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Trump Is Guilty of ‘Numerous’ Felonies, Prosecutor Who Resigned Says (1 Viewer)


Official disruptive influence
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Dec 27, 2017
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Laws are for the little people, not the rich and well-connected.

“I will tell you that our system is broken,” Trump said on stage in Thursday's GOP candidates' debate. “I gave to many people before this -- before two months ago I was a businessman. I give to everybody. When they call, I give. And you know what, when I need something from them two years later, three years later, I call them. They are there for me. That's a broken system.”
It looks more and more like a coverup.

Alvin Braggs need to speak up... and tell the public why he has taken his position. yet, says the investigation is ongoing... (It may be a legal manuaver, to let other cases move forward,
  • If he is making decision that paused the investigation under some "threat or intimatidation" from Trump Org, then he needs to have the FBI involved).
  • If there may be links in the Trump cases that ties directly into "Various Organized Mafiso's Familes", it could be even more need to get the FBI deeply involved.
  • It likely has links to many "wealthy people" who are involved in the "money washing machine games", 'white collar extortions" and "widespread tax evasions" and other criminal acts.
Then it would be a Monumental Exposure that goes very deep into the wealth holders who operate outside of the law, domestically and internationally.
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I can't believe people still fear Trump so much. He's damaged goods, time to let go of him already. Focus on someone like Putin instead.
We’ve been hearing this for years and I don’t doubt it’s true. But nothing will be done: rich old white gays are allowed to commit crimes, especially financial ones.

"...rich old white gays are allowed to commit crimes"

Freudian slip.
It looks more and more like a coverup.

This is how the left operate: "Prosecutor says guilty, therefore he's guilty absent a trial". If they had the evidence he'd be on trial. But he's not on trial, because they don't have the evidence; it's really that simple.

Because Trump hate is so deep and intense, there's no way the left would allow him walk if they could prove it. But that's not what this is about. This is about smearing him with left wing "guilty verdicts", leftist fact-checking, Pinocchio's, and fabricated media assertions.

Know this: there will be dozens of investigations and legal threats between now and election '24. All of these efforts will eventually focus on one single judgement: Trump is not qualified to run. That's the sole focus.
This is how the left operate: "Prosecutor says guilty, therefore he's guilty absent a trial". If they had the evidence he'd be on trial. But he's not on trial, because they don't have the evidence; it's really that simple.
Sorry, cutting you off here. Is your claim that justice is perfect and that guilty people are never let go?
We’ve been hearing this for years and I don’t doubt it’s true. But nothing will be done: rich old white gays are allowed to commit crimes, especially financial ones.
No disrespect to the OP, but this is a yawn. I strongly suspect Trump is guilty of much. He is the Teflon Don.


This is how the left operate: "Prosecutor says guilty, therefore he's guilty absent a trial". If they had the evidence he'd be on trial. But he's not on trial, because they don't have the evidence; it's really that simple.

Because Trump hate is so deep and intense, there's no way the left would allow him walk if they could prove it. But that's not what this is about. This is about smearing him with left wing "guilty verdicts", leftist fact-checking, Pinocchio's, and fabricated media assertions.

Know this: there will be dozens of investigations and legal threats between now and election '24. All of these efforts will eventually focus on one single judgement: Trump is not qualified to run. That's the sole focus.

This from the "lock her up" crowd. :rolleyes:
What a straw man looks like ^^
It's not a straw man, it's a question to clarify what you mean. Learn your fallacies, buddy.

So you agree then that sometimes criminals escape justice. You just think it's impossible that Trump would get away with a crime?
It's not a straw man, it's a question to clarify what you mean. Learn your fallacies, buddy.

So you agree then that sometimes criminals escape justice. You just think it's impossible that Trump would get away with a crime?

Feel free to prosecute him, until then he's not a criminal no matter how big of a hissy fit the left wants to throw.
The Feds are going for ironclad, no wiggle room, slam dunk, must be perfect.......and so Trump will never face justice. It wasn't the election. But he has won.
Feel free to prosecute him, until then he's not a criminal no matter how big of a hissy fit the left wants to throw.
Ok, now I understand. You're just whining about semantics about calling someone a criminal when they haven't been convicted of a crime.

Certainly, you've never done that. You've never, ever called Joe Biden or Hunter Biden or Hillary Clinton or any random ass black person shot by police a criminal!

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