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Trump will lose in a landslide because of the economy, new election model predicts (1 Viewer)

A lot of people know that if Trump gets voted out, the lockdowns will become permanent, with the support of the Federal government.

I assume you have poof of this bull**** sandwich.
Love to see it. Maybe you can also link me to your favorite gun while you are at it.
A lot of people know that if Trump gets voted out, the lockdowns will become permanent, with the support of the Federal government.


Who has fired 4 Inspectors General within the past month? Trump.

He can't have anyone watching him too closely.

Who has fired 4 Inspectors General within the past month? Trump.

He can't have anyone watching him too closely.

Who cares? Obama stonewalled and fired IG's. I don't recall you ****ting yourself, then.
I love the Be honest tag at the end of your post.
Like you've not witnessed the rolling back of norms, and the decimation of institutions over the last 3+ years.
You are ok with all of that, because it fits into your agenda.
Be honest. Yeah, you first.

I want anti abortion, anti LGBT rights judges.
I want vastly increased defense spending.
I want domestic spending cut dramatically.
I want illegal immigration cut back dramatically.
I want governments at all levels to stop taking actions against Christianity.
Most everything else is negotiable.

Not sure what "norms" you are referring to or which "institutions" have been decimated by President Trump.
I have no idea :shrug:

Although their past performance seems to be fairly accurate.
Yeah, I agree. I've seen this model before, and it has a good reputation. But I suspect it is way off due to this being an external induced temporary recession on what was otherwise a reasonable economy. There's no way Biden will get 65% of the vote. But I wish.

Who has fired 4 Inspectors General within the past month? Trump.

He can't have anyone watching him too closely.

My favorite part was when he said he didn't know who IG Linick was, not what he did wrong. Just that he can fire anyone he wants.
(I mean, no one believes this, I hope.)
Bu my god what a great reason to fire someone. A real leader would want to know why Pompeo wanted him gone.
But Trump is no leader, he is a bully that simply abhors getting called on his bully tactics and then tries to convince the world that a man elected POTUS of the best country in the world, is always a victim.
I didn't think so.
You can believe that, I mean no one is stopping you. But no one is buying your BS either.

I knew you couldn't. I added my favorite guns, too. Check it.
How so? What's the worst that would happen to America if Trump is president four more years?

Be honest.

So your campaign slogan is,


good, got it...
I don't doubt that. And the protests, such as they are, signal to that noise.
But, if we, as a country, go rushing to get back to "normal" and the numbers get worse? It won't be pretty for those that pushed so hard to re-open everything.
If there is a second wave it won't hit a a great time for the current occupant of the WH.
After Trump's 'rah rah' & 'Liberate' to open-up the country, if the pandemic re-doubles to the point of requiring more lockdown, I believe it is the one thing that can guarantee Trump is toast in November.
I want anti abortion, anti LGBT rights judges.
I want vastly increased defense spending.
I want domestic spending cut dramatically.
I want illegal immigration cut back dramatically.
I want governments at all levels to stop taking actions against Christianity.
Most everything else is negotiable.

Not sure what "norms" you are referring to or which "institutions" have been decimated by President Trump.

If you want those. I commend you for being able to articulate it.
I also commend you from allowing us a look into your priorities. They are, shall we say, very humanitarian.
But I have to question why you would support Trump if you want those things.
I mean his tax give away in year one totally blows up your third point of order, and he doesn't actually care about anything else on your list.

As to your last point. Of course you don't know what I mean by norms or the institutions that are being decimated.
As I said, it fits your agenda not to.
It's important that you vote on November 3rd. Register your family members and your friends. If the GOP retains the WH/Senate in 2020, America will become unrecognizable.

Don't worry, you can stay safely hidden under your bed.
Trump will lose in a landslide because of the economy, new election model predicts
I'll caution Democrat voters to not become complacent. Betting odds still favor Donald Trump and the GOP holding the Senate.
It's important that you vote on November 3rd. Register your family members and your friends. If the GOP retains the WH/Senate in 2020, America will become unrecognizable.
Vote for your Democrat candidate for US Senate on November 3[SUP]rd[/SUP]

My layman's guess is that Trump will win in November.

But by inauguration day the whole country will be over Trump.

By whole country I mean, like Trump's approval will drop to below 33%
I knew you couldn't. I added my favorite guns, too. Check it.

Why is this about me? You are the one that said it was going to happen. Where's the proof. It is far easier to prove a point, than to disprove a fantasy.
I mean, Apdst, I know why you can't prove it. It is ok. I didn't expect anything else from you.
Nice gun, I guess. I prefer women.
How so? What's the worst that would happen to America if Trump is president four more years?

Be honest.

