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Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 13, 2017
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Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

President Trump acknowledged Friday that he used “tough” language during a meeting on efforts toward a bipartisan immigration deal but appeared to deny using the term “****hole” to refer to some countries.

The language used by me at the DACA meeting was tough, but this was not the language used. What was really tough was the outlandish proposal made — a big setback for DACA!” Trump wrote on Twitter, referring to the Obama administration’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

Spokesmen for the White House did not immediately respond to a request for clarification Friday. The White House did not deny Thursday that Trump used the vulgarity, first reported by The Washington Post and later confirmed by numerous other news outlets.

In a later tweet, Trump focused on remarks attributed to him about Haiti, saying: “Never said anything derogatory about Haitians other than Haiti is, obviously, a very poor and troubled country. Never said “take them out.” Made up by Dems. I have a wonderful relationship with Haitians. Probably should record future meetings - unfortunately, no trust!”

Sen. Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.), one of the lawmakers who attended the meeting, said publicly in comments to reporters and in a subsequent written statement on Friday that Trump’s denial was false. The president, according to Durbin, “said things that were hate-filled, vile and racist.” Trump used the words “repeatedly,” the senator said.

“I cannot believe that in the history of the White House, in that Oval Office, any president has ever spoken the words that I personally heard our president speak yesterday,” Durbin said.


So it's clear now that the president is a liar. Why would anyone ever believe anything he says?
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

Graham and Durbin both proved Trump is a liar. Which most of us already knew anyway.

A liar and a racist. What a combination.

And he's not very bright regardless of how smart he thinks he is.
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

That single comment triggered the **** out of the AT's. :lamo
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.


So it's clear now that the president is a liar. Why would anyone ever believe anything he says?

I think we need a much better political vetting process. I think the reason why politics is so screwed up and divisive in this country is that a lot of the politicians are essentially idiots.

It's just now that the world is more connected than ever before, that we are just beginning to realize how stupid everybody actually is. Idiocracy has come full circle.
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.


So it's clear now that the president is a liar. Why would anyone ever believe anything he says?

Almost all politicians are liars. So what if he called **** hole countries **** hole countries. Those aren't tourist destinations. Those aren't places where people flock to by the hundred thousands each year to try to make money or a better life for themselves. The only celebrities there are probably those doing some sort of pet charity work.
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

Graham and Durbin both proved Trump is a liar. Which most of us already knew anyway.

A liar and a racist. What a combination.

IMO, everyone is. That means you, me, and trump. If he said it, it's OK with me as long as me turns the electorate mostly into right-wing converts. I can get used to being a little richer. I love it when the country does well.
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

Almost all politicians are liars. So what if he called **** hole countries **** hole countries. Those aren't tourist destinations. Those aren't places where people flock to by the hundred thousands each year to try to make money or a better life for themselves. The only celebrities there are probably those doing some sort of pet charity work.

Again, your defense is unreasonable. S**thole is an insult like a**hole. Everyone knows these are poor countries. It's the language used that is the issue.

Moreover, as I explained before, almost all immigrants are from poor countries. People from rich countries don't just leave their culture and langue to come to America. So this idea of getting immigrants from Norway is just .... stupid.

Now, this thread is about Trump being a proven liar. We've heard lots of reports from the "Fake News" about things Trump said. Trump always denies them. But now there are witnesses and he still denies them. So, we know Trump is a liar.

And most politicians are smart enough not to lie about things that can be verified or situations where there are witnesses. Trump apparently is not that smart. This only corroborates reports that everyone around him thinks he's an idiot. We see for ourselves that he's an idiot. Only an idiot would use those words while being president. Most of the world are third world nations. He's insulting most of the world.
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

There, no doubt, a lot of good reason to doubt what Trump says. At the same time, there's also a lot of good reason to doubt what's said about him.
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

Even his Republican backers admit he's an asshole.

But, they say, "He's OUR asshole!"
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

Even his Republican backers admit he's an asshole.

But, they say, "He's OUR asshole!"

Which is different than Dems who never acknowledge their assholes are assholes.
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

I find that the reporting of Trump's alleged offensive language petty. Should someone use curse words in a discussion meeting, probably not. As it is also pathetic that Pelosi would describe a group that wrote a DACA bill as "five white guys".

It seems our politicians are all the same.
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

And he's not very bright regardless of how smart he thinks he is.
Did you ever hear the expression,

a lawyer who tries his own case, has a fool for a client?


a doctor that treats himself, has a fool for a patient?

Well then what is it called,

when an idiot evaluates his own intelligence?

Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

.........So it's clear now that the president is a liar........

Lie: "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" - B Clinton
Lie: "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" - B Obama

It is clear that when it comes to lies, Trump is a newbie compared to the pathological liars in the Democrat party.

Graham and Durbin both proved Trump is a liar............

LOL!! Two professional liars. Give me a break.

And he's not very bright regardless of how smart he thinks he is.

He built a global real estate empire and made himself a billionaire, and finally beat the smartest woman in the world at her own game -Crooked Hillary.

Yeh, he's not too smart.
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

I find that the reporting of Trump's alleged offensive language petty. Should someone use curse words in a discussion meeting, probably not. As it is also pathetic that Pelosi would describe a group that wrote a DACA bill as "five white guys".

It seems our politicians are all the same.
It's not about the swearing, it's about the disparaging nature of the comment.
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

It's not about the swearing, it's about the disparaging nature of the comment.

The fact that trumposters are willing to falsely equate 5 white guys with our ****hole students says it all. Why should Latino lawmakers be involved in talks about Latinos ?
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

It's not about the swearing, it's about the disparaging nature of the comment.

What is the old saying,............." If the shoe fits, wear it"?

Yes, Pelosi comment was very disparaging in nature. :lamo

Trump is crude for a politician.
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

What is the old saying,............." If the shoe fits, wear it"?

Yes, Pelosi comment was very disparaging in nature. :lamo

Trump is crude for a politician.
What has Pelosi got to do with this?
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

Senator Lindsey Graham (R/SC) also at that meeting, has today stated that "I said my piece" to Trump concerning Trumps ****hole countries comment.

This statement seems to support Senator Dick Durban's recollection concerning Trumps disparaging and racist insinuations.
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

Senator Lindsey Graham (R/SC) also at that meeting, has today stated that "I said my piece" to Trump concerning Trumps ****hole countries comment.

This statement seems to support Senator Dick Durban's recollection concerning Trumps disparaging and racist insinuations.

I read his statement... it was ambiguous at best
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

If they were in that meeting, then they are liars too. And provably so since others there now verify it.

I hope their constituents recognize it...but I doubt it.
Their constituents, at least the Trumpers, will cheer-on language like that! :doh
Re: Trump denies he said "sh**holes." But this time there are witnesses that prove he's just a liar.

Their constituents, at least the Trumpers, will cheer-on language like that! :doh

Currently, many are.

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