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Trump Finally Standing Up to the PC Bullies (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 30, 2013
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Glenn Reynolds: Donald Trump is the response to a bullying culture

Political correctness is not, as some might claim, just an effort to encourage niceness. As Gelernter notes, it’s an effort to control people. Like the Newspeak in George Orwell’s 1984, the goal is to make it impossible for people to speak, or even think, unapproved thoughts.

Of course, by limiting what people can think and say, political correctness has hollowed out America’s universities, cheapened and distorted its politics, and served (and this last is entirely intentional) to make those who favor traditional American values feel marginalized and at risk. (I saw someone on Twitter talking about “America-shaming” last week, and that term fits pretty well.) But as leftists like to say, you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.

But when “respectable” people won’t talk about things that a lot of voters care about, the less-respectable will eventually rise to meet the need. That’s what Trump’s doing. And a lot of people are cheering him on not so much because they’re fans of Trump personally as because they’re happy to see someone finally stand up to the PC bullies.

Will electing Trump solve all the nation’s problems? Nope. But, as mentioned above, it will show that more than half the country rejects the culture of political correctness, and the political class that let it take over. And for many people, that’s reason enough

He just nails it all over the place. Not about specific policy. About a breath of fresh air from the PC prison that the left has built for us to live in.
Yes, and most of the real violence and obstructionism during this election campaign is coming from those who oppose his election.

All the while claiming that HE is inciting them to it, in a typical P.C. police refusal to take responsibility for their own actions.

Glenn Reynolds: Donald Trump is the response to a bullying culture

He just nails it all over the place. Not about specific policy. About a breath of fresh air from the PC prison that the left has built for us to live in.

Political correctness:

Refraining from suggesting that a woman reporter is being pissy because she's on her period.
Refraining from calling your wife a "nice piece of ass."
Refraining from saying that Mexico is sending us its drug dealers and rapists.
Not claiming that all of the women on The View are flirting with him.
Refraining from publicly claiming to have a long schlong.
Not claiming that being greedy is good.
Refraining from intimating that you have something on your opponent's wife.

OMG! How could we be so PC as to avoid all of the above? Why, The Donald has shown us the way to freedom of speech! I think I'll go next door right now and tell my neighbor what an ugly wife he has. That's un PC, isn't it?
Political correctness:

Refraining from suggesting that a woman reporter is being pissy because she's on her period.
Refraining from calling your wife a "nice piece of ass."
Refraining from saying that Mexico is sending us its drug dealers and rapists.
Not claiming that all of the women on The View are flirting with him.
Refraining from publicly claiming to have a long schlong.
Not claiming that being greedy is good.
Refraining from intimating that you have something on your opponent's wife.

OMG! How could we be so PC as to avoid all of the above? Why, The Donald has shown us the way to freedom of speech! I think I'll go next door right now and tell my neighbor what an ugly wife he has. That's un PC, isn't it?

Yes-sir, P.C. as in requiring one cease from expressing ANYTHING one might personally find offensive.

You have a right to feel offended. You do NOT have a right to be free from exposure to things you might find offensive.

In the second case you DO have the right to express yourself by ignoring it, responding in counter-point, or walking away.
Yes, and most of the real violence and obstructionism during this election campaign is coming from those who oppose his election.

All the while claiming that HE is inciting them to it, in a typical P.C. police refusal to take responsibility for their own actions.

To the left, anger and violence against Trump is righteous anger and violence. Its always a disqualifier when someone on the right is angry at government--its just the 'angry white male' It is the PC police that prevent anyone labeling the BLM movement as the 'angry black male.' Why? Because theirs is righteous anger. Liberals see their cause and their ideology as righteous so anyone who opposes them is not simply wrong, but immoral. Disagree with a leftist handouts and you are a racist, disagree with a leftist on abortion and you are a misogynist, disagree with a leftist on gay marriage and you are a homophobe, disagree with a leftist on immigration and you are a xenophobe. The list is endless and it is all done to destroy dissent. Leftists love dissent...when they are the ones dissenting. Only a hate filled monster stands in dissent to liberalism. Political correctness is nothing more than a way to enslave the mind to leftist thought.
Yes-sir, P.C. as in requiring one cease from expressing ANYTHING one might personally find offensive.

You have a right to feel offended. You do NOT have a right to be free from exposure to things you might find offensive.

In the second case you have the right to express yourself by ignoring it, responding in counter-point, or walking away.

Trump has every right to make absurd statements that offend some people.
and I have every right to ridicule him as a man unfit to be president.

Now, if he wants to go back to being a reality show host, then let him be as offensive as his network will allow him to be, but let's not send him to the White House.
Political correctness:

Refraining from suggesting that a woman reporter is being pissy because she's on her period.
Refraining from calling your wife a "nice piece of ass."
Refraining from saying that Mexico is sending us its drug dealers and rapists.
Not claiming that all of the women on The View are flirting with him.
Refraining from publicly claiming to have a long schlong.
Not claiming that being greedy is good.
Refraining from intimating that you have something on your opponent's wife.

