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Trump rejects suggestion he would try to do away with presidential term limits: 'Just won't happen' (1 Viewer)


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President Trump on Sunday rejected any suggestion that he would try to change the Constitution to allow himself to run for a third term.

"Can you envision a situation well into your second term where you think that you’re so good for the country and so essential for the progress of the country that you would try to amend the Constitution so you could serve a third term?" Chris Wallace asked Trump during an interview on "Fox News Sunday."

"No," Trump responded. "Just won't happen."
Trump said he like the sound of 'president for life' after the president of China abolished term limits. Amending the Constitution is not a simple matter, like signing an executive order. Barring anyone from running for more than 2 terms is the 22nd amendment:

FDR was the first and only president to serve more than two terms. Passed by Congress in 1947, and ratified by the states on February 27, 1951, the Twenty-Second Amendment limits an elected president to two terms in office, a total of eight years.

President Trump on Sunday rejected any suggestion that he would try to change the Constitution to allow himself to run for a third term.

"Can you envision a situation well into your second term where you think that you’re so good for the country and so essential for the progress of the country that you would try to amend the Constitution so you could serve a third term?" Chris Wallace asked Trump during an interview on "Fox News Sunday."

"No," Trump responded. "Just won't happen."
Trump said he like the sound of 'president for life' after the president of China abolished term limits. Amending the Constitution is not a simple matter, like signing an executive order. Barring anyone from running for more than 2 terms is the 22nd amendment:

FDR was the first and only president to serve more than two terms. Passed by Congress in 1947, and ratified by the states on February 27, 1951, the Twenty-Second Amendment limits an elected president to two terms in office, a total of eight years.

So he REJECTED the "suggestion" made by some news person, meaning he had no thoughts (aside from a joke made a while ago), much less any intention of doing anything even remotely like this...and yet someone on the Left seeing this report has to twist it and make this an issue? :doh

This is an example of the silliness/intentional deceptiveness of many of those who make up "The Resistance."

Constantly creating an issue of everything and anything, both real and imagined, to make this Administration look as evil as possible.

Then you have the nerve to deny the assertion that "Fake News" (not the press itself) is the enemy of the people?
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As an admirer of President Trump, I acknowledge that his chances of getting a second term are VERY slim, let alone a third one!

What a silly question that was. Shame on Mr. Wallace.

(As a fair-minded observer, I agree that President Obama could have easily won a third term. Even a fourth or fifth.)
couldn't happen

The Republicans who would be needed to get a new amendment through are the ones who are wincing as he Godzillas his way through our nation. They would very politely refuse to pursue such change.
As an admirer of President Trump, I acknowledge that his chances of getting a second term are VERY slim, let alone a third one!

What a silly question that was. Shame on Mr. Wallace.

(As a fair-minded observer, I agree that President Obama could have easily won a third term. Even a fourth or fifth.)

what about that question should cause wallace to be shameful

President Trump on Sunday rejected any suggestion that he would try to change the Constitution to allow himself to run for a third term.

"Can you envision a situation well into your second term where you think that you’re so good for the country and so essential for the progress of the country that you would try to amend the Constitution so you could serve a third term?" Chris Wallace asked Trump during an interview on "Fox News Sunday."

"No," Trump responded. "Just won't happen."
Trump said he like the sound of 'president for life' after the president of China abolished term limits. Amending the Constitution is not a simple matter, like signing an executive order. Barring anyone from running for more than 2 terms is the 22nd amendment:

FDR was the first and only president to serve more than two terms. Passed by Congress in 1947, and ratified by the states on February 27, 1951, the Twenty-Second Amendment limits an elected president to two terms in office, a total of eight years.

he can't do away with term limits.
that will never be amended.

why the news reports on this fake bull**** is beyond me.
The idea that this obese septuagenaric walking cheeseburger would be around to claim a third term is more far-fetched than the notion of repealing the 22nd amendment.
he can't do away with term limits.
that will never be amended.

why the news reports on this fake bull**** is beyond me.

He said he liked the idea of 'president for life.'
what about that question should cause wallace to be shameful

Mr. Wallace obviously wanted to jazz up things a bit.

He usually asks serious questions.

He knows very well that if President Trump tried to change the Constitution in his favor, the liberals would become more insane than they already are. Mr. Wallace wanted people to talk about his show, and here we are doing just that! Shame on him!
He said he liked the idea of 'president for life.'

And President Obama wanted us to all be like a SEAL Team - obedient to orders and unified in (his) purpose.

People like power, and often wish they could abuse norms in order to get, exercise, and keep it. That's why the Constitution, and its role in keeping power from concentrating (and its proper role in limiting the power of the Federal government) is so important.
he can't do away with term limits.
that will never be amended.

why the news reports on this fake bull**** is beyond me.

