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Trump backs off false Iran video claim (1 Viewer)

tres borrachos

DP Veteran
Feb 20, 2012
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Biden's 'Murica
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But he's the greatest. He makes deals, and says things, and stuff.

He needs better handlers so he doesn't look so stupid, over and over and over and over and over.

Washington (CNN) — Donald Trump backed off a false claim Friday morning, admitting he had not seen a video of a $400 million payment being unloaded from a US plane in Iran.

The Republican nominee had claimed at rallies twice this week that such a video existed, saying in Maine on Thursday that it was provided by Iranians "to embarrass our president because we have a president who's incompetent."

What Trump had actually seen in news reports was video of three American prisoners who Iran had released arriving in Geneva, Switzerland.

Trump backs off false Iran video claim - CNNPolitics.com
Interesting. Maybe he's going to try to turn things around? Don't know, we'll see if he gets is ducks in a row or if he continues off the rails.
Interesting. Maybe he's going to try to turn things around? Don't know, we'll see if he gets is ducks in a row or if he continues off the rails.

He pretty much lives off the rails.

It's his native environment.
Interesting. Maybe he's going to try to turn things around? Don't know, we'll see if he gets is ducks in a row or if he continues off the rails.

IMO he has no choice BUT to turn things around. The polls are absolutely abysmal for him, and they are just going to get worse. Clinton will successfully bait him in the debates into giving away his complete ignorance of national security matters, and he will go nuts, and then spend the next week saying that she was bleeding out of her whatever, and so on.

As bad as he was during the primaries, he's worse now.

My only consolation is that he is helping Johnson with his behavior. I really hope they rethink the threshold for debate participation. Johnson is a very viable candidate for those of us who'd rather chew out our left eyeballs than vote for either Trump or Clinton.
I wonder if he's going to back off from the Khan family brouhaha. I hope he doesnt. :mrgreen:
And yet this video is purported to show just that.

Start @ 11:00.

Dude, even Trump said he was mistaken. Just let it die. You don't have to defend him for something that he admitted was a mistake. Just give him applause for admitting he made a simple mistake.
Dude, even Trump said he was mistaken. Just let it die. You don't have to defend him for something that he admitted was a mistake. Just give him applause for admitting he made a simple mistake.
Are you really ignorant of what I just provided?

What I provided is the actual point.
Deal with that. Not your made up bs.
Are you really ignorant of what I just provided?

An off topic video? A video that Trump wasn't talking about? A video narrated in arabic that I can't understand?
An off topic video? A video that Trump wasn't talking about? A video narrated in arabic that I can't understand?
As I said; "this video is purported to show just that".
IMO he has no choice BUT to turn things around. The polls are absolutely abysmal for him, and they are just going to get worse. Clinton will successfully bait him in the debates into giving away his complete ignorance of national security matters, and he will go nuts, and then spend the next week saying that she was bleeding out of her whatever, and so on.

As bad as he was during the primaries, he's worse now.

My only consolation is that he is helping Johnson with his behavior. I really hope they rethink the threshold for debate participation. Johnson is a very viable candidate for those of us who'd rather chew out our left eyeballs than vote for either Trump or Clinton.

If he wants to win, then yes he must turn things around. I just don't know if he will

And I am hoping that Johnson will be considered by Press and People alike as a cromulent candidate.
So Trump lied when he said he lied.
Stop. He didn't say he lied, he actually didn't explain what happened.

What I do know is that there is a video that purportedly shows the money prior to the hostages getting on the plane.
And I am hoping that Johnson will be considered by Press and People alike as a cromulent candidate.

He may well. All the negative attitudes towards Trump and Clinton can't help but embiggen a third party's viability in the public eye.
So Trump lied when he said he lied.

I don't think Trump lied at all. I think he is correct about seeing the video. I've seen it, as well. And I don't think he was wrong to walk back his remarks because there are grounds to dispute what is actually being portrayed in the video. He was probably counseled by his team that standing by his previous remarks would only give those spinning liberals more ammunition against him...and that the inevitable fallout for walking back his remarks will do less damage.

That's not to say that the video he saw did NOT display what he said it did. The video is in Arabic and without a non-partisan 3rd party translation most of us can't know exactly what it was about. Some things I've read, however, do point to the Iranians declaring that the money was in connection to the hostage release.

One thing is for sure, though, is that the Obama administration was taken unawares by this video. They didn't even know it existed even though it's been out there for months and they definitely have egg on their faces...even though THEY will never admit their deficiency. And you can be sure that the Obama administration won't lift a finger to make public any translation of that video.
Stop. He didn't say he lied, he actually didn't explain what happened.

