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Trump Wanted to Order Justice Dept. to Prosecute Comey and Clinton (1 Viewer)


Land by the Gulf Stream
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WASHINGTON — President Trump told the White House counsel in the spring that he wanted to order the Justice Department to prosecute two of his political adversaries: his 2016 challenger, Hillary Clinton, and the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey, according to two people familiar with the conversation.

The lawyer, Donald F. McGahn II, rebuffed the president, saying that he had no authority to order a prosecution. Mr. McGahn said that while he could request an investigation, that too could prompt accusations of abuse of power. To underscore his point, Mr. McGahn had White House lawyers write a memo for Mr. Trump warning that if he asked law enforcement to investigate his rivals, he could face a range of consequences, including possible impeachment.
The man who would be King. Reminds one of Nixon
The President trying to use DOJ to go after his political enemies

Now I eagerly await Trump supporters spin on this.
The man has no clue how government works. His only reference is a world where he has a whim and a minion carries it out.
More evidence that Trump is an authoritarian wanna-be who has no respect for anything.
The man has no clue how government works. His only reference is a world where he has a whim and a minion carries it out.

More evidence that Trump is an authoritarian wanna-be who has no respect for anything.

Anyone doubt he is a threat to the Constitution?
Still waiting for the Trumpet Spin Masters.

The man who would be King. Reminds one of Nixon
The President trying to use DOJ to go after his political enemies

Now I eagerly await Trump supporters spin on this.

From your own article:

“Mr. McGahn will not comment on his legal advice to the president,” said Mr. McGahn’s lawyer, William A. Burck. “Like any client, the president is entitled to confidentiality. Mr. McGahn would point out, though, that the president never, to his knowledge, ordered that anyone prosecute Hillary Clinton or James Comey.”

And yet according to the very first paragraphs of the article "President Trump told the White House counsel in the spring that he wanted to order the Justice Department to prosecute two of his political adversaries" and "The lawyer, Donald F. McGahn II, rebuffed the president, saying that he had no authority to order a prosecution."

So...we have a couple of choices to make here:

1: Those "two people familiar with the conversation" are lying their asses off.

2: Mr. McGahn is lying his ass off.

3: A NYTimes fake news hit piece which you fell for...after all, you even use the same talking point about Nixon.

Personally, I believe Mr. McGahn since he has far more to lose by lying than "two people familiar with...".
Anyone doubt he is a threat to the Constitution?
Still waiting for the Trumpet Spin Masters.

Trump is the single greatest threat to America and our people than anything in the world today. He has the power to do far worse things than can realistically be done by any foreign power.

The man who would be King. Reminds one of Nixon
The President trying to use DOJ to go after his political enemies

Now I eagerly await Trump supporters spin on this.
I'm sure the same people who bitched for years that Obama was using the IRS to attack opponents will remain consistent and now claim that Trump directly looking into prosecuting his enemies is equally wrong.


Sent from Trump Plaza's basement using Putin's MacBook.
From your own article:

And yet according to the very first paragraphs of the article "President Trump told the White House counsel in the spring that he wanted to order the Justice Department to prosecute two of his political adversaries" and "The lawyer, Donald F. McGahn II, rebuffed the president, saying that he had no authority to order a prosecution."

So...we have a couple of choices to make here:

1: Those "two people familiar with the conversation" are lying their asses off.

2: Mr. McGahn is lying his ass off.

3: A NYTimes fake news hit piece which you fell for...after all, you even use the same talking point about Nixon.

Personally, I believe Mr. McGahn since he has far more to lose by lying than "two people familiar with...".

Lol, if I tell you that I want two people banned from the forum, and two people overhear you telling me no, is one of them lying for saying I wanted to ban two people from the forum?

Lol. Let's see how the dance goes.

Sent from Trump Plaza's basement using Putin's MacBook.
From your own article:

And yet according to the very first paragraphs of the article "President Trump told the White House counsel in the spring that he wanted to order the Justice Department to prosecute two of his political adversaries" and "The lawyer, Donald F. McGahn II, rebuffed the president, saying that he had no authority to order a prosecution."

So...we have a couple of choices to make here:

1: Those "two people familiar with the conversation" are lying their asses off.

2: Mr. McGahn is lying his ass off.

3: A NYTimes fake news hit piece which you fell for...after all, you even use the same talking point about Nixon.

