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true words (1 Viewer)

Personally, I'd love to do what makes me happy for a living. But I've never bought into that as being a real possibility that I wouldn't ruin what I love for money.
that's a pretty cynical outlook.... are you talking about someone in particular that you know, or are you trying to indict the vast majority of society?


I know a lot of people like that, distantly. It's not any one person I'm on some kind of ham-fisted grudge about, if that's what you're asking. I don't really keep company like that.

I don't think I'm especially cynical; I see good in an awful lot of places most people don't ever look.

And if someone is happy doing whatever they do, they are not the kind of person I'm talking about; they generally are content to let other people do what makes them happy too. No reason you can't be happy even if you don't really care about your job; some people feel it's a good chance to decompress their head a bit. To others it's creatively stifling. Just depends who you are.

But there are certainly a lot of people who seem to be quick to anger when they spot someone else doing what makes them happy. If you're not wearing business casual and sitting while at work, you're a deadbeat. If you're a creative type, you're being childish and need to grow up. Pick your permutation.

It's not just about big life dreams either. They even do it about little stuff. I remember one guy I knew who had long hair. He wanted to cut it as it was getting to the stage of driving him mad, but his girlfriend liked it, and told him that if he cut it, she'd pierce her tongue -- something she always wanted to do, but he didn't approve of.

So he kept his long hair and she didn't pierce her tongue, and they hold each other in a kind of mutual controlling ennui, because if one of them made themselves happy, the other would have no choice but to do the same simply out of spite. Oh, the horror.

I simply don't understand why some people live that way.
Its pretty true. People by and large want to cling to safety and shut out the unknown and untried out of fear. Its a sad thing which prevents them from truly experiencing life and dying just a statistic

that's not what was being said... the indictment was about those types holding others down.

of course folks are fearful... they should be... it would be insane not to be.
that's not what was being said... the indictment was about those types holding others down.

of course folks are fearful... they should be... it would be insane not to be.

I am generally not fearful and I have done well. One does not need fear to make good choices, just understanding of life. I may become injured or die at some point, but I have accepted that and decided its worth the cost to experience true happiness.
You sound like Gwen Stefani from "No Doubt" in "It's My Life".

Though that's true the rich don't want to see the poorer happier, it's because of greed and envy and not originality. They were too stupid to see the value in being a person who's genuinely happy being a unique and enriched person.

Nah, I've been both and wealthy is definitely funner.

Those types are never the rich ones. They're the ones trying to cling on to middle class and spinning in circles wondering why they're still not happy.

The rich ones are sometimes original and sometimes just lucky, and their motives are different; if they manage to sell the idea that there is only one path in life, and that is to be under them, then they have more leeway to do whatever they like to their employees. See dropping wages, reduced benefits, et al.
Its pretty true. People by and large want to cling to safety and shut out the unknown and untried out of fear. Its a sad thing which prevents them from truly experiencing life and dying just a statistic

Once one embraces that failure is part of one's higher education, all things are possible. If a person believes they can handle whatever life throws at them, the sky's the limit.

Let me see if I can think of any other platitudes. Ha!

Seriously, I believe the above. Isn't there an old saw that says something like, "If you haven't failed often, you haven't tried much." (Or something like that...) We can't be afraid of making mistakes. It's the greatest anchor we can carry around with us. Make a mistake? Learn something. Move on.
Those types are never the rich ones. They're the ones trying to cling on to middle class and spinning in circles wondering why they're still not happy.

The rich ones are sometimes original and sometimes just lucky, and their motives are different; if they manage to sell the idea that there is only one path in life, and that is to be under them, then they have more leeway to do whatever they like to their employees. See dropping wages, reduced benefits, et al.

This time, I couldn't agree more. Those type are actually more common.
that's not what was being said... the indictment was about those types holding others down.

of course folks are fearful... they should be... it would be insane not to be.

Why, precisely?

A good dose of consideration and caution will stop most sane people from doing anything totally stupid.

Why should people be fearful? Especially of their own passions. Did you hear yourself?

I know a lot of people like that, distantly. It's not any one person I'm on some kind of ham-fisted grudge about, if that's what you're asking. I don't really keep company like that.

I don't think I'm especially cynical; I see good in an awful lot of places most people don't ever look.

And if someone is happy doing whatever they do, they are not the kind of person I'm talking about; they generally are content to let other people do what makes them happy too. No reason you can't be happy even if you don't really care about your job; some people feel it's a good chance to decompress their head a bit. To others it's creatively stifling. Just depends who you are.

