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Two-faced Liberals have no balls... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 14, 2005
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
First, excuse me for not getting back sooner, my computer suffered a debilitating virus. The computer virus along with the 1-week ban from this illustrious forum gave me time to put the finishing touches on my doctorate degree in political science.
Having PTSD made obtaining the degree difficult, but the longevity and stress involved was well worth the effort. Let me dispel the notion that PTSD is some kind of mental disorder; it is an emotional disorder, there is a huge difference. When I think of the classic ‘mental cases’, I think of people like Ted Kennedy, Howard Dean, CnCredd and Michael Moore, where padded rooms become the order du jour.

To Stace: Please do not feel that you’re the only one lacking a sense of humor; for most liberals thrive with this congenital character blemish. Myopia may have set in as well--jury is still out on that. You see, I tested the waters upstairs to see if I could actually debate politics with the liberals there. I found out, (no surprise) that the ’no balls’ moderators here have a very one-sided slant to what they deem to be ’debatable’. So when I saw that liberal flaming was allowed, but not allowed by conservatives like Skilmatic and myself, I decided to introduce myself downstairs as someone trying to become a liberal so as to make participation here possible, and to suck favor with the liberal moderators here (wink).
What you missed Stace was something called ironic humor. Surely you have seen me post often as to why most liberals are a greater threat and a greater enemy to America than the terrorists or Al Qeida; not to mention the threat of phony wannabe Republicans like CnCredd.

Look at all you two-faced no-balls liberals stepping off eggshells upstairs to confront me down here in the basement where you’ve finally gotten the courage to call me names. Bravo, you pathetic wimps.

Looks like my message to the inept moderators and liberals here to revisit, rethink, reevaluate and possibly reconstruct this phenomenon called “Debate Politics” has fallen hard to deaf and dumb robotic ears. I suggest (in your spare time) that all of you learn the definition of ‘debate’.
While I should be an inspiration to all you spineless liberals, all I see from you is a misguided passionless belief in socialism/liberalism, and cowardly attempts to substitute meaningless diatribes (like here in the basement) for constructive political debating.

Perhaps I’ll see some of you political novices upstairs, otherwise, good luck to all you inadequately equipped debaters as you wallow here in your preferred hell.

Dr. KidTim
galenrox said:
lol, in other words "deeeeeeeerrrrrrrrr"

Man, I didn't think it was possible, but you have actually made me lose respect for the title of Dr. If you can get a Ph.D., then I don't take Ph.D. as a sign of intellectual authority anymore.

That was rather harsh rant. He made Rush Limbaugh sound like a Saint!

Although he does have a slight point. Liberals do tend to dodge and spin by allowing liberal rants, but not conservative. But he still could have been more "civil" about it.

[Yes, conservatives spin and dodge too]
Donkey1499 said:
lthough he does have a slight point. Liberals do tend to dodge and spin by allowing liberal rants, but not conservative. But he still could have been more "civil" about it.
[Yes, conservatives spin and dodge too]

Got that right! They all suck a$$.
I should be made the

Supreme ruler of the USA!
ptsdkid said:
First, excuse me for not getting back sooner, my computer suffered a debilitating virus. The computer virus along with the 1-week ban from this illustrious forum gave me time to put the finishing touches on my doctorate degree in political science.
Having PTSD made obtaining the degree difficult, but the longevity and stress involved was well worth the effort. Let me dispel the notion that PTSD is some kind of mental disorder; it is an emotional disorder, there is a huge difference. When I think of the classic ‘mental cases’, I think of people like Ted Kennedy, Howard Dean, CnCredd and Michael Moore, where padded rooms become the order du jour.

To Stace: Please do not feel that you’re the only one lacking a sense of humor; for most liberals thrive with this congenital character blemish. Myopia may have set in as well--jury is still out on that. You see, I tested the waters upstairs to see if I could actually debate politics with the liberals there. I found out, (no surprise) that the ’no balls’ moderators here have a very one-sided slant to what they deem to be ’debatable’. So when I saw that liberal flaming was allowed, but not allowed by conservatives like Skilmatic and myself, I decided to introduce myself downstairs as someone trying to become a liberal so as to make participation here possible, and to suck favor with the liberal moderators here (wink).
What you missed Stace was something called ironic humor. Surely you have seen me post often as to why most liberals are a greater threat and a greater enemy to America than the terrorists or Al Qeida; not to mention the threat of phony wannabe Republicans like CnCredd.

