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Twin babies mauled by fox (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 20, 2008
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Two nine-month-old twin girls were in a serious condition in hospital on Monday after being mauled by a fox as they slept in their London home, according to police.

The two girls were attacked in their upstairs bedroom at a house in Hackney, east London, after the fox apparently entered the house through a door left open because of the heat while the twins' parents watched television downstairs, police said.

Twin babies mauled in London fox attack - CNN.com

I have been saying for years that foxes numbers have been increasing but they are losing their natural fear of humans.
I'm amazed that that a fox would actually go into a persons house and attack sleeping babies

Not so cuddly now are they :/
So Fox is not only biased and obnoxious but they also maul small children???
And to think Labour MPs forced Tony Blair to waste more Parliamentary time on debates to get foxhunting banned than most other single issues under NuLab!


(Though the battle over the hated Labour-EU ID cards trumps even that shambles: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/10164331.stm !)

In the end, Blair was so nagged that he forced the ban through, using the emergency power Parliament Act, to bypass the usual democratic channels.

BBC NEWS | UK | Politics | Hunt ban forced through Commons

Foxes are pests outside their own habitat, causing great damage to smallholdings and farmyards. So if hunting enthusiasts want to keep things in mild check by riding round on horses and excercisng dogs then let them. I just look forward to the Reds screaming in rage once their handiwork is reversed:

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-196330/Fox-hunting-ban-overturned-Lords.html (Dated 3 June 2010)

...And to think they care less about child poverty or the ruin of the NHS!
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Michael Parra, another neighbor, said police had warned residents not to leave doors open in the summer weather.

"We see a lot of foxes around here. They're always in our garden. Something should be done about them. I would love to get them out of here. They're really a nuisance and a danger. They've terrorized our garden."

Dumbass parent of the year award - POLICE have advised residences NOT to leave the doors OPEN because of them. . . and they do it anyway and look what happened!


WHAT THE ****!
People do tend to open doors and windows during hotter weather. They like to keep the place cool rather than invite foxes or namecalling by leftists.
No, see - I'm not a "leftist" - I'm a parent.

I live in a home that doesn't have air conditioning - I do have my doors and windows OPEN - but I have safety screens. A raccoon (which is our invasive pest around here) or fox (which we, also, have) - cannot get IN.

I would never be so stupid as to just leave my front door WIDE open for strangers, animals and the world to just WALK right on in - especially if I can't SEE the front door - it just WON'T be open like that.

There's a line between being comfortable, relaxed - and being STUPID. These parents were stupid and as a result their children were mauled while they SLEPT. The parents - while they were awake and downstairs and lazing about watching tv - failed to do the most basic role of parenting = keeping your children safe from harm.
And to think Labour MPs forced Tony Blair to waste more Parliamentary time on debates to get foxhunting banned than most other single issues under NuLab!

OK, you've pushed it too far again RoP, the story is about foxes attacking a kid and somehow you're trying to make this a partisan affair.

Even if the countryside act stopped fox hunting - this attack was in the centre (near enough) of London. Even the most ardent of fox hunters wouldn't chase foxes in and around Hammersmith roundabout.
The emphasis on that was to prevent poor wittle foxy-woxy from destruction from those nasty old Tory toffs blowing horns. (It was always a class battle at the expense of more important issues.) But foxes are beasts of the wild, as any other. Boundaries between the human world and the animal are one of the toughest for us to impose.

Protection by rabble and rowdy MPs of more benign animals, like fluffy rabbits or stags, is more likely to gain public sympathy.
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OK, you've pushed it too far again RoP, the story is about foxes attacking a kid and somehow you're trying to make this a partisan affair.

Even if the countryside act stopped fox hunting - this attack was in the centre (near enough) of London. Even the most ardent of fox hunters wouldn't chase foxes in and around Hammersmith roundabout.

Lol, just imagining horses and men following foxes on the streets of London.
The emphasis on that was to prevent poor wittle foxy-woxy from destruction from those nasty old Tory toffs blowing horns. (It was always a class battle at the expense of more important issues.) But foxes are beasts of the wild, as any other. Boundaries between the human world and the animal are one of the toughest for us to impose.

Protection by rabble and rowdy MPs of more benign animals, like fluffy rabbits or stags, is more likely to gain public sympathy.

On this note - there are methods of reducing numbers of pests which don't turn it into an agregious sport - or sport for pomp.
Dumbass parent of the year award - POLICE have advised residences NOT to leave the doors OPEN because of them. . . and they do it anyway and look what happened!


WHAT THE ****!

Suffice it to say that the parents are suffering terribly as a result of their own negligence. How any parent would leave a door open is beyond my comprehension. I even set the alarm when I am home with my son due to increased home invasions.
On this note - there are methods of reducing numbers of pests which don't turn it into an agregious sport - or sport for pomp.

I was never bothered by foxhunting and was always curious to see the genuinely politically partisan get themselves into such a lather about it.

If I (and Harry Secombe) Ruled the World, I could order a compromise to give a little to all parties - ban foxhunting but only in the country. We could then scale it down and have it hosted as a complimentary event at Royal Ascot. The toffs can keep their culture and the rabble can still be annoyed in a controlled environment.

That way the whooping Labour Left would save most of their lovely foxes and everyone else could watch the Ascot double bill on television and see all the lovely hats. Pays for itself then! (You could even place a little wager on the dogs or something.)