But there are certainly a lot of people who seem to be quick to anger when they spot someone else doing what makes them happy. If you're not wearing business casual and sitting while at work, you're a deadbeat. If you're a creative type, you're being childish and need to grow up. Pick your permutation.

It's not just about big life dreams either. They even do it about little stuff. I remember one guy I knew who had long hair. He wanted to cut it as it was getting to the stage of driving him mad, but his girlfriend liked it, and told him that if he cut it, she'd pierce her tongue -- something she always wanted to do, but he didn't approve of.

So he kept his long hair and she didn't pierce her tongue, and they hold each other in a kind of mutual controlling ennui, because if one of them made themselves happy, the other would have no choice but to do the same simply out of spite. Oh, the horror.

I simply don't understand why some people live that way.

fair enough... maybe i just read your statement wrong.

i've worked with folks like that myself, but i'm not sure it was based in them being fearful or whatever.... I've always found envy to be more prevalent in those situations..but that's just might be my own personal experience.

I have a years worth of horror stories from my first job after I retired from the Corps...a ****ty sales job ( commercial tires) where a bunch of lazy complacent whiny bitch men didn't like that I made a lot of money ..and they didn't.
hell, a dude with over 20 years at the job wanted me to stop driving my personal truck for work (Hummer H1)... he said it gave me an unfair advantage over him ( he drove a plain company truck)...
as it turns out " go **** yourself, you whiny bitch" is not a appropriate reply in the office environment.. it bought me a 3 day involuntary vacation :lol:
Why, precisely?

A good dose of consideration and caution will stop most sane people from doing anything totally stupid.

Why should people be fearful? Especially of their own passions. Did you hear yourself?
yes, i hear myself.... and it seems you agree with me, you just phrase it differently.
I am generally not fearful and I have done well. One does not need fear to make good choices, just understanding of life. I may become injured or die at some point, but I have accepted that and decided its worth the cost to experience true happiness.

all risks involve a level of fear...

but anyways, i'm gonna bail out... this is turning in to a " rich people are evil" thread, and i want no part of that dumb ****.
all risks involve a level of fear...

but anyways, i'm gonna bail out... this is turning in to a " rich people are evil" thread, and i want no part of that dumb ****.
Its more of an emotional mediocrity sucks thread but take it as you will
not when they start talking about how ****ty rich people are....
Which post? I backtracked after your first comment and didn't see such a post
#23 and #30
Wealth is part of the unfortunate dynamic that keeps so many people from truly trying. While individual rich people tend not to be evil, the differences in wealth do have an unfortunate habit of building destructive social inertia that just arises out of typical group dynamics. No group perfect however.
to me, it was always about giving my kids a better chance, and a better start than i had

my father was an enlisted man in the navy....mom was a waitress

i was first to graduate not only college, but high school in my family

i did it while active duty.....

so i wanted my kids to have the opportunity to get an education on me

it was the driving force of my career.....

two of the three chose that route.....

but as a father, i know i gave them that little bit more than i got

and that makes me damn happy and proud
Wealth is part of the unfortunate dynamic that keeps so many people from truly trying. While individual rich people tend not to be evil, the differences in wealth do have an unfortunate habit of building destructive social inertia that just arises out of typical group dynamics. No group perfect however.

alrighty then.... I'm gonna go build some more destructive social inertia, if ya don't mind.
I got employees to oppress and dreams of poor people to crush...busy busy busy!
alrighty then.... I'm gonna go build some more destructive social inertia, if ya don't mind.
I got employees to oppress and dreams of poor people to crush...busy busy busy!
There isn't a demographic that isn't screwing up society in some way. I wouldn't take it so personally
I agree completely that WAY too much emphasis is placed on wealth for egotistical success, BUT until the rest of society places more meaning on things and endeavors of quality, depth and real value, we're all kind of at the mercy of the current model.

That's a choice Grip. A hard one, but still a choice
That's a choice Grip. A hard one, but still a choice

Oh sweety, you need to look thru the glass and see the truth. If there was a shortcut I would've found it but we've all got to pay for it.
Oh sweety, you need to look thru the glass and see the truth. If there was a shortcut I would've found it but we've all got to pay for it.

Are we talking about the same thing? I'm saying that playing the game the way we're lead to think it must be played is a choice. You don't HAVE to drive a Range Rover etc. It's a choice.
Are we talking about the same thing? I'm saying that playing the game the way we're lead to think it must be played is a choice. You don't HAVE to drive a Range Rover etc. It's a choice.

I was babbling. :2razz:

I want money but in exchange I'll settle for sustenance.

love this quote

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