got murdered by a nutcase and I'm also disheartened to see unarmed black people getting shot by bad or poorly trained cops.

I like cops AND I like black people. Imagine that.
RIP and God bless the family members.
Judging by the looks of these two, they were clearly racist cops hoping to encounter an unarmed black man they could gun down in cold blood.

Black people don't live in Palm Springs... they live down the 10 in Beaumont.
This is a horrible story but unfortunately part of the job...
Not doubt these cops were, as Hillary says, born racists.

Two cops were SLAUGHTERED today but the media only cares about what Trump said 11 years ago.
Now all black people are blacklivesmatter I see. Interesting.

Like I've said before, I'm not buying into this stupid right-wing false choice BS.

I'm disheartened that these cops got murdered by a nutcase and I'm also disheartened to see unarmed black people getting shot by bad or poorly trained cops.

I like cops AND I like black people. Imagine that.

Nobody said that.
Criminal History

Felix was previously sentenced to four years in prison for a 2009 attempted Murder plot in which he confessed to assault with a Firearm. [1]  He was also arrested in 2013 for fighting with police on the same doorstep where the Shooting occurred. [1]

Source: https://www.everipedia.com/john-hernandez-felix-palm-springs-california/#ixzz4Md1cQt6H

Why was this guy not still locked up?


They keep giving these bastards short sentences and they usually get out early even on that.

Need to throw away the key on the violent ones.
My understanding is that his parents called. Because he was "acting crazy". Fortunately, the cops had mental health training and engaged him in a compassionate manner. Then he killed them.

One cop was a 35 year veteran working an extra shift. He was the father of 9 kids. The other was a 27 year old, brand new mother.

I guess we should all be happy that they exercised care and concern for the poor guy that executed them.

The extreme narcissism that BLM and their supporters possess leaves them little concern for the lives of good police officers. And only a tiny fraction of the 1 million men and women who serve as police officers are actually bad apples.

Officer Vega was due to retire in December. This is an extremely dangerous job that can turn deadly at any time. Thanks for your comments.
This is a horrible story but unfortunately part of the job...

Being murdered isn't "part of the job". In California, 2016, dealing with violent parolees who hate cops is a part of the job unfortunately. Our Governor is a moron who was born rich and never had to live around crime. Which is why he supported prop 47, and is currently pushing prop 57, which is the nail in California's coffin.
Being murdered isn't "part of the job". In California, 2016, dealing with violent parolees who hate cops is a part of the job unfortunately. Our Governor is a moron who was born rich and never had to live around crime. Which is why he supported prop 47, and is currently pushing prop 57, which is the nail in California's coffin.

Being shot at is not a part of a cops job?
Being shot at is not a part of a cops job?

Should it be?

Felix allegedly told his father he wanted to kill cops moments before the gunfire began.

Police arrested known gang member John Felix in the killing of two Palm Springs police officers Saturday afternoon.

Felix was previously sentenced to four years in prison for a 2009 attempted murder plot in which he confessed to assault with a firearm.
Palm Springs police shooting suspect captured after 12-hour 'nightmare' for community

The guy committed attempted first degree homicide with a firearm only 7 years ago. The justice system here is in shambles, we have so many criminals from Mexico that our state prisons are running at 125-175% capacity. We've stopped prosecuting people for personal drug use, and we're still swamped with violent offenders who are ticking time bombs that we can't house in prison because there's no room.
Is there a war on police officers by the media?


By the media? Yes. By certain groups among liberals? Also yes. Every time we see an incident come up and people instantly rush to throw fuel on the fire, without knowing any details, is an example. This is further exacerbated by all the white victims that are ignored but every black victim will be front page news. This is why the race of the officer is always missing when it's a black officer that is the one that did the shooting.
My understanding is that his parents called. Because he was "acting crazy". Fortunately, the cops had mental health training and engaged him in a compassionate manner. Then he killed them.

One cop was a 35 year veteran working an extra shift. He was the father of 9 kids. The other was a 27 year old, brand new mother.

I guess we should all be happy that they exercised care and concern for the poor guy that executed them.

As long as no criminals were hurt, that's all that matters.
BlackLivesMatter has made it open season on cops.

What we need is open season on BlackLivesMatter and put them all in prison to solve this problem once and for all.

that's an ignorant response. Some of the BLM members are probably not in favor of attacks on cops. Some are people who have friends who have been killed or attacked by cops and they may honestly believe that their friends were criminally attacked. What we need to do is to come down hard on people who attack cops. and not glorify them
Nobody said that.

Perhaps you should read the first page again... because I failed to see where this John Felix guy was a black lives matter activist. Yet right there on page one was this post blaming BLM.

BlackLivesMatter has made it open season on cops.

What we need is open season on BlackLivesMatter and put them all in prison to solve this problem once and for all.

Or others race-baiting the thread right out of the box.
Such a horrific and tragic story. A hardworking police man with a large family on the verge of retirement. A young beautiful police woman with a small child. May they both rest in peace, and may their deaths not be in vain.

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