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Trump's former VP choice endorses Clinton. (1 Viewer)

I guess this ruins her chances of being Trump current VP choice.

Oprah Winfrey Endorses Hillary Clinton for President - ABC News
The media mogul signaled her endorsement of presumptive Democratic party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton in an interview that aired today on “Good Morning America.”

Color me shocked. Oprah endorsed the Democrat.

Now how many of her idiotic devotees are going to vote for Hillary because Oprah sanctioned her. Not that the alternative (Trump) is any better.
Is Oprah still relevant? I was under the impression that she is mostly retired and writing a cookbook.
Color me shocked. Oprah endorsed the Democrat.

Now how many of her idiotic devotees are going to vote for Hillary because Oprah sanctioned her. Not that the alternative (Trump) is any better.

I wouldn't be suprised if a lot of Oprah's followers will vote for $Hillary simply because of her endorsement.
Color me shocked. Oprah endorsed the Democrat.

Now how many of her idiotic devotees are going to vote for Hillary because Oprah sanctioned her. Not that the alternative (Trump) is any better.

The important thing being that the most powerful position in the history of the human race is now driven by reality TV stars. FML.

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