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Trump lies about pre-existing conditions right to voter's face (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 10, 2013
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Cambridge, MA
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
Just an atrocious series of lies from Trump last night about pre-existing condition protections, right to the face of a voter with a serious health condition.

He claims the Dems, who banned pre-existing conditions and have fended off ten years of GOP efforts to reinstate them, will bring them back (they won't), he claims he will protect people with pre-existing conditions (he's in court right now trying to bring pre-existing conditions back), he claims he has a plan "all ready" (he doesn't), he claims Obamacare was a disaster (it isn't), he claims he essentially repealed Obamacare (he didn't), he claims he's running Obamacare well (he's not), and he claims junk insurance is better than insurance that has protections for people with pre-existing conditions (it's not, and indeed threatens the latter).

The blank look on Trump's face as Stephanopoulos reels off the things in the ACA Trump is trying to strike down in the courts says it all.

Trump's ABC town hall: President faces tough questions on coronavirus response, health care, racial injustice
Ellesia Blaque, an assistant professor from Philadelphia, who says she voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 and suffers from a disease called sarcoidosis, asked Trump what he's going to do about people like her with pre-existing conditions -- as he challenges Obamacare in court without having presented a replacement health care plan.

"We're not going to hurt pre-existing conditions and, in fact, just the opposite," Trump said, before falsely claiming Democrats would get rid of protections for preexisting conditions or take on "socialized medicine" although Biden has said he would not support "Medicare for All."

"We're going to be doing a health care plan very strongly and protect people with pre existing conditions," he continued, before Stephanopoulos pointed out he still has not presented a plan in his first term as president.

Healthcare is right at the heart of how insane the typical Trump voter is and has been for some time.

How you can go into a voting booth and time after time, vote for people who PROMISE.

PROMISE to make your life harder and package it up as “freedom” and pass on the better life you could have had in the form of tax cuts for the Ultra Wealthy who do not need them is insanity.

It’s a mass psychosis... But because tens of millions of them believe these lies, they look at you like you’re the crazy one.
Healthcare is right at the heart of how insane the typical Trump voter is and has been for some time.

How you can go into a voting booth and time after time, vote for people who PROMISE.

PROMISE to make your life harder and package it up as “freedom” and pass on the better life you could have had in the form of tax cuts for the Ultra Wealthy who do not need them is insanity.

It’s a mass psychosis... But because tens of millions of them believe these lies, they look at you like you’re the crazy one.

Rush and Sean have been lying to their faces for decades and decades. Why would they care about Trump lying about healthcare and pre existing conditions and such?

I think we're simply dealing with all the people that fell for the Amway scam and the Bernie Madoff scam.
It's amazing that anyone can deceive him or herself enough to believe him.

He's already telegraphed that he's going to blame the Democrats if he succeeds in his goals of getting the Affordable Care Act struck down and bringing back pre-existing conditions. And there will be plenty of folks in the cult who believe him.
He's already telegraphed that he's going to blame the Democrats if he succeeds in his goals of getting the Affordable Care Act struck down and bringing back pre-existing conditions. And there will be plenty of folks in the cult who believe him.

They don't like reality, so they bring their own.
Yeah, he's been doing it his whole life. This is all he knows.

i'm sure we all know at least one person that lies so much they start believing their own lies.

i've just never seen anyone lie so friggin constantly and so publicly.
i'm sure we all know at least one person that lies so much they start believing their own lies.

i've just never seen anyone lie so friggin constantly and so publicly.

As far as I can tell he's nothing but lies.
Just an atrocious series of lies from Trump last night about pre-existing condition protections, right to the face of a voter with a serious health condition.

He claims the Dems, who banned pre-existing conditions and have fended off ten years of GOP efforts to reinstate them, will bring them back (they won't), he claims he will protect people with pre-existing conditions (he's in court right now trying to bring pre-existing conditions back), he claims he has a plan "all ready" (he doesn't), he claims Obamacare was a disaster (it isn't),


What’s disgusting is Stephanopolous lying, telling Trump multiple times that he’s “been trying to strike down pre-existing conditions”. Stephanopolous also lies in another question, trying to pretend that Trump called soldiers losers and suckers and sneaking the comment in quickly so Trump wouldn’t hear it.

The town hall almost seemed like a debate between Trump and Stephanopolous, with Stephanopolous purposely setting up questioners who would feed him his points.

What’s also disgusting is ABC pretending these questioners are politically on the fence, when most of them clearly wanted Trump’s head on a plate. Notice the woman nodding and smiling when Stephanopoulos brought up Obama and defended him.

BTW at least Trump can answer town hall questions without reading off a teleprompter.

Obamacare was a complete disaster. Which is a major reason Trump won in 2016, a majority of the electoral college agreed.
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What’s disgusting is Stephanopolous lying, telling Trump multiple times that he’s “been trying to strike down pre-existing conditions”. Stephanopolous also lies in another question, trying to pretend that Trump called soldiers losers and suckers and sneaking the comment in quickly so Trump wouldn’t hear it.

The town hall almost seemed like a debate between Trump and Stephanopolous, with Stephanopolous purposely setting up questioners who would feed him his points.

What’s also disgusting is ABC pretending these questioners are politically on the fence, when most of them clearly wanted Trump’s head on a plate. Notice the woman nodding and smiling when Stephanopoulos brought up Obama and defended him.

BTW at least Trump can answer town hall questions without reading off a teleprompter.

Obamacare was a complete disaster. Which is a major reason Trump won in 2016, a majority of the electoral college agreed.

