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This poll whips butt! (1 Viewer)

Is "caning" a viable option to prison if it's the defendant's choice?

  • Roger Miller sang "Do-wacka-do-wacka-do"...Heck yeah!

    Votes: 9 52.9%
  • Please Hammer...Don't hurt him...Heck no!

    Votes: 8 47.1%
  • Torn between two lovers...Heck I don't know!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Major General Big Lug
DP Veteran
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
It's pretty accurate that prisons are overcrowded, and we could all use
an alternative to ease this up, and yet still throw a little "corrective measure"
into the convicted's brain...I got one...



I can hear you now, just like Kyle's mom in South Park; "Wha-wha-what?!?!?!"

But hear me out...

This time, it would be the DEFENDANT'S option.

My details...

There would be VERY STRICT guidelines set forth by the legislators of that region.
(city, state, county...doesn't matter). They would then be placed next to CERTAIN
offenses...This could NOT apply to felonies...only misdemeanors...

Example: For the sake of argument, we'll call the defendant "Billo"....for no reason
in particular...

Billo just got caught selling a certain amount of cocaine to a bank teller during
working hours. Right before selling the coke, he waved the bag in front of the security
cameras, and then announced that he had drugs for sale. No one has ever accused Billo
of being smart(That last sentence has nothing to do with this example).

So he gets arrested with the 2 remaining bags still in his bright pink fannypack with
the picture of Aaron Carter on it...
He is found guilty of "possession of drugs with intent to sell".
This is his first offense, and the judge notices that the guidelines for sentencing are
"30 to 90 days in jail".(Don't know if this is close to reality...It's just an example)

Under MY plan, the sentencing guidelines would be "30 to 90 days in jail or 3 to 6 whacks
with the rattan". The judge then makes his/her ruling...In this case, let's say 45 days
or 4 whacks...The defendant then has a CHOICE between the two...

If he chooses jail, proceed as normal...But, I believe, there are many who would rather
get the "quick hit" and walk(crawl?) out of the court than be stuck 45 days

The first thing the defendant would do is sign a piece of paper saying they made this
choice themselves...A formal declaration, if you will. Next, they would sign a document
WAIVING all liabilities of the jurisdiction. No lawsuits cause your bum still needs a
pillow 3 weeks from now...

Now it's time for the main event...The defendant goes into a room that gets mopped
up and cleaned after every "use". There would be a professional there to issue the
punishment. God knows how he got to be a "professional", but that's another story...
Doctors and a public defender would be on hand to see that all goes well...I don't know
the EXACT details of a "caning"(how much time between whacks...etc), but they would
be discussed before they are put into law.

After the punishment is given, the doctors will inspect and the defendant will be given
a clean bill of health...other than the fact that he just got his butt whipped. When he
gets the "green light" from the doctor and the lawyer, it will OFFICIALLY be reported as
"TIME SERVED"...The mention of the caning will NOT be on his record. Then he will be
free as a bird to live the rest of his life with the "Scarlet Letter" he CHOSE
to have.

Sound fair?
Last edited:
I'm definitely for this. Although I think 3-6 whacks is not enough to really get the message across.
ban.the.electoral.college said:
You are kidding. Right?

If it really deters crime why not?
Thats a big IF though.
Cn, you're slipping, you missed the most important option of all:
-Why give them a choice, cane their @#$.
Yeah, make it a public thing to watch, then reinstate, public hangings too! To much money wasted on keeping people in prison each year!
imprtnrd said:
Yeah, make it a public thing to watch, then reinstate, public hangings too! To much money wasted on keeping people in prison each year!

Maybe there wouldn't be so much crowding if we didn't have ridiculous laws keeping peaceful pot smokers in jail. Le'em go follow some jam band around, instead mixing with real criminals. Mary jane lovers really are harmless in comparison to alcoholics.
cnredd said:
After the punishment is given, the doctors will inspect and the defendant will be given a clean bill of health...other than the fact that he just got his butt whipped. When he gets the "green light" from the doctor and the lawyer, it will OFFICIALLY be reported as
"TIME SERVED"...The mention of the caning will NOT be on his record. Then he will be
free as a bird to live the rest of his life with the "Scarlet Letter" he CHOSE
to have.

Sound fair?

No, this should be televised to those whom are interested. I am not kidding.
Public humilation is the best form of punishment and best deterant against doing it again.
"OMG, did you see that guy? He cried like a baby."

The choice should be like 5 years in pen or 10 canes. That way folks will WANT it, that is of course until it happens. Mothers will beg their child to get it over with. Wives will plead to their loved ones. Eventually those that have served will go to elementary schools telling them that it was not an experience they want.

And, it should be on the record.
vauge said:
No, this should be televised to those whom are interested. I am not kidding.
Public humilation is the best form of punishment and best deterant against doing it again.
"OMG, did you see that guy? He cried like a baby."

The choice should be like 5 years in pen or 10 canes. That way folks will WANT it, that is of course until it happens. Mothers will beg their child to get it over with. Wives will plead to their loved ones. Eventually those that have served will go to elementary schools telling them that it was not an experience they want.

And, it should be on the record.

