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Tired Chyron (1 Viewer)

It’s about time to retire “Bombshell” in reference to news. It doesn’t mean a thing any longer.
Bombshell report! The word "Bombshell" has lost its impact due to overuse! Film at 11!
It’s about time to retire “Bombshell” in reference to news. It doesn’t mean a thing any longer.

Au contraire, Rexedgar. With a major war in Europe for the first time in over half a century, the reference has been given a new lease on life.
Breaking News is the worst of them all. How long does it have to be out there before CNN stops calling it breaking news?
It’s about time to retire “Bombshell” in reference to news. It doesn’t mean a thing any longer.

The best these companies, whether national or local, can come up with anymore are narcissistic glamour ads touting their own "news" (i.e. wire readers) and "weather" (i.e. model readers) and "sports" (i.e. stats readers) teams to the very audiences that are already watching them.

But ... as to "bombshell" not meaning anything any more - have you not seen the "bombshells" they hire these days to deliver their narcissistic snot? ;)
It’s about time to retire “Bombshell” in reference to news. It doesn’t mean a thing any longer.

I hate it when they use nouns as adjectives. Like "Shock Report...."
It’s about time to retire “Bombshell” in reference to news. It doesn’t mean a thing any longer.

I attribute it's loss of interest to every bombshell of the last 5 years being duds.

What about "blasted", "hit back at", "eviscerated", etc., all those fluff words to make a snide tweet sound important.

What about "blasted", "hit back at", "eviscerated", etc., all those fluff words to make a snide tweet sound important.
The one that bugs me the most is someone starting a Tweet with "BOOM!" as though some earth-shattering fact is being served up.

Get over yourself.
The one that bugs me the most is someone starting a Tweet with "BOOM!" as though some earth-shattering fact is being served up.

Get over yourself.
We have one of those……….
Under the bus, granular, walk and chew gum and more.

When one word or phrase is used, damn if more and more reports contain the exact language. I watch too much news, I know.
It’s about time to retire “Bombshell” in reference to news. It doesn’t mean a thing any longer.
Also, describing "repeated tired old talking points and criticisms" as slammed, or eviscerated, etc.
Can I rewrite that? How about "Not for anything that's over 15 minutes old and that they've finished analyzing." :)
I disagree because they analyze the same stuff over and over and over. I say stick with a time limit.
I attribute it's loss of interest to every bombshell of the last 5 years being duds.

I'm sure Hillary Clinton is thinking that right there in the jail cell Trump's DOJ locked her up in over those emails . . .
The one that bugs me the most is someone starting a Tweet with "BOOM!" as though some earth-shattering fact is being served up.

Get over yourself.

And then come the articles in papers of record stating that the tweet has "eviscerated" its target...oy...

Media as hype man.
Chyron? Uhhhhhh…..?
Nor does "Breaking News" which CNN has had running continuously in their chyron since 1992.
"breaking news" has a real meaning. It's a thing.

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