Look at all you two-faced no-balls liberals stepping off eggshells upstairs to confront me down here in the basement where you’ve finally gotten the courage to call me names. Bravo, you pathetic wimps.

Looks like my message to the inept moderators and liberals here to revisit, rethink, reevaluate and possibly reconstruct this phenomenon called “Debate Politics” has fallen hard to deaf and dumb robotic ears. I suggest (in your spare time) that all of you learn the definition of ‘debate’.
While I should be an inspiration to all you spineless liberals, all I see from you is a misguided passionless belief in socialism/liberalism, and cowardly attempts to substitute meaningless diatribes (like here in the basement) for constructive political debating.

Perhaps I’ll see some of you political novices upstairs, otherwise, good luck to all you inadequately equipped debaters as you wallow here in your preferred hell.

Dr. KidTim

So what did you research in your doctorate?
Red_Dave said:
So what did you research in your doctorate?

**There were many facets to the study of political science. As you may have guessed--sociology, literature and history were heavily involved throughout the research phase.
Let me leave you with a contemporary book titled, "The Right Nation"--Conservative Power in America, authored by two English gentlemen John Micklethwait & Adrian Wooldridge.
Tell me, is the 'Red' in your name there because you're trying hard to become a Republican representing a 'Red' state, or does the 'Red' represent a basic Commie outlook on things?

Dr. KidTim
ptsdkid said:
**There were many facets to the study of political science. As you may have guessed--sociology, literature and history were heavily involved throughout the research phase.
Let me leave you with a contemporary book titled, "The Right Nation"--Conservative Power in America, authored by two English gentlemen John Micklethwait & Adrian Wooldridge.
Tell me, is the 'Red' in your name there because you're trying hard to become a Republican representing a 'Red' state, or does the 'Red' represent a basic Commie outlook on things?

Dr. KidTim

Have you read "Do As I Say, Not As I Do: Profiles In Liberal Hypocrisy"? I liked the book. It gives me more reasons to hate Hillary and some of the others.
ptsdkid said:
**There were many facets to the study of political science. As you may have guessed--sociology, literature and history were heavily involved throughout the research phase.
Let me leave you with a contemporary book titled, "The Right Nation"--Conservative Power in America, authored by two English gentlemen John Micklethwait & Adrian Wooldridge.
Tell me, is the 'Red' in your name there because you're trying hard to become a Republican representing a 'Red' state, or does the 'Red' represent a basic Commie outlook on things?

Dr. KidTim

Thats odd as most of the those doing ph,ds who ive come across have studyed somthing really specific like "The Brontes as christians and Romantics" or was it some other type of doctorate? ild be intrested in reading your thesis onece your finished anyway.

Like you said the red in my username was supossed to represent a left-wing outlook on things though i wouldnt say i was a communist. Im not sure what exact label ild put on myself but i support social democratic policys in the sort term and would like to see a system akin to anarco-syndicalism implemented in the long term.
Last edited:
ptsdkid said:
**There were many facets to the study of political science. As you may have guessed--sociology, literature and history were heavily involved throughout the research phase.
Let me leave you with a contemporary book titled, "The Right Nation"--Conservative Power in America, authored by two English gentlemen John Micklethwait & Adrian Wooldridge.
Tell me, is the 'Red' in your name there because you're trying hard to become a Republican representing a 'Red' state, or does the 'Red' represent a basic Commie outlook on things?

Dr. KidTim

Can you show us the abstract of your doctoral thesis?
Oh yes, you made yourself out down here as trying to be a liberal.....yup, that's why I outed you as having said all of that in a thread that's UPSTAIRS.

You know, I bet if you asked real nice, Galen would delete that thread for you. Or even move it down to the basement so that no one would actually take you seriously on it. Some people just wouldn't know any better.
Engimo said:
Can you show us the abstract of your doctoral thesis?

**The abstract to my thesis can be seen in everyone of my postings. Just look close.
ptsdkid said:
**The abstract to my thesis can be seen in everyone of my postings. Just look close.

