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Trump lawyer refused to report all Mar-a-Lago records had been turned in (1 Viewer)

What will the excuses be now? Can't pin it on the attorneys. I have no doubt Bobb signed the affidavit at Trump's request.
From the article it appears (and I hope you're sitting down for this, or at least not operating heavy machinery) that Trump told a fib.
An attorney is much less likely to put a known lie in writing before the court than Trump is to the public.
And now he's trying to bypass the judicial process and jam it to his packed SCOTUS praying they'll bail him out.
the most incredible aspect of this recent story is that tRump himself boxed the documents for return to NARA

wonder where he hid the best stuff
I guess Trump will be suing the Guardian now.

I'd be rather interested in seeing the wording of the "certification" that Mr. Trump told Mr. Cannon to send.

After seeing the one that Ms. Bobb did send in (in which she only "certified" that she had been "authorized" to say that "[her client] had returned all of the documents") I rather suspect that the one that Mr. Cannon was requested to send "certified" that "all of the documents have been returned".

There is a BIG difference between saying that

"you had been told that it was OK to tell the NARA that the documents had been returned"​

(which is what Ms. Bobb actually "certified") and saying that

"-you had been told that it was OK to tell the NARA that- the documents had been returned".​
The lawyer's conversations with Trump will be protected. But he's so reckless with the truth I'm sure they've got him somehow.
It is a criminal offence to be in possession of US government property without authorization.

The documents that Mr. Trump retained AFTER supposedly returning all US government property ARE US government property.

"Solicitor/Client Privilege" does NOT extend to lawyer/client dealings where the lawyer and the client are involved in the same criminal activity.

Ms. Bobb is NOT going to be able to claim "Solicitor/Client Privilege" respecting her dealings with Mr. Trump and the documents.

Ms. Bobb IS going to be able to invoke her Fifth Amendment Rights respecting her dealings with Mr. Trump and the documents.

The Florida State Bar Association is likely to take a rather dim view of lawyers who engage in criminal activities with their clients or who lie in court.

No matter how you slice it, Ms. Bobb is going to run afoul of the Florida State Bar Association on this one.
I'd be rather interested in seeing the wording of the "certification" that Mr. Trump told Mr. Cannon to send.

After seeing the one that Ms. Bobb did send in (in which she only "certified" that she had been "authorized" to say that "[her client] had returned all of the documents") I rather suspect that the one that Mr. Cannon was requested to send "certified" that "all of the documents have been returned".

There is a BIG difference between saying that

"you had been told that it was OK to tell the NARA that the documents had been returned"​

(which is what Ms. Bobb actually "certified") and saying that

"-you had been told that it was OK to tell the NARA that- the documents had been returned".​
According to Maggie Haberman he told her that he returned the Kim Jung Un letters. We know that's not true. He's not good at lying.
the most incredible aspect of this recent story is that tRump himself boxed the documents for return to NARA

wonder where he hid the best stuff
There's no way he did that himself.
The lawyer's conversations with Trump will be protected. But he's so reckless with the truth I'm sure they've got him somehow.
I don't believe those conversations are protected if they were in furtherance or aid of committing a crime.

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