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Trump can boss, he can't lead (1 Viewer)

You actually responded to it when i pointed it out so you are lying yet again.

What you said didn't makes sense relative to the topic so I thought you were just blubbering after being caught complaining about quotes that you yourself sourced.
I was going to let it go.
But now it's clear that's exactly what you were doing.
Trump’s childish spats with governors have revealed perhaps more clearly than anything else in his Presidency his unfitness to lead. The governor of Michigan, “that woman”, has seen supplies from the federal government held up because the President felt she “wasn’t nice”. He’s lashed out at Cuomo and the governor of Washington when a leader would have quietly put up with their frustrations, or answered them civilly whether or not he felt the criticisms unfair. One effect of this has been to exacerbate the divisiveness in the country, as his supporters join with him in his attacks, when a deadly common threat should be a cause of unity.

Trump knows how to be a boss. He doesn't know how to lead.
Better yet, he could have corrected his deficiencies, rather than have to be dragged kicking & screaming into action.

Those governors are doing a yoeman's job under truly dire conditions. And the government health response team is constantly hand-cuffed by Trump, if not having him impede their progress. The problem here is Trump, and there's nothing we can do about it until November.

So cuomo should be held responsible by lying trump for not pulling a Nostradamus and guessing of a global pandemic 5 years into the future. Holy cow trump nation is just a pack of lying con artists/cultists.


Five years ago, Cuomo's own people told him they were severely short of their stockpile of ventilators. They asked him to authorize buying 16,000 of the things. He refused. Instead, he decided that, if there was a crisis, his state would triage the victims to decide who got the ones they had left and who wouldn't. And if they had any left over, he would hold a lottery to decide who got the ones remaining.

That is all on Cuomo. It had nothing to do with Trump. And yes...Cuomo, as the NY Governor, should have spent the money to be prepared if a crisis occurred. It occurred and he wasn't prepared.

And it's not up to Trump to hold Cuomo responsible. It's up to the citizens of NY to hold him responsible. Will they? I doubt it. They, like Cuomo himself, would rather blame Trump.
There is a lot of childishness going around across the board eg whether Trump is a racist because he calls it the Chinese virus. Or the standard critics of Mr. Trump who say that he should have basically shut the country down in January (during the middle of an impeachment inquiry and trial - as if that would have been uncontroversial).

BUT-- Trump has pointed out, correctly, that the country is a federal republic and that the role of the feds is to support the states in their efforts to deal with the problem. There can certainly be grounds for criticism in how Trump has dealt with it (I don't see the point in the states and feds getting into a bidding war over medical supplies).
But some of the stuff is wrong and quite worthy of pushback by Mr. Trump (Mr. Biden having called the closing of travelling from China Xenophobic, or Mr. Cuomo declining to purchase additional ventilators when he had the opportunity).
Trump's 'job' is not to be the 'complainer-in-chief', but to be the 'commander-in-chief'.

We don't to want hear his damn complaining, we just want him to do what he needs to do, rather than have be dragged kicking & complaining & a day late. He bitches & moans and complains for a week, before he finally does whatever the fudge it is he needs to do.

He gets told of the problems, and still drags his noisy complaining ass. Better yet, he shouldn't have to be told and dragged for a week or month, but he should ask and be able to figure-out for himself.
This is The United States. We're capable of getting things done without "dear leader." Liberals, on the other hand, need to be led because they're all sheep.

We’re not getting much done. We have the highest infection rates and our hospitals are underequipped
It takes two to tango.

Hold those governors responsible for their actions.

I think we do. Hold your president responsible for his actions
I think we do. Hold your president responsible for his actions

The governors are scrambling to pass the buck and they and the media...and the useful idiots...are trying to hold Trump responsible for the governor's **** ups.
Your point was what ... that Trump should keep quiet when he gets blamed for what someone else did or didn't do?
I understand that's what you'd want ... but do you think you should expect something of Trump you'd never expect of yourself or others?

They never seem to hold themselves to their standards that they hold for Trump; pot meet kettle.
We’re not getting much done. We have the highest infection rates and our hospitals are underequipped

I'd say we're getting a lot done.