No, I mean the actual abstract. If you legitimately have a Ph.D. than you must have written a doctoral thesis, yes? The abstract is the summary at the beginning of a thesis or any other academic paper. Could you post it? Or post the title of the paper so that we can look it up?
ptsdkid said:
First, excuse me for not getting back sooner, my computer suffered a debilitating virus. The computer virus along with the 1-week ban from this illustrious forum gave me time to put the finishing touches on my doctorate degree in political science.

I had no idea that The Acme Skool of Lurnin' gave out doctorate degrees. It's a six week program, right?
ptsdkid said:
**The abstract to my thesis can be seen in everyone of my postings. Just look close.

That was you?

I was wondering who wrote "Attention seeking personality disorders and the expression of Munchausen's syndrome in post 911 internet discussion groups".

Very authentic.
ptsdkid said:
**The abstract to my thesis can be seen in everyone of my postings. Just look close.

That's hilarious. Not only did you get a PhD without writing a thesis, you got a PhD without even knowing what an abstract is.

I'm gonna go ahead and call you a filthy ****ing liar.
Kandahar said:
That's hilarious. Not only did you get a PhD without writing a thesis, you got a PhD without even knowing what an abstract is.

I'm gonna go ahead and call you a filthy ****ing liar.

**Who said I hadn't written a thesis? Check to see if it wasn't someone right here in the peanut gallery.
ptsdkid said:
**Who said I hadn't written a thesis? Check to see if it wasn't someone right here in the peanut gallery.

If you,ve written it then why dont you post it?
ptsdkid said:
**Who said I hadn't written a thesis? Check to see if it wasn't someone right here in the peanut gallery.

Yes, all I'm asking for is the abstract. You don't need to include your name or anything.
Engimo said:
Yes, all I'm asking for is the abstract. You don't need to include your name or anything.

Ha! this threads gone awfully quiet
ptsdkid said:
First, excuse me for not getting back sooner, my computer suffered a debilitating virus. The computer virus along with the 1-week ban from this illustrious forum gave me time to put the finishing touches on my doctorate degree in political science.
Having PTSD made obtaining the degree difficult, but the longevity and stress involved was well worth the effort. Let me dispel the notion that PTSD is some kind of mental disorder; it is an emotional disorder, there is a huge difference. When I think of the classic ‘mental cases’, I think of people like Ted Kennedy, Howard Dean, CnCredd and Michael Moore, where padded rooms become the order du jour.

To Stace: Please do not feel that you’re the only one lacking a sense of humor; for most liberals thrive with this congenital character blemish. Myopia may have set in as well--jury is still out on that. You see, I tested the waters upstairs to see if I could actually debate politics with the liberals there. I found out, (no surprise) that the ’no balls’ moderators here have a very one-sided slant to what they deem to be ’debatable’. So when I saw that liberal flaming was allowed, but not allowed by conservatives like Skilmatic and myself, I decided to introduce myself downstairs as someone trying to become a liberal so as to make participation here possible, and to suck favor with the liberal moderators here (wink).
What you missed Stace was something called ironic humor. Surely you have seen me post often as to why most liberals are a greater threat and a greater enemy to America than the terrorists or Al Qeida; not to mention the threat of phony wannabe Republicans like CnCredd.

Look at all you two-faced no-balls liberals stepping off eggshells upstairs to confront me down here in the basement where you’ve finally gotten the courage to call me names. Bravo, you pathetic wimps.

Looks like my message to the inept moderators and liberals here to revisit, rethink, reevaluate and possibly reconstruct this phenomenon called “Debate Politics” has fallen hard to deaf and dumb robotic ears. I suggest (in your spare time) that all of you learn the definition of ‘debate’.
While I should be an inspiration to all you spineless liberals, all I see from you is a misguided passionless belief in socialism/liberalism, and cowardly attempts to substitute meaningless diatribes (like here in the basement) for constructive political debating.

Perhaps I’ll see some of you political novices upstairs, otherwise, good luck to all you inadequately equipped debaters as you wallow here in your preferred hell.

Dr. KidTim
:2sick1: Oh brother, I'm gonna hurl over this one. Liberal insults... oh, ouch. :roll: The pain of it all... arrogance and sarcasm toward those you deem as "lesser" creatures than yourself. We bow to your superiority :moon:. Here's to my fellow inadequately equipped liberals... WALLOW ON TROOPS!... :mrgreen:
Originally Posted by ptsdkid
**The abstract to my thesis can be seen in everyone of my postings. Just look close.

