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Thousands expected at Boston ‘free speech’ rally and counter-protest (1 Viewer)

Can you point to this condemnation?

I didn't see it.

Like Cardinal said, you are very dishonest poster. Trump clearly spoke out about the counter protestors as police agitators. He tweeted fake news. The BPD didn't confirm anything about that tweet. lol
Counter protesting is not anti free speech. It's also protected under free speech. Do want anybody counter protesting to criminalized and charged with a crime or something?

No.. I never suggested that.

I was mostly being facetious.

If you show up to counter protest a group that is there for a "free speech rally" expect that kinda snarkiness.

No.. Im not admitting that what he said was intended to be decietful or not factual.

The FACTS are that there WERE anti-police agitators there. I mean, the ****ing police department had to tweet requesting people to stop throwing rocks and urine at their officers for a reason. They tweeted after that a confirmation of WHERE it was occurring.
Like Cardinal said, you are very dishonest poster. Trump clearly spoke out about the counter protestors as police agitators. He tweeted fake news. The BPD didn't confirm anything about that tweet. lol

Stating a fact about anti-police agitators, which were present... is not a condemnation of the entire protest group.

It is making a comment about those who aren't being peaceful and agitating police.

And, BTW, the founders gave us all the right to bear arms. :lol:

I know this is off topic and everything, and I also know this post will probably anger you and every NRA member but the founding fathers didn't give us the right to bear arms. The founders, the first congress, gave state militias the right to bear arms. Since the US has a standiing army, the second amendment isn't even applicable to the original use of the second amendment deemed by the founders.
Future SCOTUS have misinterpreted the second amendment to be an absolute right for Americans to bear arms.

I know if, for example, the west and south sides of Chicago were forced to give up their guns and federal 'militias' were called in to maintain peace and facilitate the removal of weapons in the south and west sides, there'd be peace. IMO, the only way to obtain peace in the south and west sides of Chicago. It's time to call in another gang of 'untouchables' to Chicago's south and west sides.

People are willing to sacrifice other's first amendment rights. Are they also willing to sacrifice other's second amendment rights?
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I think you need to reread the second amendment, as you have completely missed the part about "the right of the people to keep and bear arms". Any idea what the means? Unless, of course, you think the founders were trying to create a Police State.

I'm guessing most of those guns are illegal. Take them away, and the violence stops? You sound like a babe in the woods. They's use rocks and sticks if that was all they had. Dear God.

Here's the second amendment: 'A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.' i've also read (and you should to) the book The First Congress by Fergus M. Bordewich. The book mentions the odd wording of the second amendment. How the wording was changed from the original second amendment proposal by J. Madison to be ratified by the congress in 1789. How the Whiskey Rebellion and the Shay's Rebellion (both rebellions were supplied by guns owned by militias) gave pause to the congress in their thoughts of giving an absolute right to gun ownership.

The young US was defended by state militias at the time of the writing of the second amendment. Individuals owned the guns in state militias. There was no standing army for the US whose guns are supplied by the government.
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They're just the pillars of the community aren't they? No wonder so many communities are crumbling.

Tell us more about what some rando dude on Twitter said though. That's real proof.

Bordewich is not a good argument.

Regarding the creatures in South Side Chicago, we don't need to infringe upon there rights to bear arms. We need to engage them in fire fights using superior force and kill them one at a time. Posthaste and forthwith, the bad guys would realize the error of their ways.
They're just the pillars of the community aren't they? No wonder so many communities are crumbling.

Tell us more about what some rando dude on Twitter said though. That's real proof.

I was there. I saw it happen. And they're right - when things get violent, it's people of color who get blamed and who are targeted. Yet another manifestation of white privilege.

Tell me, how many BLM organizers have you seen/spoken to in real life? Or do you get all your information about BLM from Fox?
Gtfo of here man. Police officers DO NOT deserve to have urine thrown in their face. It is NOT normal. I don't care about what happens at a festival in England, we're in the United States, where you don't disrespect someone like that.

I never said they did deserve that to happen. But some thrown urine is very different from say... driving a car through a bunch of people.

At large gatherings, especially under tense or charged situations, some people get rowdy. This is a scene after an ice hockey game.

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Sadly, it is becoming more and more apparent that this whole protest driven culture is a feckless effort of the young, disenfranchised, unempleyed, uneducated, tattooed, pierced, and stoned idiots between the ages of 16 and 50 to become relevant. What a bunch of smelly, slovenly, STD infested losers. They're ignorant, but they sure are arrogant. What tragic, pathetic failures.

The only tragic one here is you.

Don't play stupid games with me. You said, "Racists weren't slated to show up." and I showed you where the KKK said they'd be there. That's all there is to that exchange, spin and weasel how you will.
And the word's 'indict'. You're welcome.

Scheduled, meaning that they weren't there to speak.
They weren't the people this rally was meant for.

The rally went out of it's way to "disavow" supremacy.
I'm not playing word games.

Is this how any conservative rally will be going forward.
The media will find a Klan group, as them if they'll be some where and we'll label it a "racist" rally?
That's just poisoning the well.

I have no idea what your point is. The 2nd clearly gives militias and the people a right to bear arms, and puts a big fat wall up that says nothing can infringe on that. Nothing odd at all. Very simple, very clear.
It's been reported by news sources that racist groups said they would show up.

They weren't there though.

This guy was threatened by a counter protester, it's the same video I linked in the other thread.
He wasn't a nazi by any account.


I am sure some right wing media will share you opinions. I really enjoyed your post where you argued that nazis couldn't have been there, because Antifa didn't knock the **** out of anybody. That was a classic post.

There weren't any there.
Someone asked a Klan leader if they were planning on going, he said that some of his members may have gone.
It's stinks of framing.
Anytime a right leaning rally/protest happens, they can ask a Klan guy who if someone they know is going.
Suddenly it becomes a "racist" rally.

Even if the organizers disavow racism and supremacy before hand.
That's bull crap.
I never said they did deserve that to happen. But some thrown urine is very different from say... driving a car through a bunch of people.

Yeah right... If someone tossed they're urine in the faces of BLM protestors, they'd be dead in a matter of minutes. The police proved once again, through the restraint they showed today, that black people are the biggest threat to black people, not the police.

You're on here acting like we should give Medal of Freedom awards to BLM because they didn't kill anyone or burn down any buildings. Insane.

At large gatherings, especially under tense or charged situations, some people get rowdy. This is a scene after an ice hockey game.

Sports fans do stupid ****. No doubt about that.
The police proved once again, through the restraint they showed today, that black people are the biggest threat to black people, not the police.

The police need not be the biggest threat to oppose racially driven police brutality. And to characterize gangs and crime as "black people" is racist.
Lol you've never been to a concert where bottles of piss get thrown?

It's pretty gross but when people are in big crowds, bathrooms are miles away, would never find their friends again if they left etc it happens all the time. Mainly rock stuff.

I've been to numerous Rock shows, including two 'Monsters of Rock' in Nuremberg Germany...The last show I was at was Sound Garden/NIN in Atlanta a couple of years ago....I have NEVER seen bottles of piss being launched, and if I were in proximity of one of these piss bombs, and saw who launched it? Well, I can tell ya, it wouldn't be a good ending for the person who launched it....That's not an internet tough guy statement, that's just how I feel about that kind of ****....
The police need not be the biggest threat to oppose racially driven police brutality. And to characterize gangs and crime as "black people" is racist.

So, if it's black crime, or black gangs, it's racist to call it that?

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