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This Website Uses Your First Name to See If You Vote Democrat or Republican (1 Viewer)


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May 6, 2012
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Sarasota, Florida
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This Website Uses Your First Name to See If You Vote Democrat or Republican

What's in a name?

In Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner's 2005 bestselling book Freakonomics, the duo explored how much names really account for. It turns out, though there are many confounding factors, first names can be an indicator of someone's socioeconomic status, aspirations and identity.
(How Much Does Your Name Matter? Full Transcript - Freakonomics Freakonomics)
Now, your name could reveal one more thing about you: Who you're voting for............

............The app creators at Verdant Labs (http://apprecs.com/blog/) used data from the Federal Election Commission and "looked at all 20 million campaign contributions since 1996 and broke them out by name and whether they were for the Democratic or Republican party." They parsed out those who made mostly Republican contributions as Republicans and Democratic contributions as Democrats. Researchers then compiled a list of names of people who, overall, were likely to be Republicans and people who were likely to be Democrats and — voila! — whipped up a search engine that allows you to look up which way your name skews."


Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything: Steven D. Levitt, Stephen J. Dubner: 9780060731328: Amazon.com: Books

How Much Does Your Name Matter? Full Transcript - Freakonomics Freakonomics
I'm 55/45 GOP, and I give 500 bucks.

Or so it says ...
My name slightly leans Republican apparently.
Oh, this is too funny!

First three names most favoring Clinton:

1] Mohammad
2] Liz
3] Juan

Couldn't make this up ...
42D/58R - $500 for me and, 56D/44R - $400 for my wife. Pretty close, actually. We have a mixed marriage.
I'm 55/45 GOP, and I give 500 bucks.

Or so it says ...

I looked through it thoroughly... looks to me like they spent a whole lot of time on this to come up with something that would be 90+% common sense.
if your name is ethnically middle eastern, Hispanic, African, or common names among black americans, your name almost certainly skews democrat. if its Asian it probably skews democrat.
If its something else it probably skews republican.
I'm 55/45 GOP, and I give 500 bucks.

Or so it says ...

Median contribution

And I am Canadian lol
The problem is, most of the names are not really significantly one way or the other. The vast majority are pretty much even, meaning the whole thing is just stupid.
Oh, this is too funny!

First three names most favoring Clinton:

1] Mohammad
2] Liz
3] Juan

Couldn't make this up ...

You are sooo mean.

Median contribution

And I am Canadian lol

I think that 500 bucks might be a violation, then!
It's odd, my full name is 0.04% less Democrat than the shortened version! Either way they're both nearly 70% Republican, though I'm to the left of Bernie!
54% Republican and 54% for Trump.

Pretty accurate as far as I'm concerned.
It's odd, my full name is 0.04% less Democrat than the shortened version! Either way they're both nearly 70% Republican, though I'm to the left of Bernie!

You may want to look at your feet, you may be in the water? :lamo
I looked through it thoroughly... looks to me like they spent a whole lot of time on this to come up with something that would be 90+% common sense.
if your name is ethnically middle eastern, Hispanic, African, or common names among black americans, your name almost certainly skews democrat. if its Asian it probably skews democrat.
If its something else it probably skews republican.

Mine is very commonly white and skews Democrat (~60/40).
I looked through it thoroughly... looks to me like they spent a whole lot of time on this to come up with something that would be 90+% common sense.
if your name is ethnically middle eastern, Hispanic, African, or common names among black americans, your name almost certainly skews democrat. if its Asian it probably skews democrat.
If its something else it probably skews republican.

I think names capture more than just ethnicity. Names are also influenced by socioeconomic class, religion, and family background. It may wind up being the case that first names are a better predictor of a person's voting habits than any of those other factors alone.
Oh, this is too funny!

First three names most favoring Clinton:

1] Mohammad
2] Liz
3] Juan

Couldn't make this up ...

How on earth did you catch that and miss the fact that Sanders' #1 is Karl.

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