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Trump will lose in a landslide because of the economy, new election model predicts (1 Viewer)

Just a start, he never "sat" on intel.


Trump reportedly ignored intel briefings on coronavirus threat

He never lied about this virus. He never told folks to drink clorox and lysol.

Serious bull****... He's lied so many damn times it's near uncountable.

Coronavirus: Is Trump Lying or Clueless? - The Atlantic

He never told folks to drink clorox and lysol.

My bad. He suggested "injecting" it. :roll:
This should be among the top issues on the campaign trail in its' entirety.

All Moderate and Liberal Voters no matter what party…. must assume conservatives are planning to purge YOU from the voting rolls. Any way possible. This is voter suppression which is against the law. Never think it cannot happen to you.

I check my status frequently. VOTE VOTE VOTE!

Voters organize a voting day packet which could contain:
- 2 separate and recent Utility Bills (bills from within the past 6 months prior to Election Day, like 1 Phone Bill and 1 Power Bill) that will prove where your legal precinct is, and validate your Voter residency.
- Absolutely a birth certificate, drivers license or state ID card.
- Proof of voter registration a necessary item
- By all means a Passport if possible.
== Keep this packet close by to secure your voting opportunities I do have mine absolutely!

Let's get on with it. WE voters have a mess to clean up. Sorry to say the grand ole party that represented the Fiscal Conservative/Socially Responsible republicans is dead. Overthrown by a radical right-wing coup over the past 39 years led by big $$$$$ from a few which represents fascism, hate and outlaws.

These few own a lot of organizations which makes them appear as many. Once again….voters begin organizing your voting day packet. Keep this voting packet close by always.

Make sure a birth certificate is readily available which can be replaced through the county seat one was born …..It may take about 3 weeks.

Volunteer to work inside a precinct polling station where you can see who is there and what they're doing.

Volunteer with a campaign whether local, state, federal, to be a campaign observer at a polling station where in most states you must be admitted and where you can challenge a voter, or a precinct volunteer worker, or another campaign observer, right on up to a precinct captain. And where the campaign can authorize you to challenge a voter or a vote being counted if you suspect Republican party normalcy, ie, sidestepping, circumventing or outright and shameless lying and cheating.

As a precinct campaign observer you can follow someone into a rest room if need be to ID 'em as cheating in whatever way....or into a broom closet...overhear phone calls etc. These points are true in most states to one extent or another.

Hey, precinct volunteer workers, precinct captains or campaign observers such as you and I vote too and most of 'em have already voted for the other guy by the time you walk in and start sizing up the shady characters that are included in the otherwise honorable but naive mix.

My own experience over many elections at all levels is that it's fairly easy to spot the usual suspects. Then you nail 'em before they do more harm at your precinct where you may know a number of the volunteers present and can begin to sort 'em out right off. At a precinct unknown to you the usual suspects still look like the usual suspects anywhere. When one knows you're there watching 'em they tend to choke.

At the same time the WHO, Dr. Fauci and all the "experts" were telling him and everyone else that coronavirus was not a threat. Are you saying the President should have ignored the experts and instead have acted threats reported by unnamed "current and former U.S. officials?" I thought he was supposed to listen to the scientists?
Serious bull****... He's lied so many damn times it's near uncountable.

Coronavirus: Is Trump Lying or Clueless? - The Atlantic

OK. You call them lies. Some call it a positive outlook aimed at keeping the panic at the pandemic in perspective. For example, all the death figures he cited came from the predictions of the models. The models have been consistently wrong.

My bad. He suggested "injecting" it. :roll:

Wrong again, he never suggested "folks" inject clorox or lysol.
At the same time the WHO, Dr. Fauci and all the "experts" were telling him and everyone else that coronavirus was not a threat. Are you saying the President should have ignored the experts and instead have acted threats reported by unnamed "current and former U.S. officials?" I thought he was supposed to listen to the scientists?

OK. You call them lies. Some call it a positive outlook aimed at keeping the panic at the pandemic in perspective. For example, all the death figures he cited came from the predictions of the models. The models have been consistently wrong.

Wrong again, he never suggested "folks" inject clorox or lysol.

:lol: What a load of spinning garbage. I brought you links and you brought more lies.
Bad Grandpa can't get over the finish line. Dems are continuing to hide him in his basement and he still provides a bucket load of gaffes. Imagine when he has to campaign and speak extemporaneously. Be sure to keep your record player on.:mrgreen:

Virtually every campaign keeps extemporaneous speaking to an absolute minimum. Speeches and remarks at the podium are scripted and media questions are anticipated at brainstorming sessions with the candidate and staff for a pre-processed answer, ie, thought through.

Trump is the exception of course where everything Trump says is extemporaneous, ie, off the top of his head after shooting up his backside through his other cavity. Methinks the Trumpsters on the stand behind him feed the stuff in like a machine gun. :lamo
:lol: What a load of spinning garbage. I brought you links and you brought more lies.

You gave me propaganda Rachels's Vagina and the Atlantic.

When you claim Trump should have nationalized PPE production and listened to "intel" reports:

On Jan. 21 Fauci said, “Obviously, you need to take it seriously and do the kind of things the (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the Department of Homeland Security is doing. But this is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.”

January 23, Tedros, WHO said “Make no mistake: This is an emergency in China,” Tedros said. “But it has not yet become a global health emergency. It may yet become one.”