Personally, I believe Mr. McGahn since he has far more to lose by lying than "two people familiar with...".
Considering how spot-on the NYT reporting on this administration has been, and how much of a propagandist Trump is, I'll consider the NYT report more credible.

Trump has already stated publicly on Twitter he wants the DOJ to investigate Clinton and Comey, so it's not like this is new information anyways.
From your own article:

And yet according to the very first paragraphs of the article "President Trump told the White House counsel in the spring that he wanted to order the Justice Department to prosecute two of his political adversaries" and "The lawyer, Donald F. McGahn II, rebuffed the president, saying that he had no authority to order a prosecution."

So...we have a couple of choices to make here:

1: Those "two people familiar with the conversation" are lying their asses off.

2: Mr. McGahn is lying his ass off.

3: A NYTimes fake news hit piece which you fell for...after all, you even use the same talking point about Nixon.

Personally, I believe Mr. McGahn since he has far more to lose by lying than "two people familiar with...".

Note the precise wording McGahn used

Mr. McGahn would point out, though, that the president never, to his knowledge, ordered that anyone prosecute Hillary Clinton or James Comey.”
Lol, if I tell you that I want two people banned from the forum, and two people overhear you telling me no, is one of them lying for saying I wanted to ban two people from the forum?

Sent from Trump Plaza's basement using Putin's MacBook.

Nope. :shrug: But then again that's not what happened here is it? Two people claim that Trump wanted to prosecute Hillary and Comey and that Mr. McGahn rebuffed him for it. Mr. McGahn said Trump didn't do that. Who you going to believe? Mr. McGahn or "two people" too cowardly to come forward?
Considering how spot-on the NYT reporting on this administration has been, and how much of a propagandist Trump is, I'll consider the NYT report more credible.

Trump has already stated publicly on Twitter he wants the DOJ to investigate Clinton and Comey, so it's not like this is new information anyways.

I was thinking just that. That it's old news, so why is it being brought up again? Can't have one day without a negative story I guess.
I'm sure the same people who bitched for years that Obama was using the IRS to attack opponents will remain consistent and now claim that Trump directly looking into prosecuting his enemies is equally wrong.


Sent from Trump Plaza's basement using Putin's MacBook.

Many have sold bits and pieces over time of their souls/character to support Trump. Eventually one of 2 things happen, they continue selling, or they wake up.

The Republican House and Senate have mostly done that, sold themselves for 33 pieces of silver. Silver being reelected as all they give a **** about is being in power
Considering how spot-on the NYT reporting on this administration has been, and how much of a propagandist Trump is, I'll consider the NYT report more credible.

Trump has already stated publicly on Twitter he wants the DOJ to investigate Clinton and Comey, so it's not like this is new information anyways.

You do realize that "prosecution" amd "investigation" are two different things, right ??
I was thinking just that. That it's old news, so why is it being brought up again? Can't have one day without a negative story I guess.
I think it's because on a regular basis this president pushes the limits of executive authority, and the media has to be selective about what to report. As I recall, Flynn was indicted right around the time said this stuff on Twitter, so it kind of fell through the cracks.

I was surprised because it was so obvious how freakin illegal this would be.

Already read it. Does not change anything.

Tell me, in your assumptions of Trump have you ever considered him as someone who simply tells people he "wants" something? Or do you think that he would simply "order" what he wants done? Remember, he's egotistical to the point where Trump haters say that he should be impeached for a mental illness due to it. You can't have it both ways here. Either you believe him to be so egotistical that he should be impeached due to his rashness and inability to ask about stuff thanks to his ego or you can continue with what this story tells you.
You do realize that "prosecution" amd "investigation" are two different things, right ??
You do realize that regardless, it's a violation of Trump's authority to politicize the DOJ, right?

It was exactly one of the main incidents cited in the articles of impeachment against Nixon.
Nope. :shrug: But then again that's not what happened here is it? Two people claim that Trump wanted to prosecute Hillary and Comey and that Mr. McGahn rebuffed him for it. Mr. McGahn said Trump didn't do that. Who you going to believe? Mr. McGahn or "two people" too cowardly to come forward?

So the person who was Deep Throat during WG a coward?How aboutt D Ellsberg who leaked the Pentagon Papers. He a coward?
How in hell do you think things work- Leaks are common, yet you call them BS stories, cowards, why not be public.
NYT and this reported has broken many stories on Trump, time and again they were confirmed.
Time to wake up and smell the coffee
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Already read it. Does not change anything.