OMG! How could we be so PC as to avoid all of the above? Why, The Donald has shown us the way to freedom of speech! I think I'll go next door right now and tell my neighbor what an ugly wife he has. That's un PC, isn't it?


here we call that simple manners.
To the left, anger and violence against Trump is righteous anger and violence. Its always a disqualifier when someone on the right is angry at government--its just the 'angry white male' It is the PC police that prevent anyone labeling the BLM movement as the 'angry black male.' Why? Because theirs is righteous anger. Liberals see their cause and their ideology as righteous so anyone who opposes them is not simply wrong, but immoral. Disagree with a leftist handouts and you are a racist, disagree with a leftist on abortion and you are a misogynist, disagree with a leftist on gay marriage and you are a homophobe, disagree with a leftist on immigration and you are a xenophobe. The list is endless and it is all done to destroy dissent. Leftists love dissent...when they are the ones dissenting. Only a hate filled monster stands in dissent to liberalism. Political correctness is nothing more than a way to enslave the mind to leftist thought.
I think the "liberals" of whom you speak exist only in your fevered imagination.
If that statement of opinion wasn't PC, then so be it.
Political correctness:

Refraining from suggesting that a woman reporter is being pissy because she's on her period.
Refraining from calling your wife a "nice piece of ass."
Refraining from saying that Mexico is sending us its drug dealers and rapists.
Not claiming that all of the women on The View are flirting with him.
Refraining from publicly claiming to have a long schlong.
Not claiming that being greedy is good.
Refraining from intimating that you have something on your opponent's wife.

OMG! How could we be so PC as to avoid all of the above? Why, The Donald has shown us the way to freedom of speech! I think I'll go next door right now and tell my neighbor what an ugly wife he has. That's un PC, isn't it?

This post is almost too trivial to warrant a reply. Perhaps you might actually read the link in the OP.
I think the "liberals" of whom you speak exist only in your fevered imagination.
If that statement of opinion wasn't PC, then so be it.

Unlike you, I don't place limits on what others can say. And the liberals I describe are everywhere and what I wrote applies universally to anyone on the left. Including you.
This post is almost too trivial to warrant a reply. Perhaps you might actually read the link in the OP.

OH, my bad. Having at least a modicum of good manners is being controlled. Spouting off about whatever enters your head is fighting for freedom from PC.

In a parallel universe in which Trump is actually qualified to be president, that is.
Unlike you, I don't place limits on what others can say. And the liberals I describe are everywhere and what I wrote applies universally to anyone on the left. Including you.

Yes, indeedy, and labeling everyone with whom you disagree and lumping them altogether with strawmen that only exist in your imagination is critical thinking.

Oh, and Trump will make America great again, just we liberals don't believe it.
Political correctness:

Refraining from suggesting that a woman reporter is being pissy because she's on her period.
Refraining from calling your wife a "nice piece of ass."
Refraining from saying that Mexico is sending us its drug dealers and rapists.
Not claiming that all of the women on The View are flirting with him.
Refraining from publicly claiming to have a long schlong.
Not claiming that being greedy is good.
Refraining from intimating that you have something on your opponent's wife.

OMG! How could we be so PC as to avoid all of the above? Why, The Donald has shown us the way to freedom of speech! I think I'll go next door right now and tell my neighbor what an ugly wife he has. That's un PC, isn't it?

No that is just rude. Political correctness is a political tool designed to control speech. Trump is rude fairly often. It is his nature. If you don't like it, you can vote against him in November.
The most virulent political correctness attacks against Trump and his supporters have come from those of the BLM and La Raza Crowd, who state that Trump is unacceptable due to a majority of his supporters being Older-White-Males.

Long ago, the Philosopher Voltaire addressed this issue:


Today, having been through 8 years of growing Obama-Era Progressive-Fascism,

I would add the Kurmugeon Corollary:

To learn what group is truly discriminated against in a society, Learn which group is NOT Allowed to Politically Organize to advocate their completely equal treatment. - Kurmugeon


The SIX Principles which will Defeat the Anti-Trump Political Correctness:

The American White Voters Solidarity Movement and the principles on which it stands:

0] All people, regardless of history or minority/majority status, have a right to gather, discuss, and politically advocate the interests of their race, ethnicity, creed, gender, political viewpoint or sexual preferences. Advocating the Interests primarily means seeking to insure truly EQUAL treatment. Advocating the Interests does NOT include asking for or demanding special preferences, treatment, set-asides, payments, benefits, advantages, reparations or exemptions.

1] No group in America should be given special government or policy preference or difference based on race, ethnicity, creed, gender, political viewpoint or sexual preferences. Affirmative Action was and is a great injustice and needs to END.

2] No Elected Politician, appointed government office holder, or public employee shall be beyond criticism for job performance, up to and including termination, or above the Law, up to and including prosecution and imprisonment by using accusation of discrimination as a distraction, excuse, intimidation, or justification for their actions and behaviors. “You’re a Racist” is NOT a valid defense.