Gardener said:
That was you?

I was wondering who wrote "Attention seeking personality disorders and the expression of Munchausen's syndrome in post 911 internet discussion groups".

Very authentic.
Right on :rock
Originally Posted by ptsdkid
First, excuse me for not getting back sooner, my computer suffered a debilitating virus. The computer virus along with the 1-week ban from this illustrious forum gave me time to put the finishing touches on my doctorate degree in political science.
Having PTSD made obtaining the degree difficult, but the longevity and stress involved was well worth the effort. Let me dispel the notion that PTSD is some kind of mental disorder; it is an emotional disorder, there is a huge difference. When I think of the classic ‘mental cases’, I think of people like Ted Kennedy, Howard Dean, CnCredd and Michael Moore, where padded rooms become the order du jour.

To Stace: Please do not feel that you’re the only one lacking a sense of humor; for most liberals thrive with this congenital character blemish. Myopia may have set in as well--jury is still out on that. You see, I tested the waters upstairs to see if I could actually debate politics with the liberals there. I found out, (no surprise) that the ’no balls’ moderators here have a very one-sided slant to what they deem to be ’debatable’. So when I saw that liberal flaming was allowed, but not allowed by conservatives like Skilmatic and myself, I decided to introduce myself downstairs as someone trying to become a liberal so as to make participation here possible, and to suck favor with the liberal moderators here (wink).
What you missed Stace was something called ironic humor. Surely you have seen me post often as to why most liberals are a greater threat and a greater enemy to America than the terrorists or Al Qeida; not to mention the threat of phony wannabe Republicans like CnCredd.

Look at all you two-faced no-balls liberals stepping off eggshells upstairs to confront me down here in the basement where you’ve finally gotten the courage to call me names. Bravo, you pathetic wimps.

Looks like my message to the inept moderators and liberals here to revisit, rethink, reevaluate and possibly reconstruct this phenomenon called “Debate Politics” has fallen hard to deaf and dumb robotic ears. I suggest (in your spare time) that all of you learn the definition of ‘debate’.
While I should be an inspiration to all you spineless liberals, all I see from you is a misguided passionless belief in socialism/liberalism, and cowardly attempts to substitute meaningless diatribes (like here in the basement) for constructive political debating.

Perhaps I’ll see some of you political novices upstairs, otherwise, good luck to all you inadequately equipped debaters as you wallow here in your preferred hell.

Dr. KidTim
Everytime I've tried to lock horns with you, you have run away like a scared little bunny rabbit!

pstdkid,.......dam......do you honestly think that insulting every single person that comes into contact with you is good tactics in trying to persuade liberals? or how about trying to persuade anybody? I mean people don't quit posting because you have beat them; they quit posting because they have blocked you and they are done listening to you.....and contrary to your belief this is not a victory.....
goligoth said:
pstdkid,.......dam......do you honestly think that insulting every single person that comes into contact with you is good tactics in trying to persuade liberals? or how about trying to persuade anybody? I mean people don't quit posting because you have beat them; they quit posting because they have blocked you and they are done listening to you.....and contrary to your belief this is not a victory.....

***Depends on what you mean by persuading liberals. My intention was to persuade or coax liberals into debate. Since the liberal moderation upstairs makes this nearly impossible--the chances of making a liberal see their anti American rhetoric for what it is...becomes less and less.
People that block me do so because they cannot handle the truth. The very act of 'blocking' is just another defeatist option available by the moderation team here. Blocking and censorship makes the term 'debate politics' seem like the farce that it is.
Can you imagine the moderation team here trying to moderate a debate between Ann Coulter and James Carville? It would never happen. Forums like this one are anything but interactive; more like mellow yellow.
ptsdkid said:
***Depends on what you mean by persuading liberals. My intention was to persuade or coax liberals into debate. Since the liberal moderation upstairs makes this nearly impossible--the chances of making a liberal see their anti American rhetoric for what it is...becomes less and less.
People that block me do so because they cannot handle the truth. The very act of 'blocking' is just another defeatist option available by the moderation team here. Blocking and censorship makes the term 'debate politics' seem like the farce that it is.
Can you imagine the moderation team here trying to moderate a debate between Ann Coulter and James Carville? It would never happen. Forums like this one are anything but interactive; more like mellow yellow.

Still waiting for that abstract, buddy.

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