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Twitter Invokes 25th Amendment (1 Viewer)


Exposing GOP since 2015
DP Veteran
Jan 21, 2013
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Post-Trump America
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Yet law makers, the media, and intelligence officials are still weary of this process. Do you think it's time to consider it?

Yet law makers, the media, and intelligence officials are still weary of this process. Do you think it's time to consider it?

View attachment 67246427

Now wouldn't be too soon....but I've long since thought it time to invoke the 25th....January 21, 2017 struck me as good time to do it.
When did Twitter become a cabinet position?
Now wouldn't be too soon....but I've long since thought it time to invoke the 25th....January 21, 2017 struck me as good time to do it.

I think this is the moment where people are thinking WTF to themselves and while there's no public chatter about this, privately it's been on-going for sometime from what I've heard.
Well, let me know when they get their cool government building and multi-billion dollar budget.

They can just rent out from Fox News HQ. Oh yea Fox News still hasn't tweeted.
Yet law makers, the media, and intelligence officials are still weary of this process. Do you think it's time to consider it?

View attachment 67246427

No. Here's why:

Three phrases: 1) "Civil War" if removing Trump happens by using the 25th, and; 2) "Banana Republic move" while he's still alive and functional, and finally; 3) "Impeachment and removal from office" is the only possible option before 2020 general election.

Trump's actions appear to be getting more erratic, but the 25th would be impossible to sell as not being an actual coupe d'etat and would end in violence in the streets.

That would be the exact result that Putin wants - so let's not give him his wish.
Now wouldn't be too soon....but I've long since thought it time to invoke the 25th....January 21, 2017 struck me as good time to do it.
Eight years earlier would have been better.
No. Here's why:

Three phrases: 1) "Civil War" if removing Trump happens by using the 25th, and; 2) "Banana Republic move" while he's still alive and functional, and finally; 3) "Impeachment and removal from office" is the only possible option before 2020 general election.

That's the question we should be asking. Apparently Trump tried to save face for himself when he tweeted about Mattis "retiring", but Mattis wrote the letter resigning and condemning him. Did he not know that Mattis was going to give him a resignation letter??? Did he read that before his tweet? If he did why did he say retire and not resign??? Does he know the difference??? All prudent questions.
That's the question we should be asking. Apparently Trump tried to save face for himself when he tweeted about Mattis "retiring", but Mattis wrote the letter resigning and condemning him. Did he not know that Mattis was going to give him a resignation letter??? Did he read that before his tweet? If he did why did he say retire and not resign??? Does he know the difference??? All prudent questions.

He can't make himself look bad. It's not in his nature. That's why he changed the narrative, like he always does.
He can't make himself look bad. It's not in his nature. That's why he changed the narrative, like he always does.

It's clear he doesn't want to do the job properly, he just just not come back.
He can't make himself look bad. It's not in his nature. That's why he changed the narrative, like he always does.
Trump knows his administration is coming off the rails, so he's trying to make it look like this is all planned.
Trump knows his administration is coming off the rails, so he's trying to make it look like this is all planned.

Yup. That's his MO. Everything he does is well planned.

Doesn't want to, or is unable to?

Big difference.
It's both.

He doesn't want to be president anymore. He's enjoyed the power rush, but its run its course and at his core, Trump's a quitter.

Marriage, business, TV, and politics, it's always the same story with this clown. He makes a mess and then runs away from it like a child that broke a lamp, and that's what I expect he'll do with the presidency either by limping across the finish line, or resigning before all hell breaks loose.
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It's both.

He doesn't want to be president anymore. He's enjoyed the power rush, but it's run it's course and at his core, Trump's a quitter.

Marriage, business, TV, and politics, it's always the same story with this clown. He makes a mess and then runs away from it like a child that broke a lamp, and that's what I expect he'll do with the presidency.

Well mom always said, "Don't play ball in the house."

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