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Trump Reaches 50 Percent Support Nationally for the First Time (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 18, 2011
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Some have been cheering for months hoping trump would win the nomination so Hillary could win in a landslide. Ive said many times over the months after watching primaries first hand for 47 years national polls during primaries dont mean much. After the nominees are chosen then it becomes more apparent who the choice will be.

Donald Trump has reached 50 percent support from Republicans and Republican-leaners nationally for the first time since the beginning of the NBC News|SurveyMonkey Weekly Election Tracking Poll in late December. This milestone is significant as the 2016 primary heads into its final few weeks of contests, as there has been intense speculation that Trump's support has a ceiling. Though his support has hovered in the high 40s since mid-March, the front-runner had yet to secure half of Republican voters.

These results are according to the latest NBC News|SurveyMonkey Weekly Election Tracking poll conducted online from April 18 to April 24 of 10,707 adults aged 18 and over, including 9,405 registered voters.

Poll: Trump Reaches 50 Percent Support Nationally for the First Time - NBC News
The actual polling...


The question has a qualifier, you need to be "among Republicans and Republican leaners" and the question is "Here are the candidates running in the Republican presidential primary this year. Which candidate do you now support for the Republican nomination for president?"

50% said Trump, 26% for Cruz, and 17% for Kasich (8% did not know or did not answer.)

Another interesting two questions buried further down...

"If Donald Trump wins the most delegates, but not a majority, do you think he should win the Republican nomination for president? [AMONG REP & REP LEANERS]"

58% yes, 29% no, 13% did not know or did not answer.

"If the 2016 presidential election were being held today among the following candidates, for whom would you vote? [AMONG ALL]"

44% Clinton, 36% Trump, 20% did not know or did not answer.

As the other polling tells us, it is still Clinton +8.
My guess are people are very disappointed about how obvious the GOP is being in circumventing the popular vote, but this is the only strategy left for them. Look at the delegate numbers. According to RealClearPolitics, there's 674 left. If you do the math Kasich has no shot at the 1237, and Cruz needs to win virtually every delegate to squeak by. Their only hope at this point is to circumvent the gears of democracy. That doesn't sit well with a great many GOP voters.
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Some have been cheering for months hoping trump would win the nomination so Hillary could win in a landslide. Ive said many times over the months after watching primaries first hand for 47 years national polls during primaries dont mean much. After the nominees are chosen then it becomes more apparent who the choice will be.

Donald Trump has reached 50 percent support from Republicans and Republican-leaners nationally for the first time since the beginning of the NBC News|SurveyMonkey Weekly Election Tracking Poll in late December. This milestone is significant as the 2016 primary heads into its final few weeks of contests, as there has been intense speculation that Trump's support has a ceiling. Though his support has hovered in the high 40s since mid-March, the front-runner had yet to secure half of Republican voters.

These results are according to the latest NBC News|SurveyMonkey Weekly Election Tracking poll conducted online from April 18 to April 24 of 10,707 adults aged 18 and over, including 9,405 registered voters.

Poll: Trump Reaches 50 Percent Support Nationally for the First Time - NBC News

Its over.... its done .... the GOP phase is finished and they have the winner. To pretend otherwise at this point is just whistling past the graveyard.
The cynical, anti-government Anarchist in me hopes he becomes President, just so we can burn the bitch down.
Fingers crossed.
The cynical, anti-government Anarchist in me hopes he becomes President, just so we can burn the bitch down.
Fingers crossed.

Do you live in the U.S.? If so why would you wish that on the nation that clothes you and feeds you. You are the second chump supporter that I have heard say this and it pisses me off to no end.
Do you live in the U.S.? If so why would you wish that on the nation that clothes you and feeds you. You are the second chump supporter that I have heard say this and it pisses me off to no end.

Hey, I'm not happy about it, but the Party of the candidate that I most support (which isn't saying much) is so damned corrupt that he has no chance. Both of the big mega-parties just need to self-destruct so we can replace them with better, smaller ones. Like Libertarian, Green and the Independence Front.
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Hey, I'm not happy about it, but the Party the candidate that I most support (which isn't saying much) is so damned corrupt that he has no chance. Both of the big mega-parties just need to self-destruct so we can replace them with better, smaller ones. Like Libertarian, Green and the Independence Front.
The fact that the Democrats and Republicans are so unbelievably corrupt is a good reason why many don't vote or even participate in the political process to begin with.
Its over.... its done .... the GOP phase is finished and they have the winner. To pretend otherwise at this point is just whistling past the graveyard.

I wouldnt count my chickens just yet
The actual polling...


The question has a qualifier, you need to be "among Republicans and Republican leaners" and the question is "Here are the candidates running in the Republican presidential primary this year. Which candidate do you now support for the Republican nomination for president?"

50% said Trump, 26% for Cruz, and 17% for Kasich (8% did not know or did not answer.)

Another interesting two questions buried further down...

"If Donald Trump wins the most delegates, but not a majority, do you think he should win the Republican nomination for president? [AMONG REP & REP LEANERS]"

58% yes, 29% no, 13% did not know or did not answer.

"If the 2016 presidential election were being held today among the following candidates, for whom would you vote? [AMONG ALL]"

44% Clinton, 36% Trump, 20% did not know or did not answer.

As the other polling tells us, it is still Clinton +8.
To the bolded:

Yes, but this speaks to the immediate matter of Mr. Trump being thought of, and subsequently painted by the GOP and his opponents, to be unable to crack a 35% ceiling. Fifty percent is a magic number here, and refutes a Primary contest 'Trump Ceiling'!
The actual polling...


The question has a qualifier, you need to be "among Republicans and Republican leaners" and the question is "Here are the candidates running in the Republican presidential primary this year. Which candidate do you now support for the Republican nomination for president?"

50% said Trump, 26% for Cruz, and 17% for Kasich (8% did not know or did not answer.)

Another interesting two questions buried further down...

"If Donald Trump wins the most delegates, but not a majority, do you think he should win the Republican nomination for president? [AMONG REP & REP LEANERS]"

58% yes, 29% no, 13% did not know or did not answer.

"If the 2016 presidential election were being held today among the following candidates, for whom would you vote? [AMONG ALL]"

44% Clinton, 36% Trump, 20% did not know or did not answer.

As the other polling tells us, it is still Clinton +8.

I think the answers you provide to the last question you state, where the choice is Clinton by 8%, proves beyond a doubt that the entire poll is worthless because there are not 44% of any Republican or Republican leaning group that would vote for Hillary Clinton for anything, other than prison.

It is why most polling is suspect. People who love making mischief are everywhere and they will gladly self identify as Republicans to skew any poll, and likewise on the other side too.
People love polls, but many have no idea of the tricks that are played to obtain results.

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