3] In those situations where race, ethnicity, creed, gender, political viewpoint or sexual preferences must be considered by law, such as hate crime penalties, discrimination lawsuits, or diversity quotas, those laws should crafted and be enforced equally in both directions. i.e. If an organization can be deemed to have TOO MANY Whites, it MUST ALSO be able to be deemed to have TOO FEW. If an organization can be deemed to have TOO FEW BLACKS, it MUST ALSO be able to be deemed to have TOO MANY!

4] No use of ethnic slurs, epithets, derogatory slang or abusive language against any person of ANY race, ethnicity, creed, gender, political viewpoint or sexual preference will be tolerated without loud and persistent objection.

5] No threat or act of violence, intimidation, illegal coercion, slander, or persecution will ever be used to pursue the above goals. We will simply agree to VOTE as a BLOC to remove those who oppose our goals and replace them with better people.

It really is that simple.

Yes, indeedy, and labeling everyone with whom you disagree and lumping them altogether with strawmen that only exist in your imagination is critical thinking.
Leftists act and think a certain way--that's how they get lumped into the category of leftist. They view the violent behavior of the leftist mobs as righteous, so they either defend it or excuse it. Don't take my word for it, review any thread on the subject.

Oh, and Trump will make America great again, just we liberals don't believe it.
I don't believe it either. Cruz had one good line during his entire campaign--that to make America great again, one would first have to know what made it great in the first place. Trump has no idea what that is.
No that is just rude. Political correctness is a political tool designed to control speech. Trump is rude fairly often. It is his nature. If you don't like it, you can vote against him in November.

yeah, if Cruz was the nominee he would have been nice, the media would have beat the crap out of him, and he would lose the election. liberals happy!

instead Trump is the nominee, the media is beating the crap out of him, but instead of taking it Trump is giving as good as he gets, and the polls have him tied or leading. liberals sad.

Hey, I wish this wasn't the field the right has to play on to win, but it's the field the left built. so what choice is there but to fight dirty to win? better than being nice and losing(see: mccain, romney). that's who the left wants. nice conservatives who sit quietly and take their lickings. not this time. even if trump loses, at least he didn't sit back and take it. he takes the fight to THEM.
Yes-sir, P.C. as in requiring one cease from expressing ANYTHING one might personally find offensive.

You have a right to feel offended. You do NOT have a right to be free from exposure to things you might find offensive.

In the second case you DO have the right to express yourself by ignoring it, responding in counter-point, or walking away.

No one is requiring Trump to cease expressing anything. Got any argument that does not fail?
Seems like everyone has their own idea of what is PC. Here's the definintion....

po·lit·i·cal cor·rect·ness noun

noun: political correctness; noun: political correctitude

the avoidance, often considered as taken to extremes, of forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against.

So Trumps attacks on PC is an excuse to distract from his bigotry and racism. And that's why he has the endorsement of David Duke and the white supremacists....aka....his base.
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The idea that one can be an arrogant abusive bully and that somehow can be painted as opposing bullying is so perverted and so twisted and so absolutely a distortion of reality that it is worthy of Dr. Frankenstein and his efforts making monsters.
yeah, if Cruz was the nominee he would have been nice, the media would have beat the crap out of him, and he would lose the election. liberals happy!

instead Trump is the nominee, the media is beating the crap out of him, but instead of taking it Trump is giving as good as he gets, and the polls have him tied or leading. liberals sad.

Hey, I wish this wasn't the field the right has to play on to win, but it's the field the left built. so what choice is there but to fight dirty to win? better than being nice and losing(see: mccain, romney). that's who the left wants. nice conservatives who sit quietly and take their lickings. not this time. even if trump loses, at least he didn't sit back and take it. he takes the fight to THEM.

I was a Cruz supporter.

But what you say here makes allot of sense.

I don't particularly like Trump's annoying mode and method, but it works, where a restrained, thoughtful, Constitutional Lawyer, (Cruz) does not.

yeah, if Cruz was the nominee he would have been nice, the media would have beat the crap out of him, and he would lose the election. liberals happy!

instead Trump is the nominee, the media is beating the crap out of him, but instead of taking it Trump is giving as good as he gets, and the polls have him tied or leading. liberals sad.

Hey, I wish this wasn't the field the right has to play on to win, but it's the field the left built. so what choice is there but to fight dirty to win? better than being nice and losing(see: mccain, romney). that's who the left wants. nice conservatives who sit quietly and take their lickings. not this time. even if trump loses, at least he didn't sit back and take it. he takes the fight to THEM.

Clinton opens up double-digit lead over Trump nationwide: Reuters/Ipsos poll | Reuters

Seems like everyone has their own idea of what is PC. Here's the definintion....

So Trumps attacks on PC is an excuse to distract from his bigotry and racism. And that's why he has the endorsement of David Duke and the white supremacists....aka....his base.

I am neither White, nor an "extremist."

And I would point out the fallacy of your position by noting the excerpt "forms of expression or action that are perceived..."

P.C. tries to stifle speech and action that is perceived to exclude, marginalize or insult...

That is a very broad and ill-defined standard.
P.C. tries to stifle speech and action that is perceived to exclude, marginalize or insult...

Or even to just alter people's speech in order to not offend anyone's sensibilities.

It's basically language control.

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