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Trump to announce bump stock ban (1 Viewer)


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Feb 12, 2013
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Curious to see how this plays out in NRA Gunland

Exclusive: Trump administration to announce final bump stock ban

The Trump administration plans to announce the long-anticipated federal rule officially banning bump stocks in the coming days, according to US officials familiar with the matter.

...opposition from lawmakers and the National Rifle Association ultimately made a regulatory change the only realistic path forward to accomplishing the President's goal.

You mean an executive order?

I see RW tweeter is thus far silent on this. Cultists everywhere need to wait for their handlers to tell them what to say.
Like I've said before....so what? It does not change the fact that people can do the same thing with just their finger and a stiffened arm.
Curious to see how this plays out in NRA Gunland

Exclusive: Trump administration to announce final bump stock ban

You mean an executive order?

I see RW tweeter is thus far silent on this. Cultists everywhere need to wait for their handlers to tell them what to say.

Damn. There go belt loops and rubber bands. I always found those so handy. Good thing all those who would use them in a mass shooting will turn them in because of an Executive Order.

I love seeing liberals having to support something Trump did.
Like I've said before....so what? It does not change the fact that people can do the same thing with just their finger and a stiffened arm.

That notion doesn't stop people from buying Viagra.
Damn. There go belt loops and rubber bands. I always found those so handy. Good thing all those who would use them in a mass shooting will turn them in because of an Executive Order.

I love seeing liberals having to support something Trump did.

I'm not supporting it. But, I am going to enjoy the fall out.
Is the issue Trump, bump stocks or RWers?
Like I've said before....so what? It does not change the fact that people can do the same thing with just their finger and a stiffened arm.

Sounds painful.
How certain are we that Trump doesn’t thing this is related to the stock market?
How certain are we that Trump doesn’t thing this is related to the stock market?

Well it has taken a hell of a long time so its probably more related to Trump trying to make Mueller disappear for at least a news cycle.
Well it has taken a hell of a long time so its probably more related to Trump trying to make Mueller disappear for at least a news cycle.

If anyone has a process to tie a Trump action to reality, I'd like to see it.
Rubber bands and a couple pop sickle sticks and you have basically the same result without the money.

That said, I have a problem with infringement on the 2nd Amendment regardless of where it originates.
the creation of bump stocks was only due to the idiocy of the 1986 Hughes Amendment

Go to 2:45 mark on this one as the guy talks a lot thanking people for subscribing.

Impressive. It's remarkable what the proper technique can accomplish. Future mass shooters will just have to up their game.
Impressive. It's remarkable what the proper technique can accomplish. Future mass shooters will just have to up their game.

bump stocks only help mass killers in very rare circumstances. The vegas scenario comes to mind where

1) the shooter is in a position that makes return fire ineffective

2) the victims are massed together so that the shooter doesn't have to aim at specific targets

3) and the victims are so numerous that there will be many massed targets for at least several minutes even if many of them are able to escape the killing zone.

in most cases, a bump fire stock is going to waste ammunition without inflicting additional casualties. The vegas scenario was the closest thing to "Shooting fish in a barrel" that I have ever seen. BTW a well skilled shooter in that situation might have killed even more with aimed semi automatic fire
bump stocks only help mass killers in very rare circumstances. The vegas scenario comes to mind where

1) the shooter is in a position that makes return fire ineffective

2) the victims are massed together so that the shooter doesn't have to aim at specific targets

3) and the victims are so numerous that there will be many massed targets for at least several minutes even if many of them are able to escape the killing zone.

in most cases, a bump fire stock is going to waste ammunition without inflicting additional casualties. The vegas scenario was the closest thing to "Shooting fish in a barrel" that I have ever seen. BTW a well skilled shooter in that situation might have killed even more with aimed semi automatic fire

Imagine in 10 minutes of undisturbed shooting what a trained shooter could have done with two Mini-14s, one with a red dot, one with a 10x scope, with just plenty of ten round magazines. Heck, imagine what someone well practiced in the Mad Minute could have done with a pair of SMLEs with a similar optic set up shooting soft point bullets. Probably a few less wounded but many more dead.
Imagine in 10 minutes of undisturbed shooting what a trained shooter could have done with two Mini-14s, one with a red dot, one with a 10x scope, with just plenty of ten round magazines. Heck, imagine what someone well practiced in the Mad Minute could have done with a pair of SMLEs with a similar optic set up shooting soft point bullets. Probably a few less wounded but many more dead.

two or three heavy barrel MIAIs with 30 round magazines and Aimpoint or other red dot jobs or the burris I have on one of my PCC-s-its a 1-4X scope with red or green illuminated reticles. those heavy barrel MIA1 can fire two or three mags before they get really too hot and the recoil is really cut down by the weight. 150 grain 762 NATO rounds will go through 2-3 bodies . and from a position that shooter had-if he had harris bipods on them, shooting say from behind a desk, the kill nuembers would have been at least 200
I didn't say that. Try again.

1. Do you believe that this action is an overreach of Executive Branch power?
2. Do you believe that a ban on bump stocks through either the Executive Branch or Congress would be an infringement of Second Amendment rights?
If the President follows thru with the EO, I’ll give him credit where it’s due.

As of now, it’s rhetoric.

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