The destruction of a functioning government will be complete as he bends it to his personal whims (such as using the Post Office to go after Amazon). Its inability, such as dealing with a threatening pandemic will extend, as it is extending now, through all reaches of government as cabinet officers increasingly become his personal servant, as Barr is now.

Millions will lose healthcare.

Attacks on Social Security will continue.

Pollution will continue to increase. Opportunities for entrepreneurship in healthier energy will continue to be discouraged as he focuses on propping up big oil, giving other countries an immense economic advantage over us.

Policies that enable the rich to get richer and everyone else stagnating will continue.

College will remain out of reach for many Americans.

Attacks on the first amendment will grow through more threats and lawsuits.

Our standing in the world will continue to decline through his withdrawing us from it.

The feeling of empowerment will continue to grow for Neo-Nazis and white supremacists, increasing racial violence.

Women will lose control over their bodies.

Our population will stagnant due to his immigration policies, which has a deleterious effect on the economy.

The pandemic serves as a fair warning, as Trump is showing he would take the whole country down in an effort to not lose this Fall. His nihilism will not go away.
After Trump's 'rah rah' & 'Liberate' to open-up the country, if the pandemic re-doubles to the point of requiring more lockdown, I believe it is the one thing that can guarantee Trump is toast in November.

What a sad state of affairs, not the way a party should want to win or lose an election on.
If you want those. I commend you for being able to articulate it.
I also commend you from allowing us a look into your priorities. They are, shall we say, very humanitarian.
But I have to question why you would support Trump if you want those things.
I mean his tax give away in year one totally blows up your third point of order, and he doesn't actually care about anything else on your list.

As to your last point. Of course you don't know what I mean by norms or the institutions that are being decimated.
As I said, it fits your agenda not to.

Your turn to be honest then. What "norms" What "institutions"?
Trump will lose in a landslide because of the economy, new election model predicts


I'll caution Democrat voters to not become complacent. Betting odds still favor Donald Trump and the GOP holding the Senate.

It's important that you vote on November 3rd. Register your family members and your friends. If the GOP retains the WH/Senate in 2020, America will become unrecognizable.

Vote for your Democrat candidate for US Senate on November 3[sup]rd[/sup]

This should be among the top issues on the campaign trail in its' entirety.

All Moderate and Liberal Voters no matter what party…. must assume conservatives are planning to purge YOU from the voting rolls. Any way possible. This is voter suppression which is against the law. Never think it cannot happen to you.

I check my status frequently. VOTE VOTE VOTE!

Voters organize a voting day packet which could contain:
- 2 separate and recent Utility Bills (bills from within the past 6 months prior to Election Day, like 1 Phone Bill and 1 Power Bill) that will prove where your legal precinct is, and validate your Voter residency.
- Absolutely a birth certificate, drivers license or state ID card.
- Proof of voter registration a necessary item
- By all means a Passport if possible.
== Keep this packet close by to secure your voting opportunities I do have mine absolutely!

Let's get on with it. WE voters have a mess to clean up. Sorry to say the grand ole party that represented the Fiscal Conservative/Socially Responsible republicans is dead. Overthrown by a radical right-wing coup over the past 39 years led by big $$$$$ from a few which represents fascism, hate and outlaws.

These few own a lot of organizations which makes them appear as many. Once again….voters begin organizing your voting day packet. Keep this voting packet close by always.

Make sure a birth certificate is readily available which can be replaced through the county seat one was born …..It may take about 3 weeks.
Don't worry, you can stay safely hidden under your bed.

Man, so true. So true, I mean there is absolutely no daylight between sensible precautions and hiding under a bed.
Ab so lut ley none.
Well, I think the odds are very high he'll lose the popular vote. To which Republicans say, "well, we'd like to win, but we support democracy, and it's just not right to win without the popular vote". Said no Republican I've ever heard. No, they say, "HA HA GOOD, WE GET TO STEAL ANOTHER ELECTION!"

So you're one of those who thinks winning the election by winning the electoral vote and not the popular vote is "stealing"?
When you look at it objectively, Trump is in deep deep trouble. He continues to have net negative approval ratings. The Electoral college currently projects Biden with at least 183 ec votes and Trump at 125. Arizona, Minnesota, Michigan, Colorado, Nevada, Maine, Penn, New Mexico, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, Virginia, and Florida all lean Biden's way. Virginia is moving closer and closer to a safe state for Biden.

The Senate polls also look problematic. Kelly is leaning McSally by double digits. Peters is leading James in Michigan. Gideon is leading Collins in Maine.

When political power is being shifted toward the Democrats, that's a bad sign for Trump and the Republicans.

But on the other hand, the election is in November and things could turn in favor of the GOP. Back in 2016, Trump was losing big time and he switched to Kellyanne Conway and Trump's numbers went in the positive direction, and we saw a late break toward him.

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