LOL the latest conspiracy theory from our resident conspiracy theorist. Your commitment is incredible, Ivan.
What’s disgusting is Stephanopolous lying, telling Trump multiple times that he’s “been trying to strike down pre-existing conditions”.[

Trump has been and is. Here's his filing with SCOTUS this summer asking them to strike down pre-existing condition protections: Brief for the Federal Respondents, California v. Texas.

Obamacare was a complete disaster. Which is a major reason he won in 2016, a majority of the electoral college agreed.

Obamacare's been quite successful, actually. Got coverage to tens of millions, created functioning marketplaces where there had been none, cost far less than expected, slowed national health care cost growth, improved quality, extended the life of Medicare, and on and on. It even won the House back for the Dems in 2018.
LOL the latest conspiracy theory from our resident conspiracy theorist. Your commitment is incredible, Ivan.

Sorry, what’s the conspiracy theory here?

Did Stephanopolous not lie and tell Trump he wanted to get rid of pre-existing conditions?

On video?

And sneak in a lie about Trump calling soldiers losers and suckers?
Sorry, what’s the conspiracy theory here?

Did Stephanopolous not lie and tell Trump he wanted to get rid of pre-existing conditions?

On video?

And sneak in a lie about Trump calling soldiers losers and suckers?

Your worldview seems decidedly bizarre.

Are you saying that Trump is NOT in litigation to return preexisting conditions?
Obamacare's been quite successful, actually. Got coverage to tens of millions, created functioning marketplaces where there had been none, cost far less than expected, slowed national health care cost growth, improved quality, extended the life of Medicare, and on and on. It even won the House back for the Dems in 2018.

Obamacare, as of 2016, had a lot of issues, which is a major reason Trump won the election.

As of 2018, it had been modified as a result of having Trump in the White House.
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Obamacare, as of 2016, had a lot of issues, which is a major reason Trump won the election.

As of 2018, it had been modified as a result of having Trump in the White House.

If you paid attention in 2016 everyone including Clinton and Sanders said the ACA needed improvement....Trumps plan was to destroy, including pre-existing conditions, and replace it with a "better" plan...But the kicker is Trump has no replacement plan, he has absolutely nothing. You can't kick 23 million Americans off health care that includes preventing pre-existing conditions with out some kind of replacement....Trump is full of sht with his fake health care plan.
If you paid attention in 2016 everyone including Clinton and Sanders said the ACA needed improvement....Trumps plan was to destroy, including pre-existing conditions, and replace it with a "better" plan...But the kicker is Trump has no replacement plan, he has absolutely nothing. You can't kick 23 million Americans off health care that includes preventing pre-existing conditions with out some kind of replacement....Trump is full of sht with his fake health care plan.

A majority of the electoral college disagreed with you.

Including myself.

The ACA, under Obama, bankrupted people left and right, as they now had premiums and deductibles they could not afford. Clinton was not jumping up and down to make drastic changes, either.
Trump is pursuing an Executive Order to protect pre-existing conditions.

Would insurance companies be allowed to charge those with pre-existing conditions higher premiums? How exactly would that work economically? Let’s say I forgo health insurance but suddenly find out I have lung cancer so I go out to buy health insurance. Do I pay the same premium as someone who has had health insurance for years?

It’s been over a month since he said this. Where is the executive order?
A majority of the electoral college disagreed with you.

Including myself.

The ACA, under Obama, bankrupted people left and right, they now had premiums and deductibles they could not afford. Clinton was not jumping up and down to make drastic changes, either.

Yes, I am sure people and electoral college were duped in believing Trump had a replacement plan, which he said many times in his 2016 campaign....Result? Nothing, not even a shred of an out line of a new plan.... And what part of "The ACA needed improvment" don't you understand? Clinton had a plan to improve it, obviously Sanders wanted more....And I will also say this again...Trumps plan was to destroy, including pre-existing conditions, and replace it with a "better" plan...But the kicker is Trump has no replacement plan, he has absolutely nothing. You can't kick 23 million Americans off health care that includes preventing pre-existing conditions with out some kind of replacement....Trump is full of sht with his fake health care plan.
Would insurance companies be allowed to charge those with pre-existing conditions higher premiums? How exactly would that work economically? Let’s say I forgo health insurance but suddenly find out I have lung cancer so I go out to buy health insurance. Do I pay the same premium as someone who has had health insurance for years?

It’s been over a month since he said this. Where is the executive order?

Not sure of the details, but Stephanopolous clearly stated that Trump was trying to get rid of the pre-existing condition safety net.

Which was a lie, period.
What’s disgusting is Stephanopolous lying, telling Trump multiple times that he’s “been trying to strike down pre-existing conditions”.

Let's just stop there. Trump is trying to repeal the ACA in its entirety. There's no plan to replace it that will protect pre-existing conditions. If the courts agree, they end immediately, and millions will lose subsidies, insurance, the Medicaid expansion goes away, and insurers will be free to exclude and will exclude those with pre-existing conditions.

That's what Trump is doing, what his actions will cause. There is no honest interpretation that repealing the ACA, root and branch, will protect pre-existing conditions. It will end protections, as soon as the ACA is repealed, and Trump has NOTHING on the table that will protect them. All we have from him are a series of empty, broken promises.

Obamacare was a complete disaster. Which is a major reason Trump won in 2016, a majority of the electoral college agreed.

Nothing easier or more gutless and worthless than people who sit around saying, "Those guys did it WRONG!!!" but cannot get off their lazy, incompetent asses and improve it. If the ACA was a "complete disaster" why in the hell four years later doesn't your Dear Leader have a plan to fix it?

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