Tell me, in your assumptions of Trump have you ever considered him as someone who simply tells people he "wants" something? Or do you think that he would simply "order" what he wants done? Remember, he's egotistical to the point where Trump haters say that he should be impeached for a mental illness due to it. You can't have it both ways here. Either you believe him to be so egotistical that he should be impeached due to his rashness and inability to ask about stuff thanks to his ego or you can continue with what this story tells you.
If he's so stupid he doesn't understand the limits of his constitutional authority, he ought to be forced from office on those grounds alone.

But I'd be willing to bet green money, Trump ordered the DOJ to go after Comey and Clinton, but the order was simply ignored, much like when he ordered the firing of Mueller.

If that happened, he's in deep, deep ****.
I heard Trump wants to borrow MbS’s personal security detail and that “bone saw” guy.............
Considering how spot-on the NYT reporting on this administration has been, and how much of a propagandist Trump is, I'll consider the NYT report more credible.

Trump has already stated publicly on Twitter he wants the DOJ to investigate Clinton and Comey, so it's not like this is new information anyways.

Oh puhleeze. :roll: That you're willing to believe anything and everything bad about Trump does not mean that the NYTimes has been "spot on" about Trump. Case in point...this article where Mr. McGhan straight up says "no".
From your own article:

And yet according to the very first paragraphs of the article "President Trump told the White House counsel in the spring that he wanted to order the Justice Department to prosecute two of his political adversaries" and "The lawyer, Donald F. McGahn II, rebuffed the president, saying that he had no authority to order a prosecution."

So...we have a couple of choices to make here:

1: Those "two people familiar with the conversation" are lying their asses off.

2: Mr. McGahn is lying his ass off.

3: A NYTimes fake news hit piece which you fell for...after all, you even use the same talking point about Nixon.

Personally, I believe Mr. McGahn since he has far more to lose by lying than "two people familiar with...".

You left off option #4, which is the most obvious and most likely as option #4 was well scrutinized: This article well articulates what happened, Trump wanted to prosecute Clinton and Comey, but was told he could not.

Whether Trump actually went through with it or not is secondary to his heart. The outrage should be he wanted to and even thought it was appropriate to ask. He is a clueless and dangerous buffoon.

Why do so many otherwise reasonably bright people fall for this man? They make the most convoluted excuses, repeatedly, for his outrageous actions. I don't get it..... oh, yeah, that is exactly how cults work.


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From your own article:

And yet according to the very first paragraphs of the article "President Trump told the White House counsel in the spring that he wanted to order the Justice Department to prosecute two of his political adversaries" and "The lawyer, Donald F. McGahn II, rebuffed the president, saying that he had no authority to order a prosecution."

So...we have a couple of choices to make here:

1: Those "two people familiar with the conversation" are lying their asses off.

2: Mr. McGahn is lying his ass off.

3: A NYTimes fake news hit piece which you fell for...after all, you even use the same talking point about Nixon.

Personally, I believe Mr. McGahn since he has far more to lose by lying than "two people familiar with...".

Except you ignoring the three most important words. "to his knowledge". Which leaves open a large fuzzy area. Not to mention McGahn serves the institution of the Presidency and the White House. He is neither the President's personal lawyer and or a principal.
So the person who was Deep Throat during WG a coward?How aboutt D Ellsvberg who leaked the Pentagon Papers. He a coward?
How in hell do you think things work- Leaks are common, yet you call them BS stories, cowards, why not be public.
NYT and this reported has broken many stories on Trump, time and again they were confirmed.
Time to wake up and smell the coffee

Deep Throat and the Pentagon Papers were how long ago? The NYT's has changed quite a bit since then.
Already read it. Does not change anything.

Tell me, in your assumptions of Trump have you ever considered him as someone who simply tells people he "wants" something? Or do you think that he would simply "order" what he wants done? Remember, he's egotistical to the point where Trump haters say that he should be impeached for a mental illness due to it. You can't have it both ways here. Either you believe him to be so egotistical that he should be impeached due to his rashness and inability to ask about stuff thanks to his ego or you can continue with what this story tells you.

You do not get to set your biased parameters. That does not work with me.
Is he egotistical- recall the love fest by Cabinet?
Is he ill informed- look to NK- NATO- his dealings with Foreign leaders?
Is he a constant and inconsistent liar?
Has he raised the levels of hate in the country- Charlottesville- Good people on both sides?
Has he constantly attacked the DOJ?

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