The "punishment" equal to jail time is debatable...I'm just glad I'm not alone in this...
vauge said:
No, this should be televised to those whom are interested. I am not kidding.
Public humilation is the best form of punishment and best deterant against doing it again.
"OMG, did you see that guy? He cried like a baby."

The choice should be like 5 years in pen or 10 canes. That way folks will WANT it, that is of course until it happens. Mothers will beg their child to get it over with. Wives will plead to their loved ones. Eventually those that have served will go to elementary schools telling them that it was not an experience they want.

And, it should be on the record.

This whole entire thread is so half-baked it's not even funny...
ban.the.logical.thought said:
This whole entire thread is so half-baked it's not even funny...

So half-baked? Currently "yes' is beating "no" 5-2....
Have you ever thought of getting rid of some of the godamn laws. For a Free nation we sure have a lot of people in prison. Hrrrrmmm... We have more people encarcerated than ANY OTHER NATION. Iether Americans are ( I dont know what to put here that would not be offensive and get me kicked off forums ) or the government is oppressive.
Youve Got To Be Kidding! said:
Have you ever thought of getting rid of some of the godamn laws. For a Free nation we sure have a lot of people in prison. Hrrrrmmm... We have more people encarcerated than ANY OTHER NATION. Iether Americans are ( I dont know what to put here that would not be offensive and get me kicked off forums ) or the government is oppressive.

Or society is degraded...
cnredd said:
Or society is degraded...
You mean our nation, the one with more religious Christians than any other modern democracy, is the DEGRADED one with the most people in prisons????? Heaven forfend, for I can't stand the irony.
Dezaad said:
You mean our nation, the one with more religious Christians than any other modern democracy, is the DEGRADED one with the most people in prisons????? Heaven forfend, for I can't stand the irony.

Christian in name only...If it were truly Christian, there would be no MTV, the O.C., HBO, Eminem, and the

Put "Sex & the City" or "Desperate Housewives" on TV 30 years ago and tell me how the public would've reacted...Nowadays, this "Christian" nation is so value-less that we have commercials selling videos of girls showing their ****.
Rappers telling you to shoot people if you look at their "bitches" the wrong way...Athletes who get more "street-cred" if they get arrested or fight someone...Today parents are praying for their kids to just smoke cigarettes...

So yeah....degraded....
Dezaad said:
You mean our nation, the one with more religious Christians than any other modern democracy, is the DEGRADED one with the most people in prisons????? Heaven forfend, for I can't stand the irony.

So I'm gonna put you down as "undecided?":smile:
Dezaad said:
You mean our nation, the one with more religious Christians than any other modern democracy, is the DEGRADED one with the most people in prisons????? Heaven forfend, for I can't stand the irony.

I have to say no.
Why give the criminals a choice?
Let the jury decide and get it over with, at the very least, whatever they think is more appropriate for the person and situation.
Gideon said:
I have to say no.
Why give the criminals a choice?
Let the jury decide and get it over with, at the very least, whatever they think is more appropriate for the person and situation.

Are you saying that the JURY should be able to decide if "caning" is an option?

Personally, I wouldn't mind, but you know as well as I that there would be 700 organizations bitchin' and moanin' and judges would most likely strike that down...that's why I left it in the defendant's hands...No one can whine if the person getting the punishment is the one that publicly agrees to it.
Reminds me of a Kurt Russell movie a decade or two or three ago: "Escape From New York". Convicted criminals were given a choice between immediate painless death and life imprisonment on an island with no guards and where the only law was that made by convicted criminals. Which would you choose?

But for certain non violent crimes, I think a reasonable caning and/or other public humiliation PLUS making full and complete restitution to whomever was harmed would be a reasonable alternative to prison.

Heck, I'd settle for a little public scorn from the judge in this world where criminals are considered victims and it is those who attempt to enforce the law who are considered the bad guys.
AlbqOwl said:
Reminds me of a Kurt Russell movie a decade or two or three ago: "Escape From New York". Convicted criminals were given a choice between immediate painless death and life imprisonment on an island with no guards and where the only law was that made by convicted criminals. Which would you choose?

But for certain non violent crimes, I think a reasonable caning and/or other public humiliation PLUS making full and complete restitution to whomever was harmed would be a reasonable alternative to prison.

Heck, I'd settle for a little public scorn from the judge in this world where criminals are considered victims and it is those who attempt to enforce the law who are considered the bad guys.

Thank you!...I now know I'm not alone in this thinking...
If the defendant okays it, then whatever.
I'm thinking at least three people would have to approve each caning:
the defendant
a doctor who examines said defendant
the judge

Personally, if someone says "yes" to caning, and there's a law in place, I don't care.

In the middle of the caning they can opt out, as well. In that case, they get their full prison sentance. Whatever, I'm okay with it.

There are some possible problems and snags, but we'd try and think of those if we actually legislated something.
cnredd said:
Are you saying that the JURY should be able to decide if "caning" is an option?

Personally, I wouldn't mind, but you know as well as I that there would be 700 organizations bitchin' and moanin' and judges would most likely strike that down...that's why I left it in the defendant's hands...No one can whine if the person getting the punishment is the one that publicly agrees to it.

Lets see, would giving the defendant a choice or the jury the choice casue more confusion? :roll:

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