What I do know is that there is a video that purportedly shows the money prior to the hostages getting on the plane.

And what everyone else, including Trump knows, is that he never saw money being exchanged for hostages, which is why Trump has had to back off his false claim.
And what everyone else, including Trump knows, is that he never saw money being exchanged for hostages, which is why Trump has had to back off his false claim.
Maybe you should review exactly what he said.

As you provided.

Washington (CNN) — Donald Trump backed off a false claim Friday morning, admitting he had not seen a video of a $400 million payment [highlight]being unloaded from a US plane in Iran.[/highlight]

Not seeing the money being unloaded doesn't mean he didn't see this video, an outtake thereof, or one similar with it being explained what the money was in exchange for.
I don't think Trump lied at all. I think he is correct about seeing the video. I've seen it, as well. And I don't think he was wrong to walk back his remarks because there are grounds to dispute what is actually being portrayed in the video. He was probably counseled by his team that standing by his previous remarks would only give those spinning liberals more ammunition against him...and that the inevitable fallout for walking back his remarks will do less damage.

That's not to say that the video he saw did NOT display what he said it did. The video is in Arabic and without a non-partisan 3rd party translation most of us can't know exactly what it was about. Some things I've read, however, do point to the Iranians declaring that the money was in connection to the hostage release.

One thing is for sure, though, is that the Obama administration was taken unawares by this video. They didn't even know it existed even though it's been out there for months and they definitely have egg on their faces...even though THEY will never admit their deficiency. And you can be sure that the Obama administration won't lift a finger to make public any translation of that video.

Trump said that Iranians "provided" a video of money being exchanged for hostages.

"A tape was made with the airplane coming in — nice plane. And the money coming off, I guess. Right? That was given to us, has to be, by the Iranians. And you know why the tape was given to us? Because they want to embarrass our country and they want to embarrass our president," .

It was typical of Trump. He embarrassed himself. And now he has to walk it back. He did not see the video he claimed he saw.
Maybe you should review exactly what he said.

As you provided.

Washington (CNN) — Donald Trump backed off a false claim Friday morning, admitting he had not seen a video of a $400 million payment [highlight]being unloaded from a US plane in Iran.[/highlight]

Not seeing the money being unloaded doesn't mean he didn't see this video, an outtake thereof, or one similar with it being explained what the money was in exchange for.

Meh, I'm not going down the swamp with you. You bait others into doing it. In this case, I'll believe Trump when he says he was mistaken about what he saw. You keep on ignoring Trump's admission. Take care.
Meh, I'm not going down the swamp with you. You bait others into doing it. In this case, I'll believe Trump when he says he was mistaken about what he saw. You keep on ignoring Trump's admission. Take care.
Deflection by lying.

The information and arguments you have been provided is accurate and germane, not bait.
It is you who apparently wants to conflate what he said about about not seeing it being unloaded, to not seeing anything at all.
That is the problem with your position and it is not bait to point that out.
You wont go down that route because it exposes that you didn't pay attention and shows your position to be wrong.
IMO he has no choice BUT to turn things around. The polls are absolutely abysmal for him, and they are just going to get worse. Clinton will successfully bait him in the debates into giving away his complete ignorance of national security matters, and he will go nuts, and then spend the next week saying that she was bleeding out of her whatever, and so on.

As bad as he was during the primaries, he's worse now.

My only consolation is that he is helping Johnson with his behavior. I really hope they rethink the threshold for debate participation. Johnson is a very viable candidate for those of us who'd rather chew out our left eyeballs than vote for either Trump or Clinton.

I hope for your country's sake Johnson is given a chance
I hope for your country's sake Johnson is given a chance

You and me both. I don't know how people can forgive Hillary Clinton's transgressions and support her, but I also don't know how people can be so stupid to even consider sending a mess like Donald Trump to the WH. There is only one sane, decent, honorable person in the race. Johnson.
You and me both. I don't know how people can forgive Hillary Clinton's transgressions and support her, but I also don't know how people can be so stupid to even consider sending a mess like Donald Trump to the WH. There is only one sane, decent, honorable person in the race. Johnson.

I agree

Trump is getting worse...who thought that could happen...he was a shoe in right from the start but he is a megalomaniac so he can't rein himself in even for his own benefit

that type of loose lipped, over emotional individual can not lead a country in the free world

remember how Amin gradually added a chest of medals to himself, I am surprised no one has done a FB meme on it yet and placed Trump's head on Amin's body

from the get go, I thought Hillary's run was a joke...but now, if I were voting in your country I would have to vote her just out of conscience alone and that is really saying something

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