You're kidding, right?
With all his failings mentally, he's still possibly one of the brighter turnips on the truck and know that a block of ice in hell would stand a better shot at remaining frozen as he would have trying to change the constitution in order to rule as a dictator for life.
he can't do away with term limits.
that will never be amended.

why the news reports on this fake bull**** is beyond me.

Must be a slow news day.
So he REJECTED the "suggestion" made by some news person, meaning he had no thoughts (aside from a joke made a while ago)

Trump makes a lot of "Jokes" for not being a comedian or funny for that matter. Isn't it troubling that you constantly defend his policy suggestions by suggesting that they were jokes in the first place? Is MAGA and build the wall a joke too? Seems to be....
Mr. Wallace obviously wanted to jazz up things a bit.

He usually asks serious questions.

He knows very well that if President Trump tried to change the Constitution in his favor, the liberals would become more insane than they already are. Mr. Wallace wanted people to talk about his show, and here we are doing just that! Shame on him!

tRump's comment about liking the lifetime authority of the north korean premier would justify wallace's inquiry to determine just how much the sitting American president, subject to a two-term limit, approved of such
that it turned out to be something only of nominal interest to tRump does not cause the question to be other than legitimate
Trump makes a lot of "Jokes" for not being a comedian or funny for that matter. Isn't it troubling that you constantly defend his policy suggestions by suggesting that they were jokes in the first place? Is MAGA and build the wall a joke too? Seems to be....
MAGA is indeed the biggest joke I've ever seen. Unfortunately, the joke's on us! :(

President Trump on Sunday rejected any suggestion that he would try to change the Constitution to allow himself to run for a third term.

"Can you envision a situation well into your second term where you think that you’re so good for the country and so essential for the progress of the country that you would try to amend the Constitution so you could serve a third term?" Chris Wallace asked Trump during an interview on "Fox News Sunday."

"No," Trump responded. "Just won't happen."
Trump said he like the sound of 'president for life' after the president of China abolished term limits. Amending the Constitution is not a simple matter, like signing an executive order. Barring anyone from running for more than 2 terms is the 22nd amendment:

FDR was the first and only president to serve more than two terms. Passed by Congress in 1947, and ratified by the states on February 27, 1951, the Twenty-Second Amendment limits an elected president to two terms in office, a total of eight years.

He's not going to take losing in 2020 well. There'll be about a week or two when he will say that the election was rigged against him and that he refuses to leave. He will create some type of committee to look at voter fraud and try to jail/ban his political opponent.

The problem is Trump is an idiot and too reactionary to follow out a plan. So some judge somewhere will rule against him. He'll claim it's a tie and then leave.
So he REJECTED the "suggestion" made by some news person, meaning he had no thoughts (aside from a joke made a while ago), much less any intention of doing anything even remotely like this...and yet someone on the Left seeing this report has to twist it and make this an issue? :doh

This is an example of the silliness/intentional deceptiveness of many of those who make up "The Resistance."

Constantly creating an issue of everything and anything, both real and imagined, to make this Administration look as evil as possible.

Then you have the nerve to deny the assertion that "Fake News" (not the press itself) is the enemy of the people?

This has literally nothing to do with 'fake news' other than your attempt to imagine that it does. There was nothing, whatsoever, deceptive about it.
And President Obama wanted us to all be like a SEAL Team - obedient to orders and unified in (his) purpose.

People like power, and often wish they could abuse norms in order to get, exercise, and keep it. That's why the Constitution, and its role in keeping power from concentrating (and its proper role in limiting the power of the Federal government) is so important.

insulting that you would say this when Trump just criticized a member of the team that got Osama Bin Laden as being a Hillary/Obama fan...And that they don't deserve credit for killing him.
This has literally nothing to do with 'fake news' other than your attempt to imagine that it does. There was nothing, whatsoever, deceptive about it.

Hm. I guess Fox News is now part of the resistance! Hazah!!!!!

President Trump on Sunday rejected any suggestion that he would try to change the Constitution to allow himself to run for a third term.

"Can you envision a situation well into your second term where you think that you’re so good for the country and so essential for the progress of the country that you would try to amend the Constitution so you could serve a third term?" Chris Wallace asked Trump during an interview on "Fox News Sunday."

"No," Trump responded. "Just won't happen."
Trump said he like the sound of 'president for life' after the president of China abolished term limits. Amending the Constitution is not a simple matter, like signing an executive order. Barring anyone from running for more than 2 terms is the 22nd amendment:

FDR was the first and only president to serve more than two terms. Passed by Congress in 1947, and ratified by the states on February 27, 1951, the Twenty-Second Amendment limits an elected president to two terms in office, a total of eight years.

The president can't do that, anyway. :lamo
You're kidding, right?

you tell us how he is going to get rid of term limits.
please i really want to know.

try and use logical arguments if you can.

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