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Two dead, 6 injured after terrifying mass shooting in west Houston (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
A man came into a west Houston auto detail shop and began shooting, killing a man known to be a customer and putting a neighborhood on lockdown Sunday before being killed by a SWAT officer, police said.

One of the weapons the shooter was using was a machine pistol, which he sprayed a police car and a police helicopter with. The other weapon was an AR-15.

The good news? One of the dead is the shooter himself, who was taken out by a police sniper. Won't be wasting taxpayer money putting this punk on trial.

Damn, I drove through that area on my way to my Memorial Day gig up in Magnolia, Texas. Must have happened right after.

At this time, there is a second shooter in the hospital. They don't yet know if he is a second gunman or a victim who was defending himself.

Article is here.
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If he was using an automatic weapon, it sounds like some cartel ****.

We'll probably learn later that it wasn't an actual, "machine", pistol, though.
Hope the injured recover.
If he was using an automatic weapon, it sounds like some cartel ****.

We'll probably learn later that it wasn't an actual, "machine", pistol, though.

Look at the picture of the cop car with two dozen holes in the windshield. That is definitely a spray pattern.
Look at the picture of the cop car with two dozen holes in the windshield. That is definitely a spray pattern.

The car I saw has 9 bullet holes and they were made by a semi-automatic weapon.
The car I saw has 9 bullet holes and they were made by a semi-automatic weapon.

I guess you missed this.....

A photo posted on Facebook by Houston police after the shooting showed 21 bullet holes.
you really cannot tell until the weapon is obtained. there are so many variables.

In the shot of the unit's windshield the bullets holes are too random and too far apart to be fired from an automatic weapon.
Thank goodness the body count was low considering the suspect was carrying heavy hardware. Condolences to the family of the victims.

Apparently there was a second shooter? Thats what I read in the article anyway.
If this had happened in a "gun free zone", wouldn't we be hearing the gun humpers go on about how this would never have happened if the victims had the right to arm themselves ?
If this had happened in a "gun free zone", wouldn't we be hearing the gun humpers go on about how this would never have happened if the victims had the right to arm themselves ?

Blah blah blah....... your agenda is duly noted, but still unnecessary at the moment.

Anything else?
Blah blah blah....... your agenda is duly noted, but still unnecessary at the moment.

Anything else?

ah, the "don't politicize, let us mourn" stick strikes again.
If this had happened in a "gun free zone", wouldn't we be hearing the gun humpers go on about how this would never have happened if the victims had the right to arm themselves ?

We're the victims armed? Did they return fire?
We're the victims armed? Did they return fire?
My understanding is the person identified as the second shooter, was a neighbor,
trying to keep the shooter from entering the neighborhood behind the gas station.
There is still alot about this we do not understand, the shooter was a veteran from California.
A 25 year old army Sargent who served in two tours in Afghanistan.
They interviewed his Father, who thought it was PTSD related.
Blah blah blah....... your agenda is duly noted, but still unnecessary at the moment.

Anything else?

Blah Blah Blah, sounds like a sheep to me.


Do you always answer questions by asking a question ?

We're the victims armed? Did they return fire?

Obviously yes :roll: the police are armed.
One of the weapons the shooter was using was a machine pistol, which he sprayed a police car and a police helicopter with. The other weapon was an AR-15.

The good news? One of the dead is the shooter himself, who was taken out by a police sniper. Won't be wasting taxpayer money putting this punk on trial.

Damn, I drove through that area on my way to my Memorial Day gig up in Magnolia, Texas. Must have happened right after.

At this time, there is a second shooter in the hospital. They don't yet know if he is a second gunman or a victim who was defending himself.

Article is here.

Well, I'll see your two and raise you 4. 6 Dead, 63 Wounded In Memorial Day Weekend Shootings In Chicago « CBS Chicago

Dude, with all these good ol' Americans running around all over the place who needs terrorists? Americans are more dangerous to me than terrorists, statistically speaking.
My understanding is the person identified as the second shooter, was a neighbor,
trying to keep the shooter from entering the neighborhood behind the gas station.
There is still alot about this we do not understand, the shooter was a veteran from California.
A 25 year old army Sargent who served in two tours in Afghanistan.
They interviewed his Father, who thought it was PTSD related.

Thanks, Bush & Co, for letting loose the dogs of war. Our society needs a bunch of suicidal PTSD vets running around.
Troll much? :mrgreen:

Is that what trolling is to you? Pointing our your zeal for hyperbole and false accusations, i. e. the misrepresentation of actual events?

So this is what the shooter had?

A machine pistol is typically a handgun-style,[1] magazine-fed, self-loading firearm, capable of fully automatic or burst fire, and chambered for pistol cartridges.

Looks like the troll moniker applies to you.

One of the weapons the shooter was using was a machine pistol, which he sprayed a police car and a police helicopter with. The other weapon was an AR-15.

The good news? One of the dead is the shooter himself, who was taken out by a police sniper. Won't be wasting taxpayer money putting this punk on trial.

Damn, I drove through that area on my way to my Memorial Day gig up in Magnolia, Texas. Must have happened right after.

At this time, there is a second shooter in the hospital. They don't yet know if he is a second gunman or a victim who was defending himself.

Article is here.

We should ban machine pistols.
Thanks, Bush & Co, for letting loose the dogs of war. Our society needs a bunch of suicidal PTSD vets running around.

That bummed me out that you said that. I would like to think mental care is available to all troops.

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