Either that or keep foxhunting banned, but only on the priviso that the violent hunt saboteurs could be chased about instead! No inhumanity there, eh Left?!
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I would say that this is the parents fault. You just don't leave your doors wide open like that. It's dangerous, irresponsible, and almost invites disaster right in. Why put the blame on the fox population? It's an animal. The blame goes to the parents who opened up their home to danger while they spent their time watching TV and ignoring what was coming in and out of their house. They enabled the fox to enter their home and maul their children. I'm sure they weren't planning on it, but the fact is that it happened under their watch with the door wide open. The fox is an ignorant animal that doesn't know any better, the parents are ignorant people who know better and chose to act foolishly.
The fox is an ignorant animal that doesn't know any better, the parents are ignorant people who know better and chose to act foolishly.

I'm sorry but putting the blame on the parents for opening a window on a hot day is pretty stupid imo.
I don't think it was a door that the fox came through.

I opened my window because it was god awful hot that night and I'm sure thousands across UK did the same. That doesn't mean we invite a fox to come and maul us.

And besides, I blame the fox because this is just one of the many many reasons why I can't stand them.
I agree with the Major of London. Fox population in the urban is getting ridiculous, we need to start culling them. I view them as no different than rats.
I'm sorry but putting the blame on the parents for opening a window on a hot day is pretty stupid imo.
I don't think it was a door that the fox came through.

I opened my window because it was god awful hot that night and I'm sure thousands across UK did the same. That doesn't mean we invite a fox to come and maul us.

And besides, I blame the fox because this is just one of the many many reasons why I can't stand them.
I agree with the Major of London. Fox population in the urban is getting ridiculous, we need to start culling them. I view them as no different than rats.

It's important to read all news articles

The two girls were attacked in their upstairs bedroom at a house in Hackney, east London, after the fox apparently entered the house through a door left open because of the heat while the twins' parents watched television downstairs, police said.

The fox entered through an open door - was it upstairs, downstairs? Who knows. Regardless, it wasn't in the vicinity of the parents and, thus, they had no clue who/what was coming in/out. They're actually fortunate that their children were only lightly injured and not killed or drug off (as what happened in Austrailia in the 70's) and fortunately no one entered the home fully intent on kidnapping those children.
-- The fox entered through an open door - was it upstairs, downstairs? Who knows. --

There's been footage from homes in London where foxes have entered through windows, from flat roofs into 1st floor windows etc. There are also lots of doors on the ground floor where entry happens. I think however a lot of city people have forgotten that foxes are wild animals that will exploit opportunities - people have left food out and emboldened foxes to the point they wander in and out of houses when given the opportunity.

Just surprised this was the first incident after such a long time of habits like this.
Sorry to hear this happened.

A fox attacked my son when he was about 9 or 10, on our front porch. I kicked it off of him and shot it dead, believing it to be rabid. I'd never heard of a non-rabid fox attacking someone in daylight right by a house like that... but maybe they're more aggressive than popularly supposed.

Michael Parra, another neighbor, said police had warned residents not to leave doors open in the summer weather.

"We see a lot of foxes around here. They're always in our garden. Something should be done about them. I would love to get them out of here. They're really a nuisance and a danger. They've terrorized our garden."

Well, why not just shoot the bloody th- Oh, wait.... UK, yeah... Nevermind.

Hm, they're often very hard to trap, or so I hear.

Well, I guess folks will have to shut the house up and suffer the heat then, since apparently there's nothing to be done.
It's important to read all news articles

The fox entered through an open door - was it upstairs, downstairs? Who knows. Regardless, it wasn't in the vicinity of the parents and, thus, they had no clue who/what was coming in/out. They're actually fortunate that their children were only lightly injured and not killed or drug off (as what happened in Austrailia in the 70's) and fortunately no one entered the home fully intent on kidnapping those children.

The fox made its way in through the open sliding windows

Twin baby girls mauled by fox as they slept suffered 'life-changing injuries' family reveals | Mail Online
Sorry to hear this happened.

A fox attacked my son when he was about 9 or 10, on our front porch. I kicked it off of him and shot it dead, believing it to be rabid. I'd never heard of a non-rabid fox attacking someone in daylight right by a house like that... but maybe they're more aggressive than popularly supposed.

Well, why not just shoot the bloody th- Oh, wait.... UK, yeah... Nevermind.

Hm, they're often very hard to trap, or so I hear.

Well, I guess folks will have to shut the house up and suffer the heat then, since apparently there's nothing to be done.

You'd be surprised at the urban foxes in London.
They have no fear of humans, some will wander around in broad daylight in my area of SE or just stop and just stare at you in the middle of the street, its really freaky ... and the diseases they must carry :/
There are some people who actually feed the foxes, as if they are some kind of tame animal. They are wild animals and its people who feed the foxes food that is contributing to the foxes boldness.

Not only are they hard to trap but there are laws that only those with a license can dispatch them and it must be done in certain ways. No poison or anything.
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Looking at that picture,.. and knowing what little I know about (American) foxes,..... Unless there's a species that can fly like a bird,... someone needs to explain how he got up on that roof!

Looking at that picture,.. and knowing what little I know about (American) foxes,..... Unless there's a species that can fly like a bird,... someone needs to explain how he got up on that roof!

He didn't get through the window. See my post above. He entered through a patio DOOR.
Well, why not just shoot the bloody th- Oh, wait.... UK, yeah... Nevermind.

Hm, they're often very hard to trap, or so I hear.

Well, I guess folks will have to shut the house up and suffer the heat then, since apparently there's nothing to be done.
I got a little Staffie cross. Foxes, Badgers, don't bother us much.

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