February 16 Dr. Fauci said “DR. FAUCI: This virus, we don't know. But it is not unreasonable to say that influenza, for example, which peaks in the winter, you would certainly expect it by March, April and May to taper down, as well as typical common cold coronaviruses. That's not an unreasonable statement. However, we do not know what this particular virus is gonna do so. So we would think it would be a stretch to assume that it's going to disappear with the warm weather. We don't know that. It's completely unknown.”

February 15 Tedros, WHO said ““This is a time for facts, not fear. This is a time for rationality, not rumours. This is a time for solidarity, not stigma,” Mr. Tedros concluded”
You gave me propaganda Rachels's Vagina and the Atlantic.

When you claim Trump should have nationalized PPE production and listened to "intel" reports:

On Jan. 21 Fauci said, “Obviously, you need to take it seriously and do the kind of things the (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the Department of Homeland Security is doing. But this is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.”

January 23, Tedros, WHO said “Make no mistake: This is an emergency in China,” Tedros said. “But it has not yet become a global health emergency. It may yet become one.”

February 16 Dr. Fauci said “DR. FAUCI: This virus, we don't know. But it is not unreasonable to say that influenza, for example, which peaks in the winter, you would certainly expect it by March, April and May to taper down, as well as typical common cold coronaviruses. That's not an unreasonable statement. However, we do not know what this particular virus is gonna do so. So we would think it would be a stretch to assume that it's going to disappear with the warm weather. We don't know that. It's completely unknown.”

February 15 Tedros, WHO said ““This is a time for facts, not fear. This is a time for rationality, not rumours. This is a time for solidarity, not stigma,” Mr. Tedros concluded”

Still garbage with no links. How suspicious. Back to qanon with you.
Still garbage with no links. How suspicious. Back to qanon with you.

What do you need links for? I gave you men's actual statements. You gave me propaganda from Rachel's Vagina about anonymous sources claiming the President was "reportedly" given intel briefings about the dangers of the coronavirus. I gave you contemporaneous quotes from the scientific "experts" saying don't worry about it yet.

I'll ask again. "Progressives" have been whining incessantly that the President ignores the science. I give you the proof he was listening to the scientists in January and February and now you are whining that he should have been listening to unnamed spooks in the intel field. Which is it?
If the country opens up more during summer months, and Trump gets his rallies going + debates against Basement Joe = Trump winning ( it is all about 10 or so states ).
What? How can you possibly dispute that?

1) of course you can. It's what humans do. We compare things.
2) you dont know that. We could have a 2nd or 3rd wave and thing get even worse.

3) you statements are simple and easy to argue against.
Trump will lose in a landslide because of the economy, new election model predicts


I'll caution Democrat voters to not become complacent. Betting odds still favor Donald Trump and the GOP holding the Senate.

It's important that you vote on November 3rd. Register your family members and your friends. If the GOP retains the WH/Senate in 2020, America will become unrecognizable.

Vote for your Democrat candidate for US Senate on November 3[sup]rd[/sup]

Kind of a strange approach to modelling and news reporting.

1) they treat the current economic situation as though no one is aware of the cause of the downturn, so they model as though it's your typical economic downturn that naturally would hurt the incumbent.
2) the piece doesn't really explain why the betting odds would still favor Trump. (perhaps #1 would explain that dichotomy)
3) a model that focuses on national vote count in our Electoral system may get you excited but it's pretty much useful only for that.

As for your country becoming unrecognizable "If the GOP retains the WH/Senate in 2020" you could be right ... but it's only scary if you believe San Francisco is the model that the rest of the Country strives to be like.
Of course, Biden can't distinguish New Hampshire from Vermont so he probably wouldn't care one way or another about it.
Bet it'd be scary tough to model for that.
Virtually every campaign keeps extemporaneous speaking to an absolute minimum. Speeches and remarks at the podium are scripted and media questions are anticipated at brainstorming sessions with the candidate and staff for a pre-processed answer, ie, thought through.

Trump is the exception of course where everything Trump says is extemporaneous, ie, off the top of his head after shooting up his backside through his other cavity. Methinks the Trumpsters on the stand behind him feed the stuff in like a machine gun. :lamo

When Grandpa has to string a few sentences together on his own, it'll get ugly.
When Grandpa has to string a few sentences together on his own, it'll get ugly.

Keep saying that thx.

Because while Joe hands out Geritol to the seniors lining up to vote for him Trump is spiking your Kool Aid with Clorox. :lamo

What I enjoy most about it is that while Trump tells you it will make you better you believe him.

So bottoms up over there.
Your first mistake is to post as if I'd never heard of the Electoral College. Shame because every election is predicated on X and the public perception of it & the response, thx anyway.
Alright, I took a long time to respond this, but no - I was not attempting to present my response as if you had no knowledge of the EC. Not sure how it was interpreted as such, but I assure you it was not intended on my part.

My post cited FDR who has the highest popular vote percentage, 60.8% in 1936 and who won 49 states = 98% of the ECV.

And it cited Barack Obama who has the highest raw vote total of 69,456,897 in 2008 = 67.8% of the ECV. OB got 52.9% of the PV.

And I said the wedding cake ticket of Biden and Political Spouse would exceed Obama's popular vote number of 2008. Which implies unmistakably the Biden-Mate ticket of 2020 would secure sufficient ECV to become Potus in January. If you might need a graphic however do let me know, to include your favorite colors.

The November 3 election includes of course the knowns of California and New York so there'd be no need to risk an absurd comeback although you'd be welcome to one of course. Chomsky.
I'll just say that it was not easily apparent to follow the implications you've presented in your earlier post. But yeah, I see what you're alluding to now.

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