And no, we don't have the highest infection rate, nor the highest death rate.
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Unless it effected my job, no. Why would I? I don't care what others think.

And if it did effect my job, I wouldn't defend myself by refusing to do my job. Only a child acts this way.

But you think Trump should care about your constant scathing personal attacks?

Have you ever given him credit for anything?
We’re not getting much done. We have the highest infection rates and our hospitals are underequipped

There is absolutely zero evidence we have the highest infection rate.

You cannot prove that in any way.

We have the highest testing rate now outside of Asia and we’re only barely ahead of several countries with much smaller populations in raw numerical cases
But you think Trump should care about your constant scathing personal attacks?

Have you ever given him credit for anything?

"He's a really nice guy if you'd just get to know him. He really cares about me."
The governors are scrambling to pass the buck and they and the media...and the useful idiots...are trying to hold Trump responsible for the governor's **** ups.

So instead of blaming trump for his inactions, you want to blame the governors for their actions. I see
Trump's 'job' is not to be the 'complainer-in-chief', but to be the 'commander-in-chief'.

We don't to want hear his damn complaining, we just want him to do what he needs to do, rather than have be dragged kicking & complaining & a day late. He bitches & moans and complains for a week, before he finally does whatever the fudge it is he needs to do.

He gets told of the problems, and still drags his noisy complaining ass. Better yet, he shouldn't have to be told and dragged for a week or month, but he should ask and be able to figure-out for himself.

Of the armed forces and that's it.
This is The United States. We're capable of getting things done without "dear leader." Liberals, on the other hand, need to be led because they're all sheep.

So instead of blaming trump for his inactions, you want to blame the governors for their actions. I see

I want to blame the governors for their failed actions and for their inactions. I won't tolerate blaming Trump for what the governors did or didn't do.

btw, have you heard the latest? Trump is considering imposing a quarantine on selected states. You know, the same kind of thing the governor of NJ has done with NY.

Are you going to blame Trump?

Five years ago, Cuomo's own people told him they were severely short of their stockpile of ventilators. They asked him to authorize buying 16,000 of the things. He refused. Instead, he decided that, if there was a crisis, his state would triage the victims to decide who got the ones they had left and who wouldn't. And if they had any left over, he would hold a lottery to decide who got the ones remaining.

That is all on Cuomo. It had nothing to do with Trump. And yes...Cuomo, as the NY Governor, should have spent the money to be prepared if a crisis occurred. It occurred and he wasn't prepared.

And it's not up to Trump to hold Cuomo responsible. It's up to the citizens of NY to hold him responsible. Will they? I doubt it. They, like Cuomo himself, would rather blame Trump.

That's what leftists do; perpetual victim, Cuomo...
Like someone said, "sheep".
I want to blame the governors for their failed actions and for their inactions. I won't tolerate blaming Trump for what the governors did or didn't do.

So what are you blaming the governors for
Trump’s childish spats with governors have revealed perhaps more clearly than anything else in his Presidency his unfitness to lead. The governor of Michigan, “that woman”, has seen supplies from the federal government held up because the President felt she “wasn’t nice”. He’s lashed out at Cuomo and the governor of Washington when a leader would have quietly put up with their frustrations, or answered them civilly whether or not he felt the criticisms unfair. One effect of this has been to exacerbate the divisiveness in the country, as his supporters join with him in his attacks, when a deadly common threat should be a cause of unity.

Trump knows how to be a boss. He doesn't know how to lead.

Not sending needed medical supplies to states because the governors don't talk nice to him is ridiculously immature and criminally insane.
Yes...and for the governor's inactions.

Mr. “I alone, can fix it!”

Has turned into,

“No, I take no responsibility at all”.

That’s not what anyone should ever consider voting for.
Mr. “I alone, can fix it!”

Has turned into,

“No, I take no responsibility at all”.

That’s not what anyone should ever consider voting for.

Never overestimate the intelligence of the American voter.......
Mr. “I alone, can fix it!”

Has turned into,

“No, I take no responsibility at all”.

That’s not what anyone should ever consider voting for.

When did Trump say that he, alone, can fix the effects of the virus?

Oh...wait...you are making **** up again, aren